April 8, 2009

Still Pregnant!

Yes, for all of those who have been asking and wondering, we are still pregnant. It is amazing that we are still here. Last week I was dialated to almost a 5 and the doctors thought for sure I would have had him this past weekend if not the first part of this week but here I am sitting here writing. I have been really really tired, in a lot to pain and just miserable but who isn't their last month of pregnancy?
We are ready for him to come though. Everything is ready. My house is clean, my closets are organized and we are just anxious for him to come.
Sorry to all of those who have called and called but have not had any return phone calls. I am just not in the mood to call a hundred people to tell them not yet, so you will hear about it when he comes. Just hold still. We love you!


Shelli Snyder said...

Wow, they let you just waltz around when you're that dialated? I went in at an almost 4 and was admitted immediately. Maybe you're doing it the RIGHT way! Gosh, we're sure praying for you and all your men. We promise not to call, but we're excited for the news. :) Love ya!!

erin said...

Oh Mel! I am so sorry you are so uncomfortable! The last month is killer! I hope you go soon and pray that everything goes fantastic. I hated going to church even my last month with Jill because most of it was spent telling people I wasn't due yet. Good luck!