There is too much to write about so I will just post pictures and hopefull you will see how much fun we really did have.

Andrew and Caleb being elected to race a pig and watch him win.
Winning first place and wearing the prize
So many slides and rides.
Duck races
An obsession with the huge rocking chair. Piling all the kids on it so we could get a good picture. What a sweet bunch of kids.
Meet our friends the Lukes~
Our crazy bunch of kids~
My sister-in-law Lesa with her three very cute little girls in the princess chariot
The dads taking a turn to have fun. Racing go-carts, and betting on goat races. Which they won by the way. It was nice to see them relax and have fun with their families.
Afterwards we went to Cabella's for lunch. We were all starving and then we headed back home and we all crashed with good naps.
That night I had a mission reunion. Half way through my mission, the presidents were switched. Pres. Hadfield who passed away last year was my first half and then President Ole Smith was the next.
I must say I was dissappointed because I had planned to meet up with quite a few missionary companions and friends but only 2 of them showed up. There were very few people who showed up but I was so glad that I went with my old companion Hna. Taylor and then met up with my companion from the MT, Hermana Jones. She had the cutest kids. Her daughter Elizabeth was just the sweetest little thing. Right when I walked into President's house he pointed to me and told me he had some bad news for me. He informed me that Hna. Armga was sick and that she could not make it. Thanks Hna. for at least calling and letting me know that. I hope you are feeling better. Makai, well she had fallen asleep and called me at 9:50 p.m. , ten minutes before it ended to tell me that she was sorry. I was so sad I never caught up with her. Next time maybe! I have come the conclusion that they are old news now and who really cares right? But it was fun to see a few people there. Thanks for those who made it fun.
The rest of the weekend was conference and more conference. We stayed up late playing endless games of Settler's of Catan and eating lots of junk food. My brother and sister-in-law Eldon and Shelli came over. Their little girl Chiara is just the sweetest little thing. She and Owen are about a month and a half apart and they had fun playing and rolling around with each other. We love you Eldon, Shelli and Chiara.

More Conference pictures~

We had planned on going home Sunday afternoon after the first session of conference and after we had a HUGE family lunch with all of the family but it started to get alittle later and we were talked into staying one more night. We are so glad we did. I love that Lance can work from anywhere and take how ever much time he wants to off of work. So we played more, ate more and then our last night my nieces put on a puppet show for us. How entertaining is that? Is was the cutest!
The boys did so well. They slept well, played well and I was so impressed with them. I had a great week. Thanks Snyders, Knotts and the Blacks for letting us come and invade your spaces. We love you all! We will see you at BYU'S homecoming game.
It was SO fun to see you guys. I can't wait for Homecoming. I couldn't care very much less about the football part, but I'm desperate to see my beloveds again. :) We love you guys!
P.S. Still LOVING the scrapbooking stuff you brought me! Thanks!!
Hey Melissa!
I was wondering if you were still doing pictures?? If so would you be interested in doing some family pictures for me. My phone number is 695-7947 or my email is Just let me know when you get a chance.
PS By the way your boys are adorable...
I am jealous, it looks like you had fun. I sure wish we could go on some sort of vacation! Lets get together and make the puppet stages!
Do you hate me?? I'm so sorry I missed you when you were here....did you call me the next day?? I totally wish I could have hung out with you and your boys....and that our boys could have played together. Maybe I'll have to take a quick trip out there to visit you'll have to be soon though cause I'm almost to my every 2 weeks visits with the doctors. I love you so much Quinn, hope you know that!! Please keep in touch!
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