This week was a really slow one for me. I am not sure if it is because I am getting bigger, feeling more uncomfortable or because my kids have so much energy I just can't keep up with them anymore. This week I was feeling a lot of those icky Braxton Hicks that are no fun. I wish it were my time and I wish I could tell you they were for real but nope, they were the ones that just make you feel miserable. Oh the joys of having babies. I guess it is true when they say, the more you have, the harder it gets. I am starting to understand that alittle better.
The weather has been corporating more with us and so we have ventured outside a lot more. That makes my boys very happy and that makes me, their mom, really happy too. My boys are already gettting some tan lines on their skin. Time to pull out the sunscreen I guess.
Lance has been really busy with work. The bank and all the inspectors will come the first week in June to inspect all the houses and make their final call as to whether they will keep some of the companies or can them. We are crossing our fingers that it will turn in our favor. Lance and the boys have been working so hard. Seems like they are busy from sun up until sun down. This weekend he took the boys on a "work project." They love going with him. They love finding "treasures" as they call them. Just junk that my boys love most. It was nice to have a few hours by myself on Saturday when Lance took them. It was much needed.
We have another ultrasound coming up on June 6th to see how the babies kidneys are doing. We are crossing our fingers for something good this time. Hopefully they will either stay the same measurment, which will usually mean that her kidneys are just a little larger and that is how her body is or they have strunk. The doctor said that the "normal" measurement for a babies kidneys are 1 cm and our baby is measruing 1.1 cm. Which is just slightly above normal so the doctor does not seem to be concerned. Just good to be cautious. I have been so happy with our doctor. He is a good guy and I feel confident that all will work out for the best. We have read up about these kinds of things and usually they heal themselves and if not by the time they are born then shortly thereafter. So we are just waiting to see what happens.
The boys only have 2 more weeks of school left. I can't believe that the summer is almost here. What am I going to do with three very active boys? I am trying to find things to keep them busy and keep them well entertained. I am open for ideas too. Keep in mind that I am not in complete fit form but I think I can get out and do some active things. We will see.
We are still holding our weekly classes about the essential oils. I think they are coming along well. I just wish we could get more people to come. There are so many people that have called, emailed or texted me about when and where but not that many people are showing up. But those who do come are regulars and I feel like we are just expanding with so much information. It is quite overwhelming at times but I am loving all the information out there. I just wish I had a million dollars to do it all. One step at a time I guess right?
Yesterday we took the boys to the school to play. It was so nice outside and they were starting to get bored so we headed down to the elementary to let them get all their wiggles out. Keaton has become pretty good at the monkey bars.
Do you remember the days when you could swing and swing and swing and not get dizzy or hurt your hands? I do. Now, it looks like it just hurts. He is so proud that he can skip some bars. I guess that is the cool thing to do during recess in kindergarden. It still blows my mind that he is going to be in the 1st grade next year. When did he grow up so fast? He is number 5 on the waiting list for the local Charter school and we are crossing our fingers that he will get in.
Andrew, well he is just always one step behind Keaton and one step further with a slap than Owen. I swear those two don't get along most days. There are some days when I see them giving each other hugs and just love each other and other days, they live to get mad at each other. Sometimes it is quite commical but how do you keep them from killing each other? Is it just middle child syndrome or what?
Our lesson for our combined class today was about learning the signs and symptoms about anxiety and depression. It was different and obviously it must be an issue to address our ward, but it was really interesting.
There was a woman who came to our ward to talk about her experiences with the two and how she has managed to get back on track. She had some posters up with all the signs to look for in young children, teenagers and adults. As Lance and I were looking under the young children, I whispered over to him " Lance all those signs are Andrew." Some of the signs are....
~ temper tantrums
~ continual disobedience
~ nightmares ( Andrew doesn't have these)
~ anger, aggression
Anyways, the list went on and some of those fit Andrew right now. Now grant it, he just turned 4, so my thoughts were, at what point do you look at your children to recognize early symptoms so you can stop them before they get bad, or is it just my four year old being a four year old? Do you have any thoughts on this? Momma Snyder, what do you think? I love your input on things like this.
Well that is pretty much it for now. Our life is getting busy and it is only going to get busier once this baby comes. We can't wait. I feel like I did while expecting my very first baby. I feel like I am having my first all over again, this time with a girl. No nursery decorated yet. No nothing yet but we will get there hopefully.