June 24, 2012

10+ hours

Ellie has been sleeping for stretchs of 10 + hours for the past two nights. I hope this is the beginning of sleeping through the night for us.  This is huge! I mean huge! She has never slept for longer than 5 hours since she was born. The night before last I put her to bed at 6 p.m. and didn't hear from her until 6:45 am the next morning. It was heaven! I actually woke up not cranky.  Then last night I put her down again at 6 p.m. and she didn't wake until 5 a.m. Then she slept until 6:30.  It has been so nice. Now if only I could go to bed at a decent hour.  Keep it up Ellie! I bet I just jinked myself. :)

1 comment:

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

That is HUGE! Take full advantage and sleep when she's sleeping! (I say that, but when baby Katea is sleeping, that's when I blog...LOL)