I am counting down the weeks until this little one makes her grand entrance. I can't believe this pregnancy has gone as fast as it has. I swear the more kids you have the faster they come. I haven't really had much time to prepare myself mentally for this. I haven't done anything yet to get ready for this baby. Here is my list of things still left to do.....
~ decorate the nursery (there is nothing on the walls, no rocker, no dresser, no nothing yet.)
~ pack my hosptial bag
~ all my personal things I need so I don't have to make Lance go to the store and find them
~ diaper bag
~ baby bouncer
~ make curtains for her room
~ buy a car seat ( probably most important. Cause guarentee they aren't going to let us leave without one)
~ make baby burp clothes
the list goes on and on. I am not ready yet! Now if you were to ask me around this time when our first baby came. I was all set. Crib set up, room painted and more than ready. Some reason I am lacking that right now.
I am feeling quite a lot of contractions off and on again. Nothing consistent. The more kids you have the harder it is on your body. I feel like I am trapped in a 80 year old body. Some days I am completely out of shape and then there are days like today when I feel like I can get out and play baseball with my boys.
The last ultrasound showed small amounts of amniotic fluid. It is almost all baby and I think that she is going to be a big one. All my babies, minus my middle child were over 9 pounds. So she has a good chance of weighing around the same.
We are still clueless as to what her name will be. I don't want just any plain common name. I want one with character and one that will stand out. Nothing crazy or ugly, just the kind of name you don't hear too often. Any suggestions? I am open to anything right now. Lance and I can't agree on the same name yet so this will be interesting.
The weather is warming up quite abit and I am constantly 10 degrees hotter than everyone else. It makes for a very cranky mom sometimes. Why do I keep having summer babies?
The boys are having a fun summer so far. Nothing big going on just normal day to day activities we do. Our day usually consists of a nap, quite time, water fights outside with friends and trips to the library every now and then. They have been doing their reading program and they are winning a lot of fun little things to do. They have earned free meals at resturants, toys, books and tickets to the Boise Stampede Rodeo coming up at the end of July. They have never been. It is also being held the day before my due date so we will see. That might be an activity for Lance and the boys.
We are happy, we are alive and we are patiently waiting.
June 30, 2011
June 19, 2011
Happy Father's Day to all you fathers! I hope you had a great day and I hope you were remembered and loved. We had a very low key Father's day but I think that is how it is suppose to be. We had a great day in church and the kids behaved fairly well so all in all it was a good day.
We headed over to my parents house for a family dinner and get together with all the family. It is so much fun to be together every Sunday. Since we don't see each other very much during the week it is really nice to catch up and hang out every Sunday. My mom made a great dinner for all the dads. It was like Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks Mom!!! It was a great dinner. Then we feasted on pie and hung out on the back deck enjoying the cool summer weather that is starting to make its appearance finally.
We headed over to my parents house for a family dinner and get together with all the family. It is so much fun to be together every Sunday. Since we don't see each other very much during the week it is really nice to catch up and hang out every Sunday. My mom made a great dinner for all the dads. It was like Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks Mom!!! It was a great dinner. Then we feasted on pie and hung out on the back deck enjoying the cool summer weather that is starting to make its appearance finally.
Here is a picture we took of all of Lance's brothers and wives. I have had the great privilage of getting to know my two sisters -in-law this past year and it has been so awesome. Eldon and his wife Shelli (the couple in the middle) are leaving in July for medical school. Wait I take that back. Eldon is leaving this week to start medical school while Shelli and their daughter Chiara will hang out for a month or so until he finishes his summer course. We are going t miss them so much. They have been so much fun. Eldon and John (Lance's younger brother on the far end) and his wife Carrie and their son Brantly also moved here to work for Lance. It has been so nice having more Snyder's close by. (Grandma and Grandpa Snyder, this picture is for you) These are Lance's two younger brothers. They are so much fun to be around. Thanks for loving your wives and taking such good care of your children. What great examples they are.
