I absolutely LOVE fall! I love the colors, the smell of chimney smoke in the air and all the fun holidays that start showing up in the stores and especially in our home. My boys love it! They love everything about it. Even Owen loves looking at the pumpkins on our fireplace. It all makes me happy!
This evening we went to my parents house for dinner. It had been quite awhile since we had dinner with my parents at their home. It was nice. I didn't realize just how much I missed it until we were there. Since we have had family living with us we usually have them over to our home for dinner. My mom invited us all over for lasagna tonight and it was soooo good. The weather wasn't too cold so we adventured out into my parents back yard and here is what we did this evening......
Lance and I took our picture together in front of this amazingly beautiful tree. Unfortunatley you can't see the tree too well.
Owen was pretty content to just run and be free
It still amazes me how fast this boy is growing. He is excelling really fast in school and continues to amaze me with his questions. He loves to be his own unique.
This is the entrance to Moon Valley Ranch. This is right behind my parents house on this little old country road. It is so beautiful. We spend a lot of time back here.
This is me right now. As of now, I am the skinniest I have been since having children. Weight loss is down to almost 10 lbs. I still have a little more to go but man, I am feeling good and loving it. Still there is always room for improvement. Thanks to everyone who has cheered me on. It has really been my motivation in all of this. No, this is not a kimono, it is a shirt I found while shopping in Utah, LOVIN IT! No it is not a maternity top either, and yes, I am going back to my natural color. Slowly but surely.
This is the child I can't keep clean. We were about to do some familiy pictuers but unforuntaley his older brother Keaton pushed him down and he fell head first into a pile of mud. Can you see it on his head? I could write a book and have it full of pictures of just how messy this boy can get. But gosh, just look at him. I love this boy.

Today was our primary program. I love these programs. This was our first year to watch our two boys participate in it. Every year BYU's homecoming has always landed on the same week at the program and we always miss it. This year nothing major happened I am happy to report. Andrew is the child we are just waiting to make his grand appearance. Mother's day he did. Father's day he did and we were crossing our fingers that the program would be low key. I am h appy to report that it was. He just sat there so quitely with his classmates. The only song he really got into was "In the Leafy treetops." Keaton stood right up there in front and sang his heart out. It was so much fun to see them sing those songs. Even though we sing a lot in our home they did a great job. After sacrament meeting a sister came up to me and told me that she was "disappointed" that Andrew didn't do something comical. She said that she had been looking forward to that. It is always nice to know that my kdis can put on quite the show and entertain these folks.
We are doing well. We are happy and most of all we are all healthy. Thanks for your love, support and prayers. They are so much appreciated. We love you all and wish you a happy fall.