December 2, 2012

Healing Fears

Healing Fears

Eleanor Roosevelt once said: “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. . . . You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
As you work to create a successful and happy life, you will be led to face your fears and then overcome them. This is a natural part of the process of achieving excellence—and one you shouldn’t prevent. True, it can be terrifying to uncover and heal your innermost fears. But isn’t it even more frightening to consider leaving this earth never having reached your highest potential?

In order to become all that you can be here on earth, you must, indeed, “do the thing you think you cannot do.” Transforming your fears is a worthy priority.
Fears produce powerful thought energy. In fact, fear can often be as powerful as faith, prompting us to stand still, just as faith prompts us to move forward and take the great leap that leads to better things. Fear tends to occupy the bulk of a person’s thoughts, thus overwhelming the natural thinking power that helps individuals mold and create happy, successful lives. When you allow fear to govern your thoughts, you focus your attention on what’s negative rather than what’s positive. Then you risk living out experiences that match your fears.

Letting go of fear is essential and necessary in order to love. “Love is letting go of fear,” says author Gerald G. Jampolsky, who has written a book on the subject. When you heal your fears, you replace those feelings with faith and hope, thus gravitating toward love. Trust becomes a by-product of your actions, and fears begin to fade away. And this is when the miracles happen: you begin to manifest more of what you want in life that is positive.
You learn that your daily actions and responses can be motivated by love or fear—it’s your choice! Choosing to heal your fears and allow love to be the mainstay motivation throughout life will help you to be happy, peaceful, and successful. When you face your fears—and you do this by deciding that the next step needs to be taken because you love yourself and those around you and you have confidence that you can succeed—most of the time you will inevitably discover that what you once feared really isn’t all that scary . . . or at least not as scary as it once seemed.
Fear can blow situations out of proportion, making something small seem monstrous in your mind. Remember that your fears and your imaginations are incredibly powerful. Then use your faith and ability to love (rather than your fears) to help you succeed.

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