Never mind that I am 8 months pregnant and feeling very large. This was the only time we were together to take the picture.
This is a great tribute to all you father's! Thanks so much for all the hard work you do to support and provide for us.
Lance, thanks so much for loving us. For working from sun up until sun down to make sure we have the things we need. Your example and hard work never goes unnoticed. Our boys are so lucky to have you as their father. I am so lucky to have you for a husband and a friend. I love you and hope we are so thankful to have you. We are so blessed!!!! Happy Father's Day Sweetheart!!!
This was taken of all the grandkids that were there too on my parents swing. I guess this picture would also be for the Snyders as well. This one is for you mom and pappa Snyder. We were thinking of you too. We love and miss you!
Also, I happy Father' Day to my own dad. I was so blessed to have such a great man in my life. It was so nice to be with him as well today.
June 14, 2011
Today I realized........
Today I realized...... that being pregnant with my 5th child is a lot tougher on my body than it was with my first. 5 children? Can you believe it? I sure can't. I only have about 5 more weeks left but seriously, I can't really move. My hips are out of whack and my spirit that is running a million miles with lists of things to do is trapped in a 80 year old womans body. This morning it was so hard to roll out of bed. My bones were stiff and I was in tears because there was a nerve in my left bottom check that shot pain up and down my spine and down my left leg. Time to get adjusted before I can't take this anymore. It feels better when I am constantly moving, but when I sit down to take five, then watch out, it takes me about 5 minutes to get back on my feet. I am quite the sight.
Today I realized..... that it is time, honestly time to take control of my children. Time to take control of their health, their opportunities to find new hobbies, and etc.. No more temper tanturms, no more sugar, mulitple treats throughout the day just to keep them satisfied. Who is controling who now? Someone dear to me told me this the other day " There are new studies now that prove that sugar does not make children hyper." Really? You think people are going to believe that? Just look around you. We are a nation built on sugar. Everything we take in has sugar. Time to say goodbye. I have started using Agave Nectar. Ever heard of it? We are loving it!!
Today I realized.... just how amazing these essential oils are. There is so much to learn and so little time. I feel like I have found my niche and I am loving the benefits from it. I feel better, my children feel better and a healthier lifestyle is just down the road. It takes one step at a time but these oils are amazing. Life changing is what they have become for me. If I had a million dollars I would invest it all in this. You should check it out at http://www.doterra.com/.
Today I realized...... how nice it is to have a mom around. This past few days she has been gone helping her sister whose husband is out of town. She went and helped her with her buisness that she runs out of her home. It is job that pretty much requires attention 24/7. My kids would roam around her house if we went over there just calling for her. So sad to see their disappointment when I had to tell them she wasn't home. Thanks mom for all you do for me and my boys. It has been a nice break away from our home when we need it.
Today I realized.....how amazing my husband is. He is working from sun up until sun down, and let me tell you the sun doesn't set here until almost 11 p.m. at night. This job has required a lot of attention and times are kind of in a bunch with the banks. He has provided our family with so much. I have taken it all for granted, until I heard of a family in my parents ward asking people to donate to their family fund just so they can stay in their home. I don't think I could humble myself to do that. My pride is too big.
Today I realized.... that my boys are growing up faster than I can keep up with them. Owen, my youngest has entered the 2 year old stage and it is becoming quite the adventure with him. I used to think that children were born into this world with no personality, no character to them, until I had 3 boys and now I find myself realizing that they are already pre-programned and they are teaching me. Is that good or bad? I can't tell yet.
Today I realized.... that I need to cook more from scratch. This evening my sister-in-law told me that she was in the mood for egg noodles so she just up and made some from scratch. Who does that besides my grandma who is almost 80? She does. I need to be more like that. I really admire your talents Shelli. I want to be like you when I grow up.
