August 30, 2011

1st grade

Today Keaton offically started the 1st grade.  He was so excited to start.  The summer lasted a little too long for him and he was starting to get really bored towards the end.  He went to bed early, well at least he and Andrew were in bed early. They didn't really go down until 9p.m, but that is ok, at least they were in their beds.  They love to talk and dream up all sorts of things. It is quite interesting to hear their conversations.
We woke up early this morning, packed his back pack, made his lunch, which he thought was the best thing about going all day to school - packing a lunch to school. We got him ready and then he wanted to ride his bike to school so Lance and I walked by his side while he rode his bike.
We got to the school and we parked his bike at the bike rack and then we found his classroom and put his things in  his cubby and then he wanted to run outside and play until the bell rang. So Lance and I and about a hundred other parents watched from the sides as the kids played until the bell rang. He ran right to his class and found his seat.  He was so happy that he recognized about half the students in his class from kindergarden last year. 
I think he is really going to love this year.  We will report on his day when he gets home.  His day starts at 8:55 a.m. and we walk down to pick him up at 3:40 p.m.. Kind of missing him today.  Andrew is loving that he pretty much owns the house and is the big brother now.
Here are a few things Keaton said he can do now that he is 6 years old.....
- mom, I can climb up the bunk bed latter with only one hand
- I can carry Ellie standing up
- I don't have to wear a bike helmet because that is only for little boys
- I can make myself breakfast and clean up after myself because I am 6
the list goes on and on.  It is quite amazing that since he turned 6, he thinks he can do everything.  I love how his little mind works. If you ever get the chance to sit and listen to him, he is quite intelligent.  Gets it from his father, that is for sure.

Can you believe I have 4 children? Also the fact that I now have a 1st grader just blows me away. Here are all my reasons to live!


The Kynastons said...

That must be bittersweet to have him gone all day! I feel like that's so far away for Macie, but I'm sure I'll blink and suddenly it will be here.

I wanted to comment, too, to say that I feel your pain with having a fussy baby!!! Macie was extremely colicky for about 9 months. It was pretty rough and really frustrating to have doctors say, "Well, I guess it's colic. Good luck!" Anyway, hopefully you will be able to figure out a solution to help Ellie feel better because it is SO HARD to always feel so helpless (and exhausted!) It's a good thing these kiddos are worth it, right? :)

Karen Melander said...

They are so cute. Carter's favorite part about school is lunch too! Although he gets tired of all the "lunch food" I run out of ideas of what to give him. Anyways I hope he has blast!!