May 9, 2012

Keaton loses his first tooth

I think Keaton is the last 6 year old on this earth to have lost his first tooth.  Most of his friends are on tooth #7 or even more.  Well his two bottom baby teeth have been just hanging and Monday as we were waiting for him across the crosswalk, he ran up to me to show me that he had lost his first tooth during recess.  So the little handy, dandy nurse at the school gave him a little orange tooth treasure chest to put his tooth in.  He was so excited.  So he ran home and was so excited to tell all the neighbors.  I love that little things still get this boy of mine excited.  The Easter bunny, Santa Claus, and now the tooth fairy.  Oh she is real alright. So don't tell my boys yet. Let them be excited about that for awhile. It is so fun to watch. 
Something I didn't notice before but stands out now, behind his two bottom teeth are his permanent ones.  They are literally sitting parallel to each other. Orthodontist here we come.
So that night we put the little orange chest next to his bed post and he woke up the next morning to find $.  Since Andrew was really sad that he wasn't loosing a tooth the tooth fairy had compassion on him and gave him some $ also.  That made him happy.  Thank you tooth fairy! 

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