October 31, 2011

Trunk or treat

Our ward finally decided to have a trunk or treat this year.  We are so glad they did too.  I love the idea of going from trunk to trunk instead of door to door.  Plus this way, you trust the people who are giving you candy and you don't have to worry about your kids knocking on some creepy person's door asking for their creepy candy.
The boys were excited.  We had Grandma and Grandpa Quinn over for octopus hot dogs and mumies in a blanket.  They LOVED it!  It was a fun dinner to have for the boys on Halloween night.
Then we headed over to the church for Trunk or treating.  It was so blasted cold this year. I bet it was only 45 degrees outside and it was really windy.  So it didn't last that long this year for our family. We got our candy and headed back indoors at home where it was nice and warm.  So another year has come and gone. Next year we will take Ellie out.  This year Grandma was so nice to stay behind and watch her. Thanks Grandma!

1 comment:

Karen Melander said...

Looks like fun!! 45 degrees is twice as warm as it was here for trick or treating...but we didn't have wind and that can be the worst! Love all the costumes!!