Name: Keaton Robert
Age: almost 3 yrs. old
Favorite activity (-ies): He loves anything with action. He loves to play baseball non-stop. He loves to go swimming, ride his bikes and play with friends and family.
Favorite foods: TREATS! It is hard to get this guy to eat anything, but a few things he likes are corndogs, apples, grapes, farleys, and anything sweet.
Least favorite foods: Veggies! Anything that is good for you he won't really eat unless we help him with it.
Favorite Music: For some reason he realy likes the song from Weezer - Beverly Hills, Bumble Bee, Book of Mormon stories and take me out to the ball game.
Favorite toys: He loves balls, and bats. He doesn't really have a favorite toy, he just loves to play with anything and everything.
Favorite books: He loves Miss Mooley, Beauty and the Beast, and a stack of other books we have at home.
Favorite items: Baseball mitt, baseball bat, Diego scooter and his blanket.
What makes me happy: Eating treats, and playing, also when I don't have to take a nap
What makes me sad: Movies will sometimes make me cry when they are sad ones, no treats and when I don't take my naps. I am pretty crabby!
Name: Andrew Dean
Age: 18 months
Favorite activity(-ies): Being with Keaton. Taking a bath, eating and eating some more.
Favorite foods: He will eat pretty much anything you give him but he loves, loves, loves candy
Least favorite foods: He doesn't like veggies too much,but he will eat beans. There really isn't too much that he doesn't like.
Favorite Music: Theme song from the Care Bear Movie, and anything that is on the radio. He loves being sung to.
Favorite toys: Whatever is around, he is pretty content to just sit and play.
Favorite books: Anything that has flaps or that pops up.
Favorite item(s): His two pacifiers and his blanket.
What makes me happy: Being with my big brother Keaton and eating popsicles.
What makes me sad: When I wake up before Keaton during naptime and he is still asleep. I also don't like it when people take my binky out of my mouth.
We tag: Hunter, Dakota, Breelyn, and all of our other friends and family that are reading this.