Seems just like yesterday when they layed you on my chest for the very first time. I had been patiently awaiting your safe arrival and you were finally here. Words can't describe how I felt the moment I heard you cry and the moment I touched you to see if you were still alive. After Madalynn's passing, my heart was very sad for another baby and I knew right away that I had to give it another shot. I worried non-stop through my whole pregnancy with you, wondering if you were going to be alright and if you were really going to stay with us.
I knew when they placed you in my arms for the first time that you were mine and all mine. I went into labor about 11:30 on July 14th. It was your Uncle Justin's birthday and we were pretty sure you would probably share the same special day. Well it didn't happen. My labor with you was very nice and very easy. I had no complications and after only pushing for 5 minutes you were born. You were so beautiful. You were fat! That is for sure. The doctor and the nurses were guessing you were an 8 pound baby for sure. When they put you on the scale it said you were 9 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long. We couldn't believe it! You were a very big and healthy boy.

You were so wide awake and alert. You were ready to face the world.
Everyone came that day and the next to hold you and to see you. We were all so excited you were here. Your dad was the happiest I had ever seen him. He had a son and he was a very proud dad.
You were not an easy baby. You loved to scream and in fact you would scream for so long every day that I was sure your vocal cords would just burst, but they didn't. They kept on screaming and yelling for awhile and then all of a sudden you just stopped. I remember rushing to the phone to call the doctor to tell him something was wrong and his response was, "Have you ever considered this is what a normal baby is like?" Your crying stopped and you were such a happy baby from then on out. We had a rough road but we made it and we are better because of it. The Lord knew me and he knew you and we have both been blessed because of our experiences together.
Are you really 4 years old? My baby is growing up. Sometimes I just want to freeze time and save it in a bottle so when times are hard we can open it back up and re-live those sweet, tender moments.
So here's to you sweet boy, we have had 4 wonderful years. It only gets better from here on out. I hope and pray you know how much I love you. I know you have seen me lose my temper, walk away from huge meeses, seen me cry, but most of all I want you to know that life is sweet. Life has blessed me with all that I have ever wanted. It started when you came into my life.
I hope that as you continue to grow and experience things on your own that you can come to me anytime you need me. I am and always will be here for you.
Here is your first 4 years in a glance.
Keaton's first year :

Keaton's 2nd year:

Keaton's 3rd year:

Happy Birthday sweet boy!I hope you know how much I love you!
1 comment:
Happy birthday sweet Keaton!! Big hugs and kisses from Aunt Jaclyn!
Hey, if you go into the customize section and select "layout" and then "pick new template", then you can select the minuma stretch layout to get wider margins. Happy blogging!
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