November 13, 2012

Half over

Is Thanksgiving really next week? Where have I been? I don't even have anything planned yet. Have no clue what is going to happen, where we are going to go and with who. I am hoping my parents invitation is still open.
This month just like all the others seems to be passing faster than I can keep up. My kids are growing up way too fast, and sometimes not fast enough. I know, I know, everyone tells me not to wish it too fast. I don't really wish it, it just seems so on days like today that I wish it would. Do I make any sense?
I am really, really tired. Ever since the time change about two weeks ago our family routine has been screwed up. Instead of my children waking up at 6:30 a.m., which I thought was insanely too early, are now waking up at 5:30 a.m. and demanding breakfast. UUUGGGHHH!
Lance has been teaching early morning seminary this entire week and when he wakes up the whole house wakes up. Seems like our little house echos and it wakes everyone up. So at 5:45 I start to hear Ellie making some sounds in her room. By this time Owen has been awake 3 times and is running up and down the hallway turning on every bright light he can reach for and turning it on, waking everyone up and them that makes us all tired and grouchy. Well this morning he ran into Keaton's room and woke him up telling him that Ellie needed to get out of her crib.
Keaton is amazing! Can I just tell you that? He seriously gets up every morning and has taken upon himself the job of taking care of Ellie so mom and dad can sleep alittle more. Well I am usually up and running by 6 to be at the church to teach our workouts. I am in the door by 7 a.m. and the hosue is awake. Well this morning Keaton did it again. He took Ellie upstairs and put Cinderella on for her. She LOVES that movie. All I have to do is ask her " Wanna watch Cinderella?" and it turns tears into smiles. Love that about her. She will sit so still and watch. Is that bad to use that as a crutch? Well, I don't care right now because I need time, sometimes.
Well this morning I tried to fall back asleep to catch a few more minutes of shut eye when I hear Keaton coming. Next thing I know, I am laying down covered in cereal, milk and yogart. Keaton tried to make me breakfast in bed, Keaton style and while trying to make it to me in bed, he tripped on something and this sweet little tray of food that he prepared for me came crashing down on me. I was literally covered in milk, fruit loops and peach yogart. How gross is that?
My first reaction? Well I yelled. I shouldn't have, but I was dead tired, and covered in food. My poor son ran to his room crying. I cried then too. I went into his room and cried in front of him. I told him I was really sorry for being upset. I told him I would still eat the food he made for me and he cheered right up. So what did my son do next? He cheered me on and I had to try and scoop the cereal back into my bowl and eat it. Yes, I know, how gross! But it made him happy. I was happy about that too.
Did I take pictures? My friends all asked me today. No! I did not. That was not my first reaction. I wish it was. I will hopefully look back on it and laugh one day. The thought was so sweet and that is what makes me smile about that each time.
Like I said, Lance has been subing in early morning seminary all this week. That means he has to be up by 5:30 a.m. and out the door a quarter till 6. Class starts at 6:25 a.m. Then he is back home around 8 a.m.. Just about the time my kids are asking for lunch. I haven't been able to go and workout this week. I am feeling it. I am tired! I am grouchy! I need to run!!!!
Well it is almost 10 p.m. and I need to go to bed! Good night!!!!

November 2, 2012


This was the first year in many years when we did not have a trunk or treat to go to. I was kind of bumned about that but we found another great alternative. My sister Rachel lives in Middleton and in a great subdivision so we took our kids over there to trick or treat.
But let me start from the beginning of our day. We started the day with a healthy breakfast of Krispy Kreme Halloween donuts and hot chocolate. Then all the kids had school so that was nice. I went and volunteered at Andrew's school harvest party. I had a great time being with Andrew and watching him have a fun time. They had a lot of different stations to go to for snacks, crafts and fun games. Then I went straight home to be picked up by one of my most favorite friends, Diane Payne. We went to take her son, Cardston, who is a senior this year to go downtown Boise and take his senior pictures. We had a great time. I think we laughed the whole time.  Then I got home just in time to make a quick dinner and then dress the kiddos in their costumes and head to Middleton. The whole day felt like it was go, go, go but that made it all the more entertaining. Since my days are spent pretty much at home since we have a schedule to keep to. It was nice for a change.
The weather was perfect! The day was warm and sunny but towards the evening it started to get overcast and then it cooled down quite abit, just as we were starting to trick or treat. But that didn't stop us. Ellie was a sport to sit in her stroller and just go for a ride. She was the most well behaved Lady Bug there was.

Hope you had a wonderful Halloween too! Until next year......

Palmer's Harvest Party

Once again the Palmer's party did not disapppoint my children. They LOVED it! It was perfect weather and perfect company. We all met up at my parents house to have breakfast for dinner. My kids are big fans of that. Breakfast for any meal really gets no complaints from them. Then we dressed the kids up and walked down to the Palmers.
This year Spiderman and Captain America parachuted into the party. That was fun. Then the plane flew over head to drop all the candy out for everyone to pick up. Since there were so many people this year it was next to impossible to find just one piece of candy on the ground. Keaton and Andrew were off running with friends in search of candy and I was helping Owen find a few pieces. He was in tears. He was so sad that he couldn't find anything. Seriously when the plane flies over and dumps buckets of candy out the window, it falls fast and hits you really hard. I got hit in the head with a number of hard pieces of candy, so did Owen. He didn't really like that. With the help from other adults, Owen was able to fill up his bucket and walk away a happy camper. Ellie was a trooper and had a great time. I think she was just so entertained with how many people were there and all the costumes. She really didn't make too many sounds.
Only sad thing is, this was the Palmer's last year to host the party. It has become so huge that it is just overwhelming to continue. It started about 4 years ago as a ward Halloween party and then each year the word spread alittle further and further out, this year it was estimated that close to 900 people were there. That is a lot of people. My children will greatly miss this fun tradition we started. I guess we are just going to have to come up with our own party to start.