Thursdays are crazy down at the Boise Zoo. It seems as if every daycare, every school that is still in session and every mom and her stroller are waiting in line to get in. On Thursdays children under the age of 3 are free and adults are only $3. I guess that is probably the reason why so many flock to one particular place on that exact day.
We got a group of us together. My cousin's wife Karen and her two boys, my mother, my sister and her daughter and then my Aunt Sheryl came with us. It was warm but we had a great time.
The Boise zoo isn't really at all that great but it was fun enough for the kiddos. Most of the animals weren't there or were sleeping so it was a quite day watching animals. I think Keaton was alittle disappointed that there were no zebras, elephants or girraffes. What kind of zoo doesn't have these animals in it? I guess that is why it is so cheap. But it was worth it to see the boys get out and have some fun. I think the funnest thing for them was the carosel ride that we took them on. They just loved that and Andrew had a hard time getting off. He did not want to leave. We saw quite a few people that we knew there with their children also. It was nice to get out and be with all the others. It made the day go by so much faster. Afterwards we went to the park just across the street and had lunch. We packed ones for the kids to have since we knew it would be about lunch time. Here are a few pictures of our time at the zoo.
MEL!!! How are you? Your boys are adorable! I was so happy to hear from you. You are the cutest thing ever! So you are living in Boise? My parents just moved to Glenns Ferry. We will be out there in August--we should get together at a park or something so the kids can play and we can catch up. The zoo looks like fun. With three kids, I don't brave our zoo by myself.
I need all of these pics, do you have any more? It looks like yoy guys had so much fun!
Thanks for the fun day. We should do it again sometimes. I am so glad that we get to do lots of things together, I really enjoy being with you.
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