I love Sundays! I can relax, enjoy some meetings, be with my husband and children and also with my whole family. We have this tradition of going over every Sunday for dinner and to be with the family. Today we had a crazy Sunday though.
We started church at 9 a.m. and our sacrament was a great meeting. I was sustained as the 1st Counsler in the Young Women's Presidency. Can I just tell you how much I love the Young Women's program! I love all of 'em. Then after 2nd hour we hurried on over to my parents ward who also attends the same ward as Lance's cousins. Lance's cousin Ryan just returned from the Uganda/Ethopia Mission and reported today. It was so neat to hear about his experiences there. Sounds like Africa is really ready to hear the gospel. Just some amazing stories and all the pictures he took. Wow! There were probably 60+ people in their home for a brunch and a short devotional put on by him about his mission. I was really intrigued by it.
Then we went back to my parents house about 6 p.m. and my whole extended family on my mom's side were over for a big family dinner. We always gather on my grandma's back porch because it is the coolest spot. My cousin Chris and his family are getting ready to move to Alaska. They have a job transfer so it was probably one of the last times we will see them. They will be greatly missed. Their two little boys are the exact same age as my boys and they just had so much fun playing together tonight.
Andrew and Ava got along so well, they loved throwing rocks together
here is grandma's back porch
Keaton on his power wheel 4-wheeler. He just thinks he is one cool dude on it
Cousin Jake
the boys having fun with wheels
It was fun to watch them run around without a care in the world and just get really dirty. A bath was most definitely needed.
So here I am writing this all down before I go to bed. It is about 9:45 p.m. so I am going to go and get ready for bed. Good night everyone!
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