August 13, 2011

Michael Buble

So for my birthday this year Lance surprised me with tickets to the Michael Buble concert.  I was a little hesitant at first because I knew we would be having a baby pretty close to the actual date of the concert.  Luckily our little one came 4 days earlier so we could go.  My mom and her sister Sheryl came over and took care of our kiddies so we could go and have a good time.  I was really nervous leaving Ellie since she was only a few days old, but I pumped enough for some bottles that she so happily took too.
Michael Buble was amazing in concert.  Sounds just as good in person as he does on CD.  Only problem was, he had a filty mouth.  He popped out cuss word after cuss word and had some pretty crude jokes.  I would just try not to pay attention when he did that.  I would have been 100% happy if he had sung the whole 2 hours through without making jokes.  It made me kind of lose alittle respect for him as a person. As an artist, I will continue to listen to his music.  It was the kind that gave you the chills when he sang.
Would I pay to see him again? Ya, I probably would.
Thanks Lance for such a fun night out.  I had a great time with you. Also, a huge thanks to my mom and my sister who so thoughtfully helped out with my children.

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