My good friend Carey is due with her third baby at the end of February. So instead of having a baby shower, since she is having her second girl, she has quite a bit of stuff, she wanted some close friends to go and have dinner and a girls night. Most of the girls that went are my good friends from our previous ward. There were 6 of us all together. We met up at 5:30 at Amber's house and of course we all brang a gift so she quickly opened them and then we all crammed into Katie's car and headed to P.F.Changs for dinner. Our reservations weren't until 8:45 p.m. so we thought we would show up a little earlier and see if there was a possibility that we could get in any sooner. When we arrived we found out that we only had to wait an hour so we decided to do it and we went out shopping in all the little convinent shops along the town. I hadn't been to downtown Boise in years and it was a lot of fun. Out of us 6 there were three pregnant. Two of them, Carey and Katie, both due on the same day and then Anne who is only 17 wks. along. We had fun talking about husbands, kids, and whatever it was we felt like talking about.
We had such a fun time just hanging out and being care-free. I hadn't had that much fun in quite some time. It was so much fun.
Then we finally got in to P.F.Changs and ate. We ate like crazy. We all ordered a huge dish and then decided to pass them all around the table so we could all try them out. We had TONS of food and it was sooooo good. Then after we were done we sat around the table and just talked about whatever we talked about. We talked about babies in general. Two of the girls there are nurses and so we had some fun talk about babies in the NICU and what we have all experienced with our own babies. Somone asked me about our first baby Madalynn and so I started to talk about my whole experience and before I knew it I was in tears and all the other girls around me were too. I don't usually cry when I talk about it but for some reason I did.
So from 5:30 pm. -to almost 11 p.m. I felt like a kid again. It was so much fun. We laughed almost non-stop and I have a sore throat and a hoarse voice because of it. From now on we are going to have a girls night once a month.
I had some pictures taken but none of them worked out. So I have no pictures to show for it but maybe next time.
Thanks Katie, Amber, Carey, Brittany and Anne for a fun night! Let's do it again really soon!
Hey your guts! My email that I use now is so you can send your pictures.....I can't for the life of me remember where my mission pictures are....I was looking for them all over the place. I'd love to see them and reminiss about the good old days! Love ya girl...make sure you call me when you're in town!
I love you, Meliss! I sure hope I didn't upset you with my recent post. I totally understand it's a sensitive issue with lots of heated emotions and opinions involved. I definitely hold my own strong views, but I respect that others may not agree.
I wouldn't for a moment let one story scare me-- My decisions about vaccinations have been carefully decided based on lots and lot and LOTS of research. It's definitely a decision that should be made with much research and prayer. And I respect everyone's right to make their own informed choices as well.
I sure love you and your family and I missed seeing you at Christmas! Are you headed this way at all in the near future? If not, what would it take to convince you to meet us in Colorado over Labor Day? We want to see you!
Meliss! Seriously, don't even give it a second thought! You TOTALLY did not offend me, I didn't take anything you said negatively, and you don't need to shut your mouth about anything! Everyone is entitled to their own informed decisions about what is right for their family. I respect your right to do that! I don't think you were mean at all!!! Seriously, don't even worry about it anymore. I LOVE YOU!!!
Yeah, the Snyder family is planning their annual trip to Colorado come July 4th. Lee and I haven't gone for a couple years and were hoping to go this year, but our son is due the week before that, so there's no way we can make it in July this year. So we were just hoping to get some of the siblings who might be willing to make a trip in September (either in addition to July or in place of) to go with us so we have more company. That's all. :) We thought maybe someone might not be able to go in July but would want to come in September with us. Or maybe someone would like to go twice! We just really want to make the trip, but with a days old baby, July 4th will not work. :)
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