1. Were you married at the time? Yep, almost a year, about 11 months.
2. What was your reaction? I was so incredibly excited and scared at the same time.
3. How old were you? I was 24 years old.
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? I kind of figured it out since we had been trying, but if you are like me, you keep track of your cycles and when it doesn't come you start to wonder.
5. Who did you tell first? I told Lance first of course.
6. Did you want to know the gender of the baby? Absolutely, anyone who knows me knows I hate secrets. Something as big as that, I had to know. I couldn't take the anticipation.
7. Due Date? July 17th, 2005
8. Did you deliver early or late? The baby came two days early.
9. Did you have morning sickness? I remember not feeling well for the first 3 months. I was pretty tired and dizzy most of the time.
10.What did you crave? I don't remember having any cravings. I really like corn dogs at the time if that is considered a craving.
11.Who irritated you the most? I don't remember being irritated with anyone. I think I was pretty easy to get along with.
12.What was the gender of your baby? Male.
13.How many pounds did you gain throughout your pregnancy? I can't remember but I have always gained quite a few pounds with each child. I think I was around 45 lbs..
14.Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? No,none. It was a fairly easy pregnancy, besides worrying about everything.
15.Where did you give birth? Tempee, Arizona at Banner Baywood Hospital
16.How long was your labor? It went pretty quick. It was about 6 hours. I slept through most of it.
17.Who drove you to the hospital? My husband drove and my mom and dad were visiting us in Arizona so they jumped in the back seat too.
18.Who watched? Just Lance
19.Was it natural or C-Section? All natural, thank goodness!
20.Did you take medication to ease the pain? No, not really. Just a little tylenol to take the edge off.
21.How much did your child weigh? 9lbs. 9oz. and 21 inches long.
22.Did your child have any complications? Nope
23.What did you name your baby? Keaton Robert
24.How old is your first born today? Almost 3yrs. old
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