August 21, 2008

A very hard day

Lance left for Georgia yesterday for a training meeting with his new job. I am not sure if you could call it a vaction since training is all day everyday but I think he has enjoyed getting out and trying new places. Thankfully this trip isn't long. He gets back tomorrow night.
I have no idea why the days seem so long when he is gone and it is just I to take care of the boys.
My mom stayed with us last night since I absolutely hate being by myself at nights all alone. It was so nice of her to come and stay. Thanks Mom!!
This morning was the funeral for our good friend Jared Higginson who passed away in a tragic motorcycle accident. We started out doing pretty well. I had planned to bring lots of entertaing things but it didn't work out too well. About 20 minutes into it my boys are going crazy so we just had to pack up and leave.
I was so grouchy and so upset with my children. I am sure they sensed that too. Keaton if I recall told me "Mom you are the biggest Monster I know!" That made me start to cry. I took it all out on my kids. I felt so bad.
So for the rest of the day we played. I played hard with my kids. We went to the elementary school just down the road to play on the equipment and then we went for a walk to the funny farm and the on they way home we called everyone to go and get snow cone with us down at the shack so we ended the day on a good note.
Now they are both sleeping and I am about ready to crash! I love bed time!!!! Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.


EmmaTheJane said...

Oh Sister Girl, I hear you. It always seems that kids are the ones we take the most stuff out on. You are not alone in your grouchy day. WAy to go for playing with your kids and making up for it. See, you are a good mom after all.

Carrie said...

I don't know why it is so hard when husband are out of town either...especially when we are home just us & the kids all day. I hate it when jeremy goes! And I get extra grouchy at that time too! Good for you to making it better! I too often just say we are all going to our rooms because mommy needs a time out! Just remember you kids love you!!!!!

Shaw Family said...

You boys are adorable and you are an excellent mother!!

Jen said...

Sometimes I feel like that monster too. It is easy to get frustrated. I bet they completely forgot about it when you took them out to play.