August 19, 2011

2 weeks today

Ellie is 2 weeks old today.  Happy two weeks Ellie! They have been a wonderful 2 weeks too.  We are learning so much about you.  Here are a few things we have noticed......

~ you love to eat! You are a great eater.
~ unfortunately you spit up almost everything you eat.  But you are doing much better since you had some adjusting done.
~ you love to be held. Seldom do we let you down.  You are growing too fast.
~ you can go from silent to a blood curdling scream in 2 seconds.  Once you get what you want, it settles
~ you love it when I sing to you.
~ you are a cuddler.
~ you love the bath
~ you love it when your brothers come and talk to you while I change your diaper.
~ your plumbing definetly works.  Seems like you are pooping every hour.  Just when I think I have you finally all cleaned up and ready for a nap, you do it again!
~ you sleep pretty well at night. I can't complain. I will take 3 hours at a time.

There is so much more to learn from you.  We can't wait.  We LOVE YOU!!!!

1 comment:

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

She's beautiful and perfect in every way! Happy 2 weeks baby Ellie!