January 27, 2011

Baby Laney is here

Baby Laney arrived this afternoon.  She weighed 6 lbs. 5 oz and she has a head full of jet black hair. She is absolutely beautiful. I must admit I have some of the cutest little nieces in the world.  My sister Rachel had her second baby today.  Everything went really fast and very easy.  Mom and baby are doing well. We call her baby Laney because they have yet to decide on a name for her.  She is so sweet.  I can't wait to hold her again.  We love you and are so happy for you Laney family!!!

Congratulations Rachel, Jason and Ava!!!! She is beautiful!

January 21, 2011

Figaro's Pizza fieldtrip

Since all the kids are out of school today, Andrew's preschool had a fieldtrip to Figaro's Pizza planned.  We loaded up all the preschool kids plus all our kids that didn't have school today and went to the local pizza palor here in town.  It was acutally a lot of fun. I am not sure if my kids had fun. In fact I know Owen didn't because he was crying almost the entire time and it was quite annoying for everyone else. He just wanted to eat everything he saw. It didn't help that there were gumball machines just sitting there either.
All the kids got to make their own personal pizzas.  Keaton and Andrew were both excited and made theirs pepporoni.  I made one for Owen and I to share. Aftewards we brought our pizza's back home to eat for lunch.  They were sooo yummy! 
I have been very neglectful with my camera. I seem to want to do more than just take pictures lately so I apologize for the weird pictures. They didn't turn out too well.

January 16, 2011

My thoughts

Today was our Ward Conference.  I love these events because we really hear some great talks.  Today my kids did really well in sacrament.  Wanna know why? Because all of them fell asleep sacked out on the benches.  Owen was awake but pretty content so it was nice to sit and actually listen.  Our theme was on Jesus Christ.  In Relief Society, our lesson was on  the Grace of Jesus Christ to clease and strengthen us.  One interesting quote from today's lesson was from George Q. Cannon and I quote " If any of us are imperfect, it is our duty to pray for that gift that will make us perfect. Have I imperfections?  I am full of them.  What is my duty?  To pray to God to give me the gifts that will correct these imperfections....  God has promised to give strenght to correct these things and to give gifts that will erradicate them...."   Isn't it interesting that we seldom ask for those things that would make us perfect? At least for me it is.  My prayers are far from those.  It made me rethink where I need to be in order to reach my goal of perfection.  I am a million miles away from it but I can only ask and the Lord is bound to do what we ask if we are obedient to His Laws and Commandments.
I have been trying to study more about the Atonement in my personal study of the scriptures. It is a very complicated subject for me.  There is so much to learn and comprehend that I get overwhelmed and quite and give up thinking I already know a lot about it and usually end up satisfied that I have done my researce on the subject.  In our lesson today we discussed this very subject.  It gave me great insight and a deeper desire to study even more.  Merrill Bateman said this " Jesus not only took upon Himself our sins but also our pains, afflictions, and temptations.... Jesus took upon Himself our sicknesses, death, and our infirmities... For many years I thought of the Savior's experience in the garden and on the cross as places where a large mass of sin was heaped upon His shoulders...... however, my view has changed. Instead of an impersonal mass of sind, there was a long line of people, as Jesus felt our infirmities... The Atonement was in intimate, personal experience in which Jesus came to know how to help each of us.. He learned about your weaknesses and mine.  I testify that He knows us.  He understands the way in which we deal with temptations.  He knows our weaknesses. But more than that, more that just knowing us, He knows how to help us if we come to Him in faith."
I just loved that quote. I am going to put that up on my mirror to read each day.  I am grateful this evening for a Heavenly Father who knows me and who loves me for me regardless of my many faults. 

Our friends in our ward lost their brand new little baby boy on Friday.  They went in to be induced and excited to welcome their second little boy into their family. He was perfectly healthy and fine and when delivery came the cord got wrapped around his tiny little neck and killed him.  I couldn't believe it.  All those feelings of what we experienced came over me.  It is hard to get over that.  It is hard to move on and to live life. But somehow we did live and we did survive and other children came into our family and we feel so blessed. I remember for many days I would just cry and cry and it was hard to just focus and do things to distract my attention.  They are in my prayers tonight.  I hope to make a visit with her this week.  I pray for that young family.  I know how it feels and yet with the knowledge that we have it somehow helps just a tiny bit.