Today I realized....that in just 5 weeks our baby will be here and we have not a thing for her. Besides a few really cute outfits, a crib and a baby bath, we don't have much else yet. I am sure when that nesting stage hits me we will get it done. Besides our babies are always sleeping in our room for the first couple of months, but the fact that we are having our first daughter is HUGE and I want a room that is completely hers and hers alone for her to have when she come home.
Today I realized.... that I need to be more forgiving. I have had people hurt me in the past and I am sure there will be many more in the years to come, but I just need to learn to forgive and move on. I think too many things hold me back. I tend to be one who dwells on the past and I reflect probably way more than I should. I think yesterday keeps me from being who I need to be today. I am wasting time.
Today I realized... that the Holy Ghost is vital in my life. I want it with me all the time. In our Sunday School lesson we talked about the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The question was brought up as this "What does the spirit feel like? We can read about it but what does it feel like on a day to day basis when we pray for the spirit to be with us? Does it make us happy, in a good mood or is that just ourselves being that way? Does the spirit reside in us all the time even though we are being obedient and doing what the Lord has asked us to do?" I have thought about that alot and asked myself "Am I being led by the spirit or is that just me telling me that I need to go and visit teach or help my neighbor dig a few weeds?" I have always envied those who have had a loud voice call out to them or something really strong that stuck out to them. I have always wondered why can't I have those kinds of moments? I guess I shouldn't question it at all. Just curious is all.
Today I realized...that life is good and mine for that taking. It is mine and I have a say as to what happens to me and my family. It is time for me to take control and just love life. From now on I am going to be happy and be optomistic. How about you?
Today I realized..... that it is time, honestly time to take control of my children. Time to take control of their health, their opportunities to find new hobbies, and etc.. No more temper tanturms, no more sugar, mulitple treats throughout the day just to keep them satisfied. Who is controling who now? Someone dear to me told me this the other day " There are new studies now that prove that sugar does not make children hyper." Really? You think people are going to believe that? Just look around you. We are a nation built on sugar. Everything we take in has sugar. Time to say goodbye. I have started using Agave Nectar. Ever heard of it? We are loving it!!
Today I realized.... just how amazing these essential oils are. There is so much to learn and so little time. I feel like I have found my niche and I am loving the benefits from it. I feel better, my children feel better and a healthier lifestyle is just down the road. It takes one step at a time but these oils are amazing. Life changing is what they have become for me. If I had a million dollars I would invest it all in this. You should check it out at http://www.doterra.com/.
Today I realized...... how nice it is to have a mom around. This past few days she has been gone helping her sister whose husband is out of town. She went and helped her with her buisness that she runs out of her home. It is job that pretty much requires attention 24/7. My kids would roam around her house if we went over there just calling for her. So sad to see their disappointment when I had to tell them she wasn't home. Thanks mom for all you do for me and my boys. It has been a nice break away from our home when we need it.
Today I realized.....how amazing my husband is. He is working from sun up until sun down, and let me tell you the sun doesn't set here until almost 11 p.m. at night. This job has required a lot of attention and times are kind of in a bunch with the banks. He has provided our family with so much. I have taken it all for granted, until I heard of a family in my parents ward asking people to donate to their family fund just so they can stay in their home. I don't think I could humble myself to do that. My pride is too big.
Today I realized.... that my boys are growing up faster than I can keep up with them. Owen, my youngest has entered the 2 year old stage and it is becoming quite the adventure with him. I used to think that children were born into this world with no personality, no character to them, until I had 3 boys and now I find myself realizing that they are already pre-programned and they are teaching me. Is that good or bad? I can't tell yet.
Today I realized.... that I need to cook more from scratch. This evening my sister-in-law told me that she was in the mood for egg noodles so she just up and made some from scratch. Who does that besides my grandma who is almost 80? She does. I need to be more like that. I really admire your talents Shelli. I want to be like you when I grow up.
Today I realized....that in just 5 weeks our baby will be here and we have not a thing for her. Besides a few really cute outfits, a crib and a baby bath, we don't have much else yet. I am sure when that nesting stage hits me we will get it done. Besides our babies are always sleeping in our room for the first couple of months, but the fact that we are having our first daughter is HUGE and I want a room that is completely hers and hers alone for her to have when she come home.
