I have been trying to pack things up bit by bit. It occupies most of my time lately. My boys have been great sports about it. I just have to find something to entertain them with and it gives me a few minutes to pack something or clean up. I just hope that they will adjust well to the move. It has been hard on me to constantly pack up and and move every two years. Since we have been married that seems to be the pattern we are following. My walls are bare, the spare room stacked with boxes from floor to ceiling. It is amazing how much wall hangings make a home feel cozy. Now we just hang out for the next two weeks. We are suppose to be out by the 26th or around there. I am hoping to have a week for some deep cleaning so the family that is moving in can have a clean home. They are so excited to move in. They are such a great family and we feel like we have been tremendously blessed with such a fast sale and with our new home it has been a blessing in disguise too.
We have been enjoying warmer weather also. We try to get out and play as much as we can. We finally mowed our lawn. The boys loved running around and watching mom and dad take turns mowing. This weekend is suppose to be even better so we will spend it cleaning out flower beds and just getting things organized. I am thinking we need to try to have a garage sale and get rid of half the things we have in our home. Seems like everytime we move we de-junk our lives by about half if not more.
I have been trying to be more entertaining with my boys. I have felt lazy the past couple of weeks and I am starting to out with my boys and have some fun. We have gone to the library a couple of times, the YMCA swimming pool, the pet stores and just out to the parks by our home. We have had so much fun together doing that. I feel closer to my children for having done it. They are such a huge blessing in my life that I tend to take it all for granted. I have made the goal to be happier and more "alive" for them.
I have been trying to get motivated to go to the gym. The City of Star finally got it's first gym so I need to get going. I am about 10 lbs away from being where I was when I got home from my mission. That was the skinniest I have ever been. I would like to get down to that size before the idea of more kids comes along.
I have been trying to be more craftier. My brother is the International Sale Accountant for Chatterbox/ 7 Gypsies and I have just a huge closet full of things to scrapebook my things with. My sister Rachel and I are going to set some time aside to work on that together. I have so many pictures to take care of. First starting with our engagement, then our children and everything that has happened in between.
We have become American Idol and The Office fans. Seems to be the only time we are in front of the T.V. I enjoy a good laugh.

I also wanted to post a picture of the newest member of the Snydr Family - Breelyn Snyder. She was born on March 10th in Arizona. Lee and Jaclyn are such cute parents. We wish them all the best.
That pretty much sums it up for now. I will keep you posted about moving. We love you all and hope you are happy.
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