Owen is almost 2 months old. He is growing so big so fast. He is starting to smile and I think it is the cutest thing to watch. He smiles really good for Keaton so this morning I tried to catch it in pictures but this is what I got. Pretty close if you ask me. It is so sweet to watch the boys sit and talk with him. Owen loves having them around. He can be screaming his head off and all I have to do is have Keaton or Andrew come near him and start talking to him and he will calm right down. It is so fun to see.
He is still on his acid reflux medication along with some other herbal remedies that my mother-in-law recommended for him and I think they are starting to work. He is becoming less and less fussy, which has been nice. Now if only he would stay asleep during the day. Night time he is still doing pretty well. Now I am happy to report that I can lay him down in his crib and most of the time he will stare up at the fan and doze off by himself fast asleep. It is helping my back out quite abit. Thanks Owen, I love you so much!
Up close and personal with Owen. He has the face shapped like a Snyder
My sweet boy
Andrew loves to give him kisses non-stop
We love him and couldn't imagine life without him. I love being a mom. Most days are challenging but at the end of the day I can honestly say "It wasn't that bad." Now my husband would laugh because most of the time when he sees me I want to pull my hair out or scream but I can honestly say, I LOVE MY JOB!
I'm so glad he's doing a little better! He's cute.
WOW the blog looks great. One of these days you will have to show me all the cool new stuff. Owen sure is cute!
He is so cute! Love those chubby cheeks. Isn't it so funny that sometimes their siblings are the only ones who can calm them down? My kids are the same way.
So cute.... Quinn, your boys are SOOO handsome!!
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