Today I realized.... that I need to be more forgiving. I have had people hurt me in the past and I am sure there will be many more in the years to come, but I just need to learn to forgive and move on. I think too many things hold me back. I tend to be one who dwells on the past and I reflect probably way more than I should. I think yesterday keeps me from being who I need to be today. I am wasting time.
Today I realized... that the Holy Ghost is vital in my life. I want it with me all the time. In our Sunday School lesson we talked about the Gift of the Holy Ghost. The question was brought up as this "What does the spirit feel like? We can read about it but what does it feel like on a day to day basis when we pray for the spirit to be with us? Does it make us happy, in a good mood or is that just ourselves being that way? Does the spirit reside in us all the time even though we are being obedient and doing what the Lord has asked us to do?" I have thought about that alot and asked myself "Am I being led by the spirit or is that just me telling me that I need to go and visit teach or help my neighbor dig a few weeds?" I have always envied those who have had a loud voice call out to them or something really strong that stuck out to them. I have always wondered why can't I have those kinds of moments? I guess I shouldn't question it at all. Just curious is all.
Today I realized...that life is good and mine for that taking. It is mine and I have a say as to what happens to me and my family. It is time for me to take control and just love life. From now on I am going to be happy and be optomistic. How about you?
June 13, 2011
shifting bones
This pregnancy has been alittle harder than the rest, physically that is. With all of my other children I had never really felt my bones shift as much as I have with this one. It hurts! It hurts bad and I feel like a 31 year old trapped in a 80 year olds body. Seriously, you should see me when I walk. It has come down to waddling and holding on to something, anything that is nearby to help stabalize me. I am quite the sight let me tell you.
Yesterday after dinner we took all our kids plus extended family for a walk behind my parents house. Behind their home is a subdivision that is full of these amazingly beautiful multi-million dollar homes that have built along the river banks. Behind them are some ponds where the swans and geese live. My boys love walking down there to see them. I thought it would be ok but afterwards, I hurt really bad. It is nice to get out and try to get some excerise. We only have about 6 weeks left ands she will be here. That seems like a long ways away but I have to get to work on her room. We haven't done a single thing yet. There is so much we still need to get.
Last night around 3 a.m. my boys decided to play musical beds. First Keaton came in with his pillow. I put him in the middle and tried to roll over and get some sleep, but by the time I finally closed my eyes, in walks Andrew with his pillow. I wasn't up for a fight so I took all 10 of my pillows and tried to fit on Andrew's bed. Not very comfortable and then 3 hours later I am awoken by my 2 year old jumping on my and a huge wack to the face with his fist. I guess its Good morning.
I know that my bones are going to shift even more. My hips and my pelvis are just grinding when I walk. Not a fun way to spend my summer break but I guess we have no choice but to go with it and hope that I don't look too ridiculous. I am tired. I am anxious. I am happy.
Yesterday after dinner we took all our kids plus extended family for a walk behind my parents house. Behind their home is a subdivision that is full of these amazingly beautiful multi-million dollar homes that have built along the river banks. Behind them are some ponds where the swans and geese live. My boys love walking down there to see them. I thought it would be ok but afterwards, I hurt really bad. It is nice to get out and try to get some excerise. We only have about 6 weeks left ands she will be here. That seems like a long ways away but I have to get to work on her room. We haven't done a single thing yet. There is so much we still need to get.
Last night around 3 a.m. my boys decided to play musical beds. First Keaton came in with his pillow. I put him in the middle and tried to roll over and get some sleep, but by the time I finally closed my eyes, in walks Andrew with his pillow. I wasn't up for a fight so I took all 10 of my pillows and tried to fit on Andrew's bed. Not very comfortable and then 3 hours later I am awoken by my 2 year old jumping on my and a huge wack to the face with his fist. I guess its Good morning.
