August 23, 2013

Hayden 2 week stats:
weight :10 lbs. 4.2 oz. (95%)
height: 22 1/2 inches (90%)
Yep, he is getting pretty big! He is so sweet too. Now he is almost
3 weeks old and I just know that he has gotten fatter.
You can see it in his face and on his thighs.
I wish he would stop growing so I can enjoy him
a bit longer. They grow up too fast
don't they?
Where has the time gone? Pretty soon he is going
to be crawling around.
So I am documenting a few things
I have learned about my son in the 3 weeks we have
known him ......
. he loves to eat. Every 3 hours on the dot. He is clockwork.
. he only gets grumpy when his is really tired
and doesn't want to be held any longer,
or when he is really, really hungry.
.he has to be swaddled. With one arm out.
. he is starting to use a pacifier. I am not sure about that.
. he has to sleep in the swing. He hates laying down flat.
. when he is awake is a very alert
. he has a really strong neck.
. he is just so happy.
. he is mine. all mine.

Now I would be lying if I said that raising 5 kids has been easy.
Quite the opposite. It has been the struggle of my life
trying to figure out where I need to be
who I need to be helping and
where I should be spending most
of my time.
Ellie seems to be fine with Hayden. When he wakes up she
runs, yelling " poop" down the hallway to my room
to let me know he is awake. She will come and sit
next to me on the bed while I feed him
and she is holding her baby,
feeding her. Now mind you, monkey see,
monkey do. She will try to nurse her baby
as well. It is the funniest thing.
Then she will grab the diapers and wipes and start
wiping her baby. She has got this mothering thing
down pat already. She is going to be
an amazing mom one day.
All the other boys are just in love with him.
They all love holding him.
Andrew asked me the other day if we should
put Hayden on the floor to see if
he could start to crawl.
I told him, "Let's not get ahead of
ourselves here." He was okay with
that response.
So we just hold him lots and love him even more.
He has been the perfect addition to our home and family.

1 comment:

Lindsay Griffeth said...

What a darling little boy! Glad that overall things are going well. I can't imagine 5!