We took the boys out to buy new shoes, go out to eat lunch with dad. One afternoon we even went to McDonald's for a happy meal and then met up with dad again at a fun park.
Out of this entire week, there were only two days that gave us glorious weather, yesterday and today. We enjoyed near 70 degree weather. The sun came out, we got sun burnt and just played as long as we could outside. We love the outdoors and my boys just are in heaven when they are outside. I am ready to live outdoors again. That way the T.V is shut off and there is no time for movies. It is good for the boys.
Today we went over to my parents house. The weather was beautiful and the boys just wanted room to run and play. My parents have a perfect house for that. They can run and play and do all they want. It is a little kids paradise over there. Since my mom was working we decided to do a little extra yard work around their home. I was put to work on the riding lawn mower. I didn't mind it at all. It was quite nice actually. Growing up I always enjoyed doing that and I still enjoy it. My boys played nicely and my aunt was over at my grandmother's house, who happens to live right next door. They live on about 3 acres of just yard, gardens and fields. I have always loved going home. There is something about that place that always calls us back. We love it!
Once Owen woke up from his nap and she saw me mowing the lawn the was all game for helping me out. Right now his infatuation is riding lawn mowers and tractors. He LOVES them!!! He can't get enough of them so today was his lucky day. We mowed from about noon to 4 p.m. There is that much to mow and in between mows I would take a break to come and play with my other boys. They enjoyed picnics on great-grandma's covered patio, puzzles with Aunt Sheryl and some serious worm hunting. They had a great time. It was so nice to watch them play so nicely with each other. It makes me happy.
So it is a quater after 9 p.m. and kids are all alseep. It is almost time to put this momma to bed too.
Here's to another year of Spring Break. The best way to end it is General Conference. Enjoy it!
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