I was sitting on my front porch enjoying a nice and quite afternoon. My boys were all asleep and I was out reading my book on my front porch when all of a sudden this white car came zooming past our house. Now mind you, there is nothing past our house. The sidewalk ends! So I was interested to see what this car was going to do. I thought for sure this guy was going to go 4-buying in his white station wagon, but no, he hurried and jerked it to a complete stop, turned his car off and walked to the end of the road. I don't even think he knew I was sitting there, but his back was to mine and all of a sudden he drops his pants to use the restroom. I couldn't believe it! I was so shocked. I didn't see anything but the fact that this middle aged man drives out in the middle of now where to use the restroom is beyond me.
When he was finished he turned around to head back to his car and spotted me in the corner of his eye. He simply waved and got in his car and drove off.
I think I am going to make a sign and post "No peeing" at the end of our street. My boys will not be playing over there for sure!
I can't believe some people. Oh the nerve!
June 29, 2009
June 26, 2009
Just me and the boys
Lance left yesterday for Arizona. Can I just tell you how hard it feels when he is away. I shouldn't say just feel, my job seems 10x's harder when he is gone. The boys have done pretty well, but I am worn out. We can't wait until he comes home tomorrow. The boys are always asking when he will come back. They miss they're daddy!!!
Keaton and Andrew have been getting along so well. I am amazed at how well they can play together, be nice to each other and just truly have fun together and then within seconds they start fighting and become real enemies. Is this normal? Is this healthy? Or am I just experiencing real life with all boys in my home?
Owen is sleeping much better at night. As for the daytime? Well we are still working on that. I have had to resort to letting him cry it out alittle more. I hate doing it but I have no other choice. I have saved that for the last. I can put him down no problem while he is awake in his crib at night and he can fall asleep unattended but during the day, he thinks he has to be held in order to sleep. How do you stop that? Am I spoiling my baby? Does he have me trained already? Oh well, such is the life of a mother of a newborn right? Although he is not newborn anymore. He is alittle over 2 months now. They grow so fast don't they! We love him and couldn't imagine life without him. He makes us feel complete. At least for now. I hope!
Keaton and Andrew have been getting along so well. I am amazed at how well they can play together, be nice to each other and just truly have fun together and then within seconds they start fighting and become real enemies. Is this normal? Is this healthy? Or am I just experiencing real life with all boys in my home?
Owen is sleeping much better at night. As for the daytime? Well we are still working on that. I have had to resort to letting him cry it out alittle more. I hate doing it but I have no other choice. I have saved that for the last. I can put him down no problem while he is awake in his crib at night and he can fall asleep unattended but during the day, he thinks he has to be held in order to sleep. How do you stop that? Am I spoiling my baby? Does he have me trained already? Oh well, such is the life of a mother of a newborn right? Although he is not newborn anymore. He is alittle over 2 months now. They grow so fast don't they! We love him and couldn't imagine life without him. He makes us feel complete. At least for now. I hope!
June 23, 2009
Second Chances

I was reading my cousins blog this evening and saw that she posted some pictures of my her sister's wedding (my cousin-in-law) I guess you could say. Lance's famiy is a pretty large family, to say in the least, and his Aunt Carol has 13 children, 9 of them all girls. This family is amazing! They all sing, dance, are just gorgoeous and are just the most down to earth family you could ever meet.
Amberlee is the oldest sister. She was recently divorced. It is a long and sad story. Anyways to make a long story short, her husband left her for another woman and she (Amberlee) ended up marrying the husband of the wife who had an affair with her husband, if that makes sense. They were just married in the Arizona temple. I heard that it was just a very sweet experience for the whole family and they are all so very happy. I wish them all the luck in the world. It is kind of a yours and mine sotry. She has 6 children from her previous marriage and he has 3. I heard their reception was great and that everything was just beautiful.
So this is my congratulations to the happy newlyweds. I am so happy for you! May the Lord bless you and you unite two families together.
Isn't she just beautiful? They all look fabulous!

