Someone gave me this brillant idea to do a flashback every friday. I thought it sounded like a fun idea, so here we go. I was flipping through my old college pictures and found this picture. I am on the far left, Mabry, in the middle, and Brenda. They were two of my roommates from Ricks College. That kind of dates my college years because now it is no longer Ricks, it is BYU Idaho. It will always be Ricks to me. I was there when Elder Bednar was President. It was great to get to hear from him on Tuesday devotionals.
Anyways, this picture was taken at Monkey Falls just outside of Rexburg. We all attended the summer semester of school and after classes we would hope in Mabry's car and drive out in the middle of nowhere to this place. It was almost hidden and I am not sure many peopel knew about it but we came here often to swim and just have fun. Mabry was the brave one who would jump off the top of the falls. I don't remember how deep the water was but it wasn't that deep. She was a brave one. You could also swim up under the falls to the caves back behind. This was our summer fun. In Rexburg, you had to use your imagination and we sure did. We had a great year up at school. Mabry was studying in the nursing program and Brenda was an instructor at the Beauty College. She is the one who introduced me into cutting and coloring my hair. We have some fun times. Thanks girls for all the good times. I love ya!