February 8, 2009


Andrew did it! He finally did well this week in nursery. He really has not done well for some reason. He usually causes havoc on everyone in there for the two hour block that we have him in there and to no avail.
But this week something happened. He didn't scream for two hours. He was only fussy for the first couple of minutes and then Bro. Barker, took him for a walk and then he settled right down. Cool nursery teachers rock! Ones that really try to help your children and suceed as to those who just put up with screamers. I think he has sensed that and this time it has meant something to him. I hope this is the start. We will have to keep our fingers crossed and see how the next few weeks go.
Andrew has also started to suffer from middle child snydrome. I think he senses something big is about to happen to our family and so he is trying to get extra "me time" before this baby comes. It has been kind of hard. Most times I just want to find a pair of ear plugs and block it all out but lately I have been praying for the patience to deal with it and the Lord has really blessed me with that. I am trying to give him all the attention I can and love him all that I can. He is a real sweetheart. I love that one of my children still likes to cuddle with me and let me squeeze them tight. I love being a mom!!!


erin said...

Yay for Andrew! It is so nice to be able to actually listen to a lesson every now and then! (although now, I have to listen from the hallway because they keep the RS room soo warm!) It's nice when they grow up a little and still need you at the same time.

laneyfamily said...

What a relief it is to not have to worry about your kids in nursery huh? If you ever want to borrow the red heels let me know, you would look really good in them! Good to see you guys last night- tell Lance thanks for coming over and for the pizza!