We have been on the waiting lists for the past three years for the North Star Charter school and the magnet schools. This year was our lucky year. We got accepted to North Star and Galileo. But the only problem is... they are not in the same school this year. Keaton was accpeted into North Star 2nd grade and Andrew just right across the street into Galileo's kindergarten class. I really wish they could have been in the same school together but since they are only across the street from each other, I feel good about it. This way I get to see what school we will like better and then the odds are in our favor because we have a child in each school. Siblings get proirity over everyone else. So that could be good.
Keaton's first day was yesterday. New school, lots of familiar faces so that made the transition much easier for him. He has a fantastic teacher, so that is the great news. Scholastically, this is the best for him. He is so brillant that this will give him a competitive side to learning. He needs to be challenged. Star Elementary just didn't do it for him. He made great friends and that was about it. This year he will gain much more and make great friends along the way. There are already a few kids from our ward and previous wards that have children in the same class, so that is nice. Keaton was against riding the bus. I was against it as well. I refused to let my kids ride the bus.
Well this year I am learning that I can't really control what they would like to do. I have heard great things about the buses that come this way and all their little buddies ride it as well. So we are going to give it a try this week and see how it goes. This is a huge step for me.
Keaton came home excited about school and told me about all the fun things they get to do and did do on the first day. I am really excited for him.
Andrew started Kindergarten today. I have mixed feelings about Andrew. He did really, really well in his preschool class last year. He learned so much. This year I hope is his year to shine and make some huge improvement. He is one of my children that has proven to try my patience and at the same time, this is the son who will hold my hand and still cuddle with me. I had a hard time letting him go. But he is ready and he has a fabulous teacher. Ms. G. She is one of the best around and he was lucky to get her. I am so excited for this year. It will be challenging for him but he is ready. He was alittle nervous but I think he will have a great time.

1 comment:
I wish I could have been there for their first days of school!
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