I know that my bones are going to shift even more. My hips and my pelvis are just grinding when I walk. Not a fun way to spend my summer break but I guess we have no choice but to go with it and hope that I don't look too ridiculous. I am tired. I am anxious. I am happy.
June 11, 2011
B turns one
My nephew Brantly turned one on Friday. I can't believe a year has flown so fast. Seems just like yesterday they were moving up here and living with us. We had a great time having them with us. It was so much fun having a newborn in our home. We really enjoyed having this sweet family with us.
They had a fun little get together at the park for cupcakes and ice cream for his birthday. It has been a while since we had last seem them so it was really nice to be all together and hang out. All the kids enjoyed playing at a new park with new things to see and do. There was a duck pond that was a hit too.
Brantly had been alitte under the weather with another ear infection and cutting a few more teeth on top of that, but it was nice to see him smile every now and then. It is no fun to put on a fun face when you are feeling icky. He did a great job!
Happy one year Brantly!! We sure love you!
June 9, 2011
Keaton Graduates
Tuesday afternoon Keaton had his Kindergarden graduation program. He was so excited about it. He had been practicing his songs and what they were suppose to be doing. It was so sweet watching him go around the house singing the songs. I was only sad that I didn't know them so I could sing along with him. Every Monday for Family Home Evening for the past month or so he has been trying to teach us some of the songs. In his frustration he stopped trying and just sang them to us.
All the a.m. kindergardners had their program and they had it set up in the gym. Now mind you Star Elementary is a tiny elementary school and it has been around for a very long time. Kind of old fashioned but that is what makes it so unique.
They all walked down the isle and took their places on the stage. While they were doing that all the kids came down the isle dancing to the music that was playing. Some of those kids have spunk in them and it was so darling to watch them dance their hearts away. I was surprised that Keaton danced too. Sorry these pictures don't prove it but he was really cute! I really enjoyed volunteering in his class this past year. I have really loved getting involved with my children's activities in school. They love it too as well.
Keaton had a great teacher too. It really makes a difference when their teacher cares for and loves her students. He felt that from Mrs. Blackaller. I was so thankful that she helped him to love learning and to how to make it fun.
All the a.m. kindergardners had their program and they had it set up in the gym. Now mind you Star Elementary is a tiny elementary school and it has been around for a very long time. Kind of old fashioned but that is what makes it so unique.
They all walked down the isle and took their places on the stage. While they were doing that all the kids came down the isle dancing to the music that was playing. Some of those kids have spunk in them and it was so darling to watch them dance their hearts away. I was surprised that Keaton danced too. Sorry these pictures don't prove it but he was really cute! I really enjoyed volunteering in his class this past year. I have really loved getting involved with my children's activities in school. They love it too as well.
Keaton had a great teacher too. It really makes a difference when their teacher cares for and loves her students. He felt that from Mrs. Blackaller. I was so thankful that she helped him to love learning and to how to make it fun.
Keaton dancing to a song that they were singing
Keaton with his teacher Mrs. Blackaller
They displayed some of their artwork throughout the gym for everyone to see
Wall art
Keaton's self -portrait
June 4, 2011
This is what 7 a.m. looks like at our home
This is why I can't sleep! This is what Owen does early in the morning. He is quite intelligent. He has this obsession with lawn mowers these days. Push, ride, whatever it is, he will be there. Oh I also forgot, he also loves tractors. I will have to put a recording on of how he says it because it is even funnier. He just rolls his tounge and depending on how excited he is to see it, the higher the pitch in his voice gets. It makes us all laugh.
Could there be anyone cuter than this at 7 in the morning?
Could there be anyone cuter than this at 7 in the morning?
