June 11, 2011

B turns one

My nephew Brantly turned one on Friday.  I can't believe a year has flown so fast.  Seems just like yesterday they were moving up here and living with us.  We had a great time having them with us.  It was so much fun having a newborn in our home.  We really enjoyed having this sweet family with us.

They had a fun little get together at the park for cupcakes and ice cream for his birthday. It has been a while since we had last seem them so it was really nice to be all together and hang out.  All the kids enjoyed playing at a new park with new things to see and do.  There was a duck pond that was a hit too.
Brantly had been alitte under the weather with another ear infection and cutting a few more teeth on top of that, but it was nice to see him smile every now and then. It is no fun to put on a fun face when you are feeling icky. He did a great job!

Happy one year Brantly!! We sure love you!

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