Today I realized...... that being pregnant with my 5th child is a lot tougher on my body than it was with my first. 5 children? Can you believe it? I sure can't. I only have about 5 more weeks left but seriously, I can't really move. My hips are out of whack and my spirit that is running a million miles with lists of things to do is trapped in a 80 year old womans body. This morning it was so hard to roll out of bed. My bones were stiff and I was in tears because there was a nerve in my left bottom check that shot pain up and down my spine and down my left leg. Time to get adjusted before I can't take this anymore. It feels better when I am constantly moving, but when I sit down to take five, then watch out, it takes me about 5 minutes to get back on my feet. I am quite the sight.
Today I realized..... that it is time, honestly time to take control of my children. Time to take control of their health, their opportunities to find new hobbies, and etc.. No more temper tanturms, no more sugar, mulitple treats throughout the day just to keep them satisfied. Who is controling who now? Someone dear to me told me this the other day " There are new studies now that prove that sugar does not make children hyper." Really? You think people are going to believe that? Just look around you. We are a nation built on sugar. Everything we take in has sugar. Time to say goodbye. I have started using Agave Nectar. Ever heard of it? We are loving it!!
Today I realized.... just how amazing these essential oils are. There is so much to learn and so little time. I feel like I have found my niche and I am loving the benefits from it. I feel better, my children feel better and a healthier lifestyle is just down the road. It takes one step at a time but these oils are amazing. Life changing is what they have become for me. If I had a million dollars I would invest it all in this. You should check it out at
Today I realized...... how nice it is to have a mom around. This past few days she has been gone helping her sister whose husband is out of town. She went and helped her with her buisness that she runs out of her home. It is job that pretty much requires attention 24/7. My kids would roam around her house if we went over there just calling for her. So sad to see their disappointment when I had to tell them she wasn't home. Thanks mom for all you do for me and my boys. It has been a nice break away from our home when we need it.
Today I amazing my husband is. He is working from sun up until sun down, and let me tell you the sun doesn't set here until almost 11 p.m. at night. This job has required a lot of attention and times are kind of in a bunch with the banks. He has provided our family with so much. I have taken it all for granted, until I heard of a family in my parents ward asking people to donate to their family fund just so they can stay in their home. I don't think I could humble myself to do that. My pride is too big.
Today I realized.... that my boys are growing up faster than I can keep up with them. Owen, my youngest has entered the 2 year old stage and it is becoming quite the adventure with him. I used to think that children were born into this world with no personality, no character to them, until I had 3 boys and now I find myself realizing that they are already pre-programned and they are teaching me. Is that good or bad? I can't tell yet.
Today I realized.... that I need to cook more from scratch. This evening my sister-in-law told me that she was in the mood for egg noodles so she just up and made some from scratch. Who does that besides my grandma who is almost 80? She does. I need to be more like that. I really admire your talents Shelli. I want to be like you when I grow up.
Today I realized....that in just 5 weeks our baby will be here and we have not a thing for her. Besides a few really cute outfits, a crib and a baby bath, we don't have much else yet. I am sure when that nesting stage hits me we will get it done. Besides our babies are always sleeping in our room for the first couple of months, but the fact that we are having our first daughter is HUGE and I want a room that is completely hers and hers alone for her to have when she come home.
Today I realized.... that I need to be more forgiving. I have had people hurt me in the past and I am sure there will be many more in the years to come, but I just need to learn to forgive and move on. I think too many things hold me back. I tend to be one who dwells on the past and I reflect probably way more than I should. I think yesterday keeps me from being who I need to be today. I am wasting time.
Today I realized... that the Holy Ghost is vital in my life. I want it with me all the time. In our Sunday School lesson we talked about the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The question was brought up as this "What does the spirit feel like? We can read about it but what does it feel like on a day to day basis when we pray for the spirit to be with us? Does it make us happy, in a good mood or is that just ourselves being that way? Does the spirit reside in us all the time even though we are being obedient and doing what the Lord has asked us to do?" I have thought about that alot and asked myself "Am I being led by the spirit or is that just me telling me that I need to go and visit teach or help my neighbor dig a few weeds?" I have always envied those who have had a loud voice call out to them or something really strong that stuck out to them. I have always wondered why can't I have those kinds of moments? I guess I shouldn't question it at all. Just curious is all.
Today I realized...that life is good and mine for that taking. It is mine and I have a say as to what happens to me and my family. It is time for me to take control and just love life. From now on I am going to be happy and be optomistic. How about you?
Hey! So, the moms whose children I teach have been watching Drennan for me during swim lessons. And I've only been teaching one hour a day, so it's not hard. :)
Anyway, I saw you say you started using Agave nectar and I just wanted to pass on some info I have about Agave. You probably already know, but all Agave is not equal! Make sure you buy it in a non-processed, organic form because most main grocery stores (who claim to sell all-natural, organic nectar) actually sell highly processed, high-fructose syrup. In fact, some Agave syrups have been shown to contain more fructose than both table sugar and HFCS. Anyway, like I said, you might already know this, but just thought I'd share. :) Also, I've heard a lot of good things about Stevia as a better sugar alternative (although it's still all sugar!!)......
What a great post Quinn.....I sometimes have those moments too where I just sit and reflect on life and the things I've learned or need/want to learn. You're and amazing person, mom, & friend. Love you!
You're so darling, Mel. Your post made me laugh out loud. You just try so hard, one day your boys are going to grow up into an army of men who all worship the ground you walk on ... And, just so you know, I told Eldon once we have more than one child the cooking might take a heavy hit. :) We have different lives, so don't forget to give yourself credit for doing your SO well!! Love you!
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