Field Day
On Friday Keaton had field day at school. Do you remember having a field day in Elementary school? I do! It was the most anticipated day of the entire school year. Well Friday was the big and long awaited day for Keaton. He had talked it up for a week prior to it. He kept telling us that he couldn't forget to pack another change of clothing because there were going to be water games. I kept telling him that he really didn't need to becaues I never received an email from his teacher telling me so. So he was pretty persistant with Lance and I, so the morning of field day, he packed another change of clothing and shoved it into his backpack and was off to school. I had to drop Andrew and Owen off at my parents house so I could help volunteer and help out with field day. Keaton was so excited to have me there.
It was quite the show. Just picture 40 some little kindergardners running around outside in the big open fields jumping up and down, not listening to a word anyone is saying because they are so excited to play games and finally be outside in the nice warm sun. Yes, it was warm that day, thank goodness!
There were 17 different stations for the classes to rotate with. Each and everyone different from the last. When I saw that they had water games planned I automatically felt bad for not giving Keaton the credit he deserved for telling us and warning us about packing spare clothing. I apologized to him and all he said was "Mom, kindergardners can tell the truth too!" Yes, son you are most definetly right!!!!
So we started playing and helping the kids out.
It was so much fun to be a part of Keaton's class this year. I have loved volunteering and being a part of his school programs and projects. I hope for many more opportunities next year and in the years to come with all my children.
Keaton's last day of school in next Wed. and they are already planning their Graduation program and that is on Tuesday. These boys are so excited for summer vacation. This is the first time they understand what that reallly means.
Here is what we did on Field Day........
It was quite the show. Just picture 40 some little kindergardners running around outside in the big open fields jumping up and down, not listening to a word anyone is saying because they are so excited to play games and finally be outside in the nice warm sun. Yes, it was warm that day, thank goodness!
There were 17 different stations for the classes to rotate with. Each and everyone different from the last. When I saw that they had water games planned I automatically felt bad for not giving Keaton the credit he deserved for telling us and warning us about packing spare clothing. I apologized to him and all he said was "Mom, kindergardners can tell the truth too!" Yes, son you are most definetly right!!!!
So we started playing and helping the kids out.
It was so much fun to be a part of Keaton's class this year. I have loved volunteering and being a part of his school programs and projects. I hope for many more opportunities next year and in the years to come with all my children.
Keaton's last day of school in next Wed. and they are already planning their Graduation program and that is on Tuesday. These boys are so excited for summer vacation. This is the first time they understand what that reallly means.
Here is what we did on Field Day........
Thanks Keaton for inviting me to be a part of your class. I enjoyed every minute with you and your sweet little friends. You have really learned a lot this past year. I can't even keep up with the things you are already learning! I love you!!!!
Andrew the Graduate
This past week Andrew graduated from his first year of preschool. I think this year was a great year for Andrew. He really learned a lot. Not like we were hoping but huge milestones in other areas. He made some really good little friends and had a great teacher ~ Miss. Emily. She worked really hard and really well with each and every one of them. I felt like Andrew was in good hands. There were some days that were really hard for him to go to school. But overall, he did really well. We are so proud of you Andrew!!!!
Since the weather didn't cooperate like it should have, we had his graduation indoors. They had a big picnic scheduled and a program also. But since Mother Nature can't make up her mind which season it should be we had it indoors.
Andrew was so excited for his graduation program. He invited everyone. We all showed up and we had a great time being with Andrew. Since he has a late birthday he gets to do preschool all over again, only this time with a different school next year. I am thankful in a way that he still has one more year to catch up before Kindergarden.
Here is our graduate.....
Since the weather didn't cooperate like it should have, we had his graduation indoors. They had a big picnic scheduled and a program also. But since Mother Nature can't make up her mind which season it should be we had it indoors.
Andrew was so excited for his graduation program. He invited everyone. We all showed up and we had a great time being with Andrew. Since he has a late birthday he gets to do preschool all over again, only this time with a different school next year. I am thankful in a way that he still has one more year to catch up before Kindergarden.
Here is our graduate.....
They sang some really cute little songs that they had been learning all year long and the pledge of allegiance.
Congratulations Andrew!!! We are so proud of you!
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