My cousin Brittany put a tag on my facebook account but I am always alittle iffy with that because anyone can access that information so I thought I would give it a try on this since it is a private blog. It is 25 random things about me so here we go.....
1- I love to decorate. I love to decorate my home, other people's homes and anything else. I just love to give any room a new lift. I wish I could own my own buisness doing that.
2- I love my children. My boys give me great joy. They are a handful but they are worth every second of frustration
3- I love belly laughs. My Andrew is the best at that. I just love it because it sounds so real.
4- I hate seafood. Maybe that is one of the many reasons why I married Lance. We both hate the stuff. The smell, the taste, the look. I can't stand any part of it. I know it is good for you, but never in a million years.
5- I wish I could go back to Chile and visit. I served my mission in Santiago, Chile. I loved it all. I loved the people and the culture. I really miss it sometimes.
6- I love to travel and see new places. I wish we could do it more often but traveling with little kids isn't much fun so we will have to save it for retirement.
7- I love to camp. My family has gone camping every summer since I can remember. We have always gone up to Stanely Lake. It is heaven on earth.
8- I love the changing of the seasons. Autumn is my favorite but I love all of them.
9- I hate bugs. Spiders, ants, you name it. I don't like them.
10- I don't know how to sew. I wish I knew. My grandmother-n-law, I guess is what you would call her gave us a sewing machine for our wedding gift and I have yet to use it. I guess I should pull it out one of these days and figure out how to use it.
11- I don't really enjoy cooking. I never have. Maybe if I had fun recipes I would. Anyone have some good ones they want to share with me?
12- I love to shop. I would shop all day every day if I could, but the budget doesn't allow it.
13- Red is my favorite color.
14- I am obsessed with detail. I love to know everything about everything. I think it drives my husband bonkers when I ask him a million questions about something.
15- Young Women's was my most favorite calling in the church.
16- I dread Sundays. My boys don't do well at church. Especially our youngest. He hates nursery. In fact everyone in our new ward is getting to know us pretty well. Andrew starts to scream when we sing the closing song in sacrament that nursery comes next.
17- I love to listen to piano music. I wish I could play. One day my children will have lessons and fill my home with the sweet sounds.
18- I have 7 sisters-in-law. They are all so great. I love being around them. They make me want to be a better mom and person. They are all so talented. I wish I could be more like them.
19- I love to go for walks. The winter has been kind of rough for us because we have been locked inside due to the freezing weather. But today we got outside and went for a walk as a family. It was really nice. I can't wait for more.
20- The Office has become my new favorite t.v. show. I love it. It makes me laugh so hard.
21- I love my family. We are an odd bunch but they are good people.
22- I love my in-laws. They are great too. I never tire of them.
23- I have a fear of my children being kidnapped. I get so freaked out by the thought. I just try not to think about it.
24- I am not creative whatsoever. I wish I were more talented. I have a closet full of scrapebooking stuff. I just don't know what to do with it.
25- I love life. I try to be postive. I love to laugh and have fun.