I got this idea from a friend who tried this on her blog and it gave me the idea to try to it out. Just a little information about me for all those readers out there who don't know me that well I guess you can say.
10 years ago I:I had already graduated from high school and was getting ready to start my first semster at Ricks College. I roomed with my good friend Mabry Lathen and a few others whom I had never before met. We lived in an apartment that was attached to a home. We lived in the basement. I guess you could say it was kind of creepy but we called it home. We had so many fun memories there. I met some amazing people with whom I still keep in contact with to this day. I remember loving being on my own and coming and going as I pleased. I really learned a lot about myself. I also dated someone very seriously whose parents would later become my Mission President and wife. What a small world.

This was our group of friends we hung out with. They were our FHE buddies.

This was the group I ran around with in high school.

This was me on my blessing day.
5 Things to do on my list tommorrow:
1. Get card sent out to my Miamaids.
2. Pick out Paint colors for our new home.
3. make bread (if my kids will let me)
4. spend one on one time with each of my children.
5. attend mutal
5 Foods I enjoy:1. Slushies, smoothies, any kind of cool drink. I don't drink caffine.
2. Salads
3. Chicken enchiladas and fajitas
4. Deserts- pretty much of any kind.
5. Chinese Food

Me and my family when I was little.

My mom said I always played in dresses.

Me singing to the music. I loved to sing.

Me, my mom and my little sister.
What I would do if i was suddenly made a billionaire:One thing I know I would do is buy a bigger car. The one we have now, barely allows us to fit what we want to in it. I would pay off my mortgage, buy a boat and just travel. We could retire and Lance could just stay home and be with us. I would donate to charities. I would help my family with financial problems if there were any. I would just love to give to people without having to rethink it through.
My siblings and I. Taken after my brother returned home from his mission.
5 jobs I have had:
1. I worked many summers when I was younger at the snow cone shack. It was a popular place for people when it was hot.
2. Other Mothers
3. I was a nanny for a young family of 3 girls who lost their mother. It was challenging but I loved those girls. It was hard to know where to draw the line between them wanting a mother figure or just a friend.
4. Schneider Pest Control secretary. I was offered this job right after Madalynn passed away. It was an instant opportunity that allowed me to stay busy. I worked with some really fun people.
5. Stay at home mom. This is by far the best job I have ever had.
Favorite T.V. Shows:
1. Lost (don't ask me why)
2. 24
3. The Office
4. American Idol
Most beautiful places I have been to:
This was along the coast in Northern Chile in Vina del Mar.

The City of Santiago, Chile. The Andes Mountains are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen. They are always snow capped.

La familia Zanartu, Ochagavia, Chile. I love this family. The boys always came looking for us. They were the ward mission leaders family.

Saying our goodbyes at the airport.
Things people don't know about me:
1. I hate seafood. I have never been a fan of the smell, the taste of the look of it. On my mission, it was offered to us quite abit. I had to learn to eat it and then try to spit it out afterwards. I try to avoid that aisle in the super markets.
2. I have this thing with wrinkled clothes. I always try to iron our things. One time I ironed the sheets for our bed because it bugged me so bad.
3. I have a fear of public speaking. I don't like giving talks and being in large audiences.
4. I love to people watch. I could do it all day long. It is really interesting to sit back and watch how people funtion. There are a lot of wierdos in this world.
5. Our first child, Madalynn passed away an hour after she was born. She was born with a rare syndrome that doctors couldn't really explain to us. She was so beautiful. I wish you could have known her. She still inspires me to this day. Pink sunsets in the cemetary have become one of my favorite things. Everytime I see one I am reminded of her. She is buried in the Mesa City Cemetary in Meas, Arizona. She is not alone. She is there with many other babies who have gone on before and after her from our family line.
Graveside service for Madalynn Kay Snyder July 28th, 2004