We are trying to sell our home! Anyone wanna buy it?
This is the video that our realtors put together to advertise the sell of our home. It has been on the market since we first moved into only because we wanted to see if it would sell. Well here we are a year after its been built and we have new and improved ways of marketing it. Check it out. This is our home on video......
June 22, 2009
A crazy packed weekend
This weekend we did quit abit. To sum it all up, we went to a dairy day parade in the rain and drank all the chocolate milk you could imagine, attended a cousin's baptism, ate great food, visited all the family in town and spent Father's Day with all the special dads in my life. Ok I am done. We really had a good weekend. Yesterday at church Shelley Strate made her famous cinnamon rolls for all the dads in our ward. They really arre the best we've ever had. Then we had dinner over at my parents home with them and then we went over to Lance's Uncle Stan's home for dessert and a farewell party for some great cousins who are moving back to Rexburg to go to school. Michelle and I go way back to the good ole Ricks College days. We were good friends and were in the same ward. We knew each other pretty well. In fact, just before I left for my mission I made one last trip to Rexburg to say goodbye to some friends and while I was there I ran into them at a Subway. She was engaged to a Spencer Ray and I remember wishing them good luck thinking I would never see them again. Then after my mission and while engaged I went to Arizona to meet the family and low and behold the moment I stepped through the doors to Grandma and Grandpa Ray's home Michelle was there with her husband and her children. I couldn't believe I was going to be related to her. What a small world it is.
Michelle is such a talented photographer. She had done some amazing things. Here is he website if you would like to check it out. It is www.mjrayphotography.blogspot.com. Check out her work.
My cousin/friend Michelle and I at her farewell party

Keaotn was helping out his dad spray all the icky weeds that are in our backyard

It was so much fun to be with all the in-laws. They are amazing people. Lance had a lot of family. Just on his mom's side he has over 150+ first cousins and Owen marked the 150 great-grandchild. Can you believe that! What a huge family they have. We love them all. My kids have not been getting to bed on time. Each night for the past 4 nights they have been getting to bed after 9 p.m. It is no wonder why they are so cranky during the day. I can't wait until we can start back up on our schedules again. It will be nice to have some normality in our crazy lives. Now I am ready to sleep the summer away, if it ever decides to come. It has been raining this past month and I don't think it has gotten hotter than 74 degrees. Hurry summer, we can't wait to go swimming.
Michelle is such a talented photographer. She had done some amazing things. Here is he website if you would like to check it out. It is www.mjrayphotography.blogspot.com. Check out her work.
My cousin/friend Michelle and I at her farewell party
Keaotn was helping out his dad spray all the icky weeds that are in our backyard
It was so much fun to be with all the in-laws. They are amazing people. Lance had a lot of family. Just on his mom's side he has over 150+ first cousins and Owen marked the 150 great-grandchild. Can you believe that! What a huge family they have. We love them all. My kids have not been getting to bed on time. Each night for the past 4 nights they have been getting to bed after 9 p.m. It is no wonder why they are so cranky during the day. I can't wait until we can start back up on our schedules again. It will be nice to have some normality in our crazy lives. Now I am ready to sleep the summer away, if it ever decides to come. It has been raining this past month and I don't think it has gotten hotter than 74 degrees. Hurry summer, we can't wait to go swimming.
June 15, 2009
A weekend of fun

We had a great weekend! We had lots of family in town, great food, nice entertainment and a wonderful baby blessing. This past weekend all my in-laws came into town. Almost all of them I should say. We had close to 20 people sleeping in our home. We had a full house and we loved every minute of it. It's not very often when my in-laws come to Idaho, so when they do we just try to enjoy every minute.
We cramed so many things into such a short time that it all flew by way too fast. We went swimming, went to the Eagle Fun days parade, went to a bridal shower for two cousins getting married, stayed up until midnight every night talking, ate great food, and then we ended the great weekend with Owen's blessing.
Keaton was kind of sad that it started to rain on "his parade" so he sat behind everyone to wait out the rain.

Lance with all the little boys for a 4-wheeler ride

My sweet Andrew
Andrew fell into a pond at the parade. I had to get a picture before I could help him out. Great mom I know!

