I have been tagged. This one is kind of different because it is about sisters. Since I only have one sister this will be easy. But I also have 7 sisters-in-law. Here we go.....
1. How many sisters do you have? I have one sister and 7 sisters-in-law.
2. How old are they? My sister just turned 25 this year.
3. How far apart are you? We are about 4 years apart.
4. Married or single? My sister has been married alittle over 2 yrs.
5. Do you have anything in common with your sisters? Ya, I think we have a lot in common. This may sound strange but we love to people watch. It is a weird habit of mine and my husband thinks it is just weird. We also love to have fun.

6. What do you do when you are together? Lately it has been just watching our children play together, go for walks and just hang out. We are going to try a girl night every week so we will see how that works out.
7. Do your sister(s)have any weird habits? I am not sure.I haven't been around her too much to pick up on any. I remember she had some strange ones when we were younger and lived at home together. I read one time that my sister loves to eat the garlic at the bottom of the pickle jar. I think that is gross.
8. What do you admire most about your sister(s)? I really admire that she doesn't really get mad at Ava to much. She is a great mom, very artsy and very talented at whatever she puts her mind to. She is so pretty and just so loveable. She has a lot of friends.

9. Do they live close by or far away? My sister and her husband just moved back to Boise in December. It is so nice to have them around.
10.Any moment that stands out that you had with your sister(s)? There was one moment, I really shouldn't share but what the heck, this one is pretty funny. I was attending what was once called Ricks College and I had come home for one summer. We both shared the same bedroom and the same bed because accomidations where strange, anyways, my sister had started dating this guy Travis. Well one night, in the middle of the night I remember we both woke up and we were holding each others hands. I am sure she was having a dream about him or me about someone I knew, I am not sure. We both aren't but the funny thing was was that we just both started laughing so hard. My parents came in to see what was so funny so we told them and they laughed really hard with us. Then another time she was rubbing my stomach. Weird times, they are fun to look back on now and just laugh.
Thanks Rachel for being my sister. We sure have a fun time together. To my sister-in-law, thanks for the fun we have also. I miss you all. Let's get together sometime soon and visit.
What? No one comments but me? Thanks for all of the nice compliments you payed to me. I think you are the better sister though. Thanks for all the great advice and always being there for me when I need it. I love you!
CUTE and FUN! I Love this.. I'm gonna follow in your footsteps and do one about my sistas! aren't sisters the best.. really!!?
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