January 12, 2011

Sick kids make me sad

All of them but Owen are still sick.  I can't stand seeing them so miserable.  We have been playing musical beds for the past week and it is driving us all insane.  None of the boys sleep well and are tossing and turning and Keaton is constantly blowing his nose.  I can't sleep! I am tired.  My boys are tired!  They both have huge black bags under their eyes.  Andrew is still coughing like crazy. My gut tells me that he has asthma.  I will call the doctor on Friday if none of it has cleared up.  Poor guy can't breath very well.  So my whole night is spent trying to help make him comfortable so he can sleep.  I think bags are starting under my eyes too.
Owen thankfully has not caught anything.  He is happy as a clam and that makes all this so much easier. He is sleeping much better and his schedule is back on track. Horray for happy toddlers.
Keaton has a huge head cold.  I sent him off to schoo this morning because he was his chipper self. He didn't have a fever, no cough, and he looked just fine.  When I picked him up it was another story.  His teacher told me that he seemed under the weather today in class.  He is usually a leader and helps her out quite a bit but today he just laid low and didn't do much.  So we came home, put a movie on and relaxed. He complained about feeling really cold. It was not cold in our home and so I felt his forhead and he was burning up. His fever was 102.9.  That is really high for Keaton, and Keaton is my one child who rarely gets sick but when he does, it is pretty harsh.  So he relaxed all afternoon.  Bedtime came around and they were both asleep by 7 p.m..  I hope tonight will be better.
Does anyone have any home remedies or any advice on how to help them sleep better? I have been using Lavender oil and bath salts every evening but it doesn't really take the edge of of it and I really hate resorting to Tylenol but right now we don't have any other options.  I am open for new ideas! Thanks! Wish us luck tonight.  Here's to a healthy family! I want my boys back!!!!!

January 9, 2011

Weekend in Provo

We went as a family to Provo, Utah this past weekend.  My nephew Brayden was baptized and he had invited us to go down for it.  How can you pass up such a sweet invitation?  We loaded the kids up Friday after we picked up Keaton from Kindergarden.  Long car rides with young children are never a walk in the park especially for little Snyder boys.  Keaton and Andrew, along with me, always get car sick and usually have to throw up.  Owen hates his car seat and always screams about 5 minutes into the drive.  Always a pleasure.  The car ride was ok.  The kids did pretty good. No one got sick or threw up.  They were alittle antsy to get out of the car as were we.  We pulled up to Grandma and Grandpa's Utah home around 6 p.m. and about 6 inches of snow.  I couln't believe how much snow they had.  It was beautiful.
We had a great time visiting with all the family and the boys loved running around with all the little cousins.
I admit I have become a real slacker on the taking no pictures. Sorry, there is no proof of this weekend. Only my word.
That night Keaton woke up with a really high fever and then he threw up.  It was no fun.  All of our children played musical beds. Lance and I probably slept about 4 hours that night.  We woke up exhaused and excited for Brayden's baptism.  It was at 10 a.m. in American Fork so we had to drive again with all the boys not feeling well and sleep deprived. We did it though and no one seemed unhappy.  Miracle!
We just chilled and hung out the whole day and let the kids get some sleep and they played and watched movies with the younger cousins.
Thanks Brayden for inviting us to your be a part of your special day! We are so proud of the choice you have made to be baptized. We love you!
We stayed up late, ate pizza and had a fun time catching up with everyone.  Lance's parents are now emty nesters.  Lances' youngest brother Preston left for BYU-I this past week and his parents drove up from Arizona to get him settled in.  Lance's two youngest siblings go there so it is nice to have them a little closer so we can see them alittle more often.  Then they drove to Provo for the baptism and then the on Saturday they drove to Colorade to visit Lances' grandparents and back home.  What a trip!
Now it is 7:30 p.m. and my house is completely silent.  We drove into town just in time for Sunday dinner at my parents house since we pass their home to get to our home.  We had a great dinner and bathed our children and came home and put them all to bed.  Wish us luck that everyone will have a better night tonight.  It is soooo nice to be home. 
Now here's to getting everyone back to better health and back on schedule. Mom and dad included.  Good night!

January 3, 2011


Here's to an eventful 2010 we have had.  My little recap of last year.........

.  We sold our home in January

.  We moved into our rental home just down the street in Lakeshore.  We have loved every minute of it. It
    has been the best move for our children.  They have found complete happiness here.  I couldn't be
    more happier.  I have some amazing neighbors and they are just the greatest to have around.

.  In March, Lance started his own company with the foreclosed home buisness.  He has really enjoyed it.
   There are the good, the bad and the ugly with owning your own buisness. But we are happy. I think he
   is too.

.  In May we welcomed Lance's brother John and his wife Carrie who was 9 months pregnant at the time
   with their first little baby boy.  We were so thrilled to have more Snyder's in Idaho with us.

.  June 9th Brantly was born.  I remember that morning when Carrie walked down my stairs and said to
   calmly to me "My doctor told me that I should go to the hospital because I think my water broke last
   night."  I was so excited. For once, I got a glimpse of how exciting it must be for the ones who are on
   the side waiting for the baby to come without having to experience the actual pains of labor itself.  He
   was just the sweetest little thing. I was so excited to have a  newborn in our home again. I love them!
   I love Brantly!!!

.  Eldon (Lance's other brother) and his wife Shelli came to live with us also in August.  Medical school
   didn't happen that fall and the other option was the army.  Lance offered him a job and he took it.  So
   we now have even more Snyder's in Idaho living with us.

.  A household of 11 people living under our one roof for 4 months was hectic, fun, entertaining and very
   humbling.  We loved having them all in our home.  My boys are missing all the entertainment.

