September 22, 2010

The terrible two's?

I think the "terrible two" stage has hit our home earlier than expected.  Owen as of lately has been screaming, bitting, pulling hair, scratching and just miserable.  What happened to my cute, little loveable Owen?  Honestly, I dread waking up in the mornings because I know I have to deal with it.  Seems like there is no release either.  I don't blame anyone for not wanting to take him, because well, he is a hard boy to be around right now.  I don't recall having a toddler this hard before.  Here is what we are facing......
~ screaming when someone doesn't give him what he wants.  How does a 17 month old possibly know what he wants?
~ he is constantly scratching, pulling hair and just runing after kids and tormenting them.  I never thought I would say this but my son is a bully. HELP!
~ he also is not sleeping well.  Last night he was up 6 times and today's nap was only 1 hour.  We somehow have gotten off our routine and need to get back on.  Life is really crazy right now.  I am praying it will slow down here pretty fast.
Please tell me this is a stage that will pass.  I am crossing my fingers that teething has some part in all of this.  He is a very one track minded boy. When he doesn't get what he is after, watch out!

I have been without my car for the past 2-3 days and it has been a struggle for me to get where I need to be.  Lance has had to use my car because his brother Eldon has had to use his truck for work.  So this morning my mom came and got us at 8:30 a.m. before I had to take Keaton to school at 9:15 p.m. and then I had to stop by and get our corn so we could freeze it.  Which by the way was much easier than I thought. We bagged almost 20 bags of corn, between my sister and I. It will be great to have in the freezer.
So I dropped Keaton off at 9 a.m.. Owen and I watched with Keaton as all the crazy kids ran around the playground. Keaton does not like to play on the equipment in the mornings. I am not sure why but he will just sit and watch with me until the bell rings.  Then we went and got 9 dozen ears of corn.  My sister Rachel and I met up at my mom's house to cut and bag the corn. It didn't take too long either.  I was glad that it didn't take up my whole day.
Now it is 8:19 p.m.  Two of my three children are already asleep. Owen had to cry himself to sleep because he would not got down.  Keaton goes right down once his head hits his pillow and Andrew has already been down 3 times telling me that he does not want to go to bed. I am sitting here very frustrated and very mad.  Mad at myself for being a hard mom.  I am mad at myself because I didn't get my excerise in today.  I am mad at myself because I have been off rountine.
This challenge has been going ok.  I find myself alittle behind of motivation. I need to find it again.  I need to get back on track and I need to just slow down.
So here's to a better night hopefully. Wish us luck!

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