December 1, 2010

First Snow Day

I am laying in bed sound asleep when all of a sudden my phone starts ringing.  I couldn't tell who it was by the number so I answered it and it was all in spanish.  Its a good thing I can understand it because it was a message telling the parents that school was canceled due to the 9 inches of snow we got over night.  Yes, 9 inches. It looked so beautiful outside. Everything was covered in white.

So since it was a snow day, we played in the snow.  My boys were in heaven!  Even my little Owen was adventurous and got out and played in it for awhile until he fell flat face in a pile of snow and then cried because he was so cold. So he was done.

We spent the afternoon at my parents home.  We helped Grandma and Grandpa put up their Christmas tree and had spagetti dinner with them.
We are crossing our fingers that tomorrow will be canceled as well. We will just have to wait until morning to find out.
There were so many slide offs on the road today.  So many people that think just because it snows doesn't mean it changes how fast you can go.
On my way home from the Dermatologist this morning I saw this..... yes it is a young girl riding her horse down the street and through the gas station parking lot. I had to pull over and take a picture of it. It was pure craziness and the scary part was, the horse was kind of out of control. I saw in my rearview mirror that a car had pulled over to help the young girl because the horse was up on its hind legs. So I guess when you can't get your car to go out in the snow or don't have 4-wheel drive, just take your horse!

Who does this?

1 comment:

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

How fun!! It snowed here too, but not 9 inches...haha! Love the pictures!