I remember when I was in my teens thinking that 20 yrs. old was old. Now I am twenty-nine years old and I feel really old, but not really. This year my birthday was on a Sunday, fast Sunday if you will. Birthdays on a Sunday are pretty low key. But it was a great day. Our testimony meeting was incredible. I was so touched with all of the testimonies that were shared. It was really sweet to attend that meeting.
Afterwards we all took naps and then went to my parents for a fabulous dinner my mom put together. You would have thought it was Thanksgiving. Thanks mom for a great dinner. Then we had family over for cake and ice cream. It was so yummy!
Everyone was so generous with their gifts, I got a certificate for a pedicure and manicure, extra spending money, thoughtful cards from so many, a swimsuit and great gift cards. Thanks everyone, I have the best family ever!
I love being 29! I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me and my family.
Also, one other thing. Our Stake President has asked that then entire stake turn the t.v. off and all nintendo games. Cutting back completely from screen time for one month. We have the goal as a stake to read 500,000 pages. We are suppose to keep record of how many pages we read as individuals and as family. This is going to push us to be creative. It has been so nice to put a movie on for a short while to get them calmed down or to keep them distracted so I can get some work around the house done. Wish us luck!

I am off to Girls Camp tomorrow morning until Wednseday. Lance will be in charge of the boys until then. I think they will do great. They are going to love just having "dad" time. I will post it all when I get back.
Happy birthday Melissa! I'm so glad you had such a great day. It was a fantastic birthday, wasn't it? :) We sure love you and miss you. We hope to see you soon so you can meet Bree. Have fun at girl's camp!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 29- that's a big one! I am glad you are excited about it. Birthdays are fun. Good luck with the no TV thing--we are cutting back here, too.
Why do I always forget that our birthdays are so close? I am gald that you had such a great day. We have the PERFECT excuse to get together for a girls night and party. I think that us girl cousins should really plan one of those. It would be SO very fun!
Happy Birthday! I hope that you had a fun day! Nothing better than to fast on your birthday huh?
Happy bday. Manicure and pedicures are the best. Can't go wrong with that gift! Have fun at girls camp. I can't wait to go back someday as a YW leader.. or cabin mom... or whatever. When we moved to NC, we left our TV in Utah (on purpose), so we haven't had a TV for a year now and LOVE it. We talk and read and play games so more than we use to. I bet it's a lot harder with kids... good luck with that.
Happy late birthday melissa! Man, I'm so sorry we've been such flakes about hanging out. We are always talking about how bad we want to, our summer has just been crazy with non-stop trips. We're going out of town again on Saturday for a week, but we'll have to make a plan for maybe the week after that? If weeknights would work for you guys that would probably be best for us at this point. Oh, and pool and barbeque sound really fun!
Happy Birthday Melissa! Missed you on Sunday- I heard girl's camp was a blast, wish I could have gone and been apart of the late night talks!
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