July 5, 2012

4th of July

We had a great 4th of July this year.  We had a good morning.  Lance took the boys to see Yogi Bear at the dollar theater while Ellie and I ran some errands to the grocery store.  Then Lance took them to Carl's Jr. for lunch. I guess the new Spiderman movie came out yesterday and so Carl Jr.'s had a promotion that if you came to any Carl's Jr. dressed as Spiderman, you would get a free meal.  So Lance took down the bucket with all the Halloween costumes in search of a Spiderman suit.  I knew we had one that would be the size for Owen but that was it. I really didn't know what Lance grabbed. So I just discovered that he posted this on facebook of my boys before they went in dressed as Spiderman.....

I swear I had no idea he grabbed old pajamas.  Oh well, they got their free meal so they were all happy. Don't you just love Owen's pose?  Crazy boys!
Then after they were done at Carl Jr.'s they came home and ran across the street to swim at the Pollacks home.  They have a huge above ground swimming pool in their back yard that they set up last week and my boys have been in heaven with that.
Then we decided to go out to my sister Rachel's home a little earlier since we couldn't stay for the fireworks.  We spend the rest of the afternoon letting the kids run wild and play with cousins.  We had a BBQ over there with all extended family and had a good time. We headed back home around 7 p.m. because Ellie was sooooo tired. She was way past her bedtime.  We got home and she went right to sleep. So that left us to enjoy the rest of the evening with all our friends in our subdivision for fireworks. Lance made homemade rootbeer and everyone brang potluck desserts.  The kids had a blast.  They had so much fun with fireworks and all the kids. It was a crazy time.  We had fireworks going until 11:30 p.m. and all the kids were happy to drink rootbeer, eat tons of treats and run wild. Luckily for Owen, he was tired at 9 p.m. and went to bed before it all began.  He wasn't too fond of the loud noises of the fireworks. I am suprised that he slept through all of the noise we made.  Thank heavens for noise makers right?
We had a great time! Thanks everyone who made it such a fun year.  Until next year! Hope you had a great holiday as well.


The Kynastons said...

Glad you guys had a fun 4th! Those spiderman "costumes" are so funny! You're cute boys totally pulled them off and looked cool doing it. :) I can't believe how big Ellie has gotten...her little pigtails kill me!

F-A-N-G-U-P-O said...

Lol I couldn't stop laughing at the spiderman costumes...lol good job Lance! :) Love the pictures, your kids are so stinkin cute!