.  In November we had our home back to ourselves for the first time in 8 months.  It felt great and terrible
   all at the same time.  We loved having our space back but we really missed on the visiting and the late
   night talks and games we used to have.  I am glad that they all live really close to us so they can come
   over and still play with us. 

.  We stayed home for the holidays this year.  It was so nice.  We missed all of our families but it was so
   nice to be in the comfort of our own home.

.  Lance and I celebrated our 8th anniversary.  Has it really been that long?  Or has it really only been 8
   years?  Sometimes it feels like 8 long lifetimes ago and some days it feels just like yesterday.  What
   was life like before that? I really can't remember a whole lot.  Only that I was carefree and had a lot of
   fun.  Don't get me wrong, I have fun but it was just different somehow.  Understand?

Now a decade has passed.  Lance asked me the question the other night. "What were you doing a decade ago?"  I remember being on my mission.  I remember having the rest of my life planned out when I returned. I knew who I was going to marry and I knew what I wanted.  Isn't it interesting how different things have changed since then?  I am happy now.  I am a mother.  I have always wanted to be one and now that I am one I often take it for granted.  But they make my life complete. I feel whole.  I feel loved.  I feel grateful.

So here are some of the things I plan to work on in 2011........

.  Learn to give more and expect less.

.  Learn to serve my children unselfishly. I am constantly trying at this.

.  100% scripture study and personal prayer

.  Learn to be non-judgemental.

.  Less complaining. I have been sick and that has been so excuse for me.

.  Learn to cook more healthier.  Not only for me but for my children.

.  Work out every day, if I can, or if that is possible. I know it might start getting hard.

.  Love unconditionally.  I fall short of giving my all to something or someone
and I can do much better.

.  Learn to trust more.  Not only those around me but myself as well.

.  Take time each day to express my grattitude for each one of my children.
And my husband too.  He does so much and I don't give him half the
credit he deserves.

.  Take time to listen.

.  Tuck my children into bed each night.  I love that.  I love my children.

There you have some of my list.  Is it resonable?  Yes, I think so.  Wish me luck.

Happy New Year to you too!

New Year's

I can't remember the last time I actually stayed up until midnight to ring in a new year.  Well this year was the first in quite a long time. I wish I had pictures to document all of this because it was a great party. But unfortunately I don't, sorry!  Lance and I dressed in our Sunday best and went to a wedding.  Our really good family friend Jason married the woman he loves at midnight.  We were told to arrive around 8:30 p.m. and I figured the wedding would be first thing and then the reception and party to follow.  Well it was the exact opposite.  We arrived to find everyone else in casual clothes.  At first we thought we were the only ones over dressed for the occassion but later on many others would arrive wearing their Sunday best also.  So we pretty much hung out from 8:30 p.m. until midnight. We had many of our good friends who were there from our previous ward and it was so much fun to catch up.  Some had had new babies and I got to hold and cuddle with them for a little while.
There was also a family there who is from Middleton, about 5 minutes away from our home.  They are members and about a year ago they were suprised to find the Extreme Makeover on their doorstep.  They have an incredible story to tell. They have 4 children who were all diagnosed with a digestive disorder and they are not allowed to eat any food.  They are fed through a tube that is inserted into their stomachs and it is a very serious disease.  When the Extreme Makeover came to their home they were completely shocked because they figured it would never happen.  Well it did and they came and they built them an amazing house. I remember watching it and when I saw them at the party I remembered who they were so we got to sit and visit with them.  Quite a remarkable family.  The father, Ryan, has suffered from really serious headaches. He said that if you have ever had a migrane it would be 10x's worse than that.  So he has had 4 operations in San Diego on his brain.  One surgery they almost lost him due to a staff infection.  Anyways, a neat story.
Then midnight finally came around.  We were in this extremely wealthy home and it was big enough to house an army.  We headed upstaris for the wedding.  It was a very nice ceremony. I can't remember the last time I attended a civil wedding.  Our bishop from our previous ward was there to marry them.  It was a very sweet thing to witness.
Let me introduce this couple. Jason, the groom, has been married twice and has three sweet children.  His first wife left him, his second wife left him and third times a charm.  Jason works with Lance and has become family to us. In July of last  year, he and two of his three children were baptized into the church. I think it was the most touching baptism I have ever attended in my life.  His youngest daughter will be old enough to get baptized this year.  Tiffany, the bride, was married once before also.  Her husband got into some really bad things and made some terrible choices in his life and they divorced.  She has two children from that marriage. Well they were introduced through a mutual friend and started dating last spring.  They thought it out long and hard and decided that they wanted to marry.  So New Year's just seemed like a good time to do it.  They started the year off right.  They will go to the temple in July when he has been a member a year.  That will be a great experience for their families as well. 
They looked so happy and I was so happy for them.  It wasn't that hard to stay awake.  We didn't get back home until almost 1 and then I didn't fall asleep until almost 2 am.  Then it was up at 7 with the kiddos.
It was a great way to bring in the New Year.  I am so happy that they invited us to be a part of their special day. 
Congratulations Jason and Tiffany!!!!