I am not the best at setting New Year's Resolutions because I either get too frustrated with all the things I have dedicated myself to do or I just become to lazy to do anything and I will procrastinate it to the very end. So this year I would like to Try and accomplish a few things like.......
1. Be a healthier eater: I love to eat and I have never really taken into consideration all the sugar and junk food I have been eating. I am striving for a healthier body. I am starting now to do that. Wish me luck.
2. Exercise more: I thought battling two crazy, very active boys was enough for me, but no, I need more than just that. After this baby is born I am rededicating myself to working out more. Get back down to size and get rid of all 4 baby fats I have accumulated.
3. Personal Scripture Study:: I have not had much time to sit down and really "feast upon the scriptures" like they admonish us to do.
4. Find time for myself: I need "me" time. I have neglected myself so much that sometimes it is a shocker to look in the mirror. I used to really get ready for the day each morning and now I am doing only a half of the job routine. Take better care of myself, from the inside out.
5. Be Happy! What does that mean? I used to think I knew. I sometimes get so caught up in what doesn't matter instead of what does and that has been causing me so personal anguish. I just need to love myself, my children and my life because I have it pretty darn good. De-toxify my body of all the unnecessaries and move on with life. Live for the now instead of what could have been yesterday.
6. Be a better mother/wife: I find myself losing my patience quite often with my children. It is always putting someone in time out, wanting to pull my hair out and arguing over really stupid stuff. My children pick up on it and I see them doing the same things. It hasn't been healthy. So that is a major change we are working on. I have neglected my husband also. We are both so busy with our callings we haven't found time to be by ourselves. There needs to be more time for that.
and last but not least
7. Temple attendance: I used to attend quite regurarly but lately I haven't been. Just been "too busy" to attend. I need to make it more of a priority in my life. Maybe that will help out with all of this balance.
I hope this doesn't sound depressing because this has just been a wake up call for me. I am not sure how many Oprah fans there are out there but this week has been a pretty good one. I can't say I am a fan, but some of her shows are worth watching and this week's challenge has been how to have a better life. It has been an eye opener to what I need to do to get my life in order. I like to use Elder Joseph B. Worthlin's last conference talk as my new motto: Come What May and Love it! I encourage all of you to step back and take inventory on what you need to do to have a happier, healthier life.
1 comment:
Those sound like good ones! Good luck! I've been trying a few of the same ones and let me tell you, the healthy eating one is the hardest. :) My natural woman has a sweet tooth!
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