The weather was kind of icky but that didn't put a damper on our plans. The boys had so much fun riding on the 4-wheelers. They were so content to throw rocks into the ditch behind our home. Had I been smart enough I would have had them do it all day Saturday to help me clean out my flower beds, but oh well, they did some of it.
Sunday morning came and our church starts at blasted 8:30 a.m. in the morning. Can you believe we got 20 people all fed, dressed and out the door by 8:20? But we still ended up being late because I forgot to turn the oven on before we left so our lunch would be ready by the time we got out of church so everyone could eat before they had to leave. But we made it just as the meeting was starting. Our bishop must have forgotten we were blessing our baby because it wasn't until after the sacrament that he rememebered. For awhile there we were all worried that it wasn't going to happen and everyone would have made the trip for nothing. But he remembered and we blessed him and it was such a sweet one too.
Not the best picture, but I had to hurry and take one before church in his blessing suit.
My sister Rachel and I.

Thanks everyone for coming! We loved having you in our home. We love the company so remember, you are welcome here anytime you want. We love you all, and to Owen, my sweet boy, I love you very much. Now we need to get back on schedule and you need so sleep!!! So does momma!
June 9, 2009
Owen Smiles
Owen is almost 2 months old. He is growing so big so fast. He is starting to smile and I think it is the cutest thing to watch. He smiles really good for Keaton so this morning I tried to catch it in pictures but this is what I got. Pretty close if you ask me. It is so sweet to watch the boys sit and talk with him. Owen loves having them around. He can be screaming his head off and all I have to do is have Keaton or Andrew come near him and start talking to him and he will calm right down. It is so fun to see.
He is still on his acid reflux medication along with some other herbal remedies that my mother-in-law recommended for him and I think they are starting to work. He is becoming less and less fussy, which has been nice. Now if only he would stay asleep during the day. Night time he is still doing pretty well. Now I am happy to report that I can lay him down in his crib and most of the time he will stare up at the fan and doze off by himself fast asleep. It is helping my back out quite abit. Thanks Owen, I love you so much!
Up close and personal with Owen. He has the face shapped like a Snyder
My sweet boy
Andrew loves to give him kisses non-stop
We love him and couldn't imagine life without him. I love being a mom. Most days are challenging but at the end of the day I can honestly say "It wasn't that bad." Now my husband would laugh because most of the time when he sees me I want to pull my hair out or scream but I can honestly say, I LOVE MY JOB!
June 8, 2009
Weekend in Utah

This weekend we escaped down to Utah for a baptism and baby blessing. My cute niece Calli was baptized.I can't believe she is getting so big. She was so beautiful in her little baptism dress. She was so excited for it that she was constantly reminding us all throughout the day that she was choosing to be baptized. She is so cute! Thanks Calli for inviting us to your baptism. We wouldn't have missed it for the world!

This is the Snyder side of the family right after Calli's baptism

Then on Sunday my neice Chiara was blessed. It was the second time I had seen her since she was born. She has the largest eyes I have ever seen.
Look at my boy compared to her. They are about the same in size and 2 months apart. He is a Snyder baby for sure. Just look at that face!

My sweet Niece Chiara

She was so happy and so good. Thanks Eldon and Shelli for having us be a part of such a special blessing. I hear it was a sweet blessing Eldon. Andrew started to scream just as they were starting the blessing so I had to run with him outside so everyone could hear it. I am sorry I didn't get to hear it. We are so proud of you guys! You are such great parents and Chiara is so lucky to have you as a mom and dad.
It was so nice to be with the family. I have always enjoyed being with my in-laws. Not many people can say that but I can. I LOVE them all! They are so knowledgable of the gospel, children's health and pretty much everything overall. My mother-in-law Sharon is so amazing. She put some little care packages for us new moms with fussy infants. Thanks mom! You have filled me with hope and a greater determination to help my kids on the path to healthier lives. It is just a little overwhelming but I am getting used to it all. I love it! Never stop!
My boys with their cousin Parker. Aren't they so cute?
Thanks for such a fun weekend. We can't wait to see you all again this weekend for Owen's baby blessing.
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