Keaton and Owen were really fussy today. They just wouldn't calm down or take a nap. With Owen, I have to walk the house a thousand times to get him asleep, making my back just unbearable and once I lay him down he wakes back up and screams. I swear that boy has a device in him that tells him to wake up once we put him down in his bed. Gotta love this stage. I am almost to the point of just letting him cry it out. I am going nuts!
Keaton, to get him to take a nap, I usally lay down with him and tell him a few stories. In the meantime, Owen is up in his crib screaming so I have to turn on the bathroom fan to block out the noise so Keaton can't hear him. He loves to be tickled. That is a Quinn trait that he got. I love to be tickled to sleep too or play with hair. I know its weird.
Andrew on the other hand~

He is the easiet to put down for a nap. All he needs is a toy or a book to take to bed. I just walk him into this bedroom. He usually picks Keaton's bed to sleep on and then he is out. He has become the best sleeper. But once he is woken up, there is no going back down. All he wanted today was Teddy Grahms and to run in the sprinkler. Easy enough! I can do that! So he did that! He was content and happy as a clam. I loved watching him get the biggest thrill out of something so small. I LOVE that kid. Don't get me wrong, I love all my children. It just helps when one of them is an angel for the day.
They were busy this morning playing with our new friends that moved in from California just a couple of houses down from us. They are about the same age and they just go back and forth between homes to play. We just have to make sure I know where they are at all times. I get kind of nervous with a 4 and 2 year old roaming the neighborhood thinking they are big kids. They have done pretty well so far. They have been a big blessing. They have been waiting for some friends that lived close by.
Last night we had two families over for FHE. We had a short lesson, ice cream cones and then we went swimming until the storm kicked us out. We really enjoy having other families from our ward or neighborhood over. It gives us all a chance to become better acquainted(?) with each other. Thank you Crane Family and the Luke Family for coming. We sure enjoyed your sweet families.
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