Today we had our 20 week ultrasound and she confirmed it. It's a boy! I have to admit I was alittle disappointed, but now I am really excited for this one. I don't really have to buy any clothes. He can wear all of the boys hand me downs. Those are the best right? Especially when times are tough. Of course every baby deserves new clothes.
We are excited. I am having trouble scanning my pictures in but I will post them when we get them up and running. We had some 3D pictures taken of the little guy. He is quite cute.
I thought I would share our fun news before we left for Utah. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
November 25, 2008
November 22, 2008
Twilight Movie

I must say I was disappointed in the movie. I thought it was slow and about an hour into the movie it started to be action packed. It went along with the book pretty well. Stephanie Meyers was also in the movie herself, which I thought was strange. I thought Edward was pretty ugly but after awhile he started to grow on me.
I imagine that there will be other movies since it left you hanging at the prom dance. I game away being bumned about it. Sorry for all of you who are reading this and liked it. I hope they get better. The acting and filming were horrible too.
Things are changing
Lately a lot has changed for me. Not just with how I feel but with what has been happening with our family. As most of you know, Lance is not really working with First National Mortgage. He kind of does that on the side. He has started his own buisness called Sunrise Builders, Inc.. His passion in life is building homes and he has tried to start that. He has put up a bunch of adds for building on lots that are a steal of a deal and a ton of amazing floor plans. People are eating it up and he has a few that are looking promising. We just keep our fingers crossed that something will come through. He has always done a good job at whatever it is he has set his mind to. Once his mind is set there is no stopping him. He has a one track mind. This past week he was a early morning seminary substitute teacher. He really enjoyed it. I felt like I was a single mom the whole week. He would leave around 5:30-6 am. and he wouldn't return home until 6-6:30 pm and then one of us usually had a church meeting or something else going on. I really didn't see him much this week.
I am feeling pretty good. The heartburn at night is starting. I forgot how much I don't like this part of pregnancy. I haven't felt the baby move yet. I am thinking it will be pretty soon. I am about 20 weeks along and I have always felt my babies move around 21-22 weeks. We have an ultrasound on Tuesday. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a girl. But I have gut feeling that it is another boy. Oh well. I will post more when we find out.
The boys are doing well. Keeping us really busy. They are getting so excited for Christmas. Especially Keaton, Andrew just tags along and gets excited whenever Keaton does. I love it when they are this age. Things start to interest them and things become exciting.
We are going to make some holiday aprons for the boys. I am going to start "candy day" here in our home. I think it would be fun to have a tradition like that with my boys. I have never really sewn before so wish me luck.
I am feeling pretty good. The heartburn at night is starting. I forgot how much I don't like this part of pregnancy. I haven't felt the baby move yet. I am thinking it will be pretty soon. I am about 20 weeks along and I have always felt my babies move around 21-22 weeks. We have an ultrasound on Tuesday. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a girl. But I have gut feeling that it is another boy. Oh well. I will post more when we find out.
The boys are doing well. Keeping us really busy. They are getting so excited for Christmas. Especially Keaton, Andrew just tags along and gets excited whenever Keaton does. I love it when they are this age. Things start to interest them and things become exciting.
We are going to make some holiday aprons for the boys. I am going to start "candy day" here in our home. I think it would be fun to have a tradition like that with my boys. I have never really sewn before so wish me luck.
November 17, 2008
Random thoughts
I have been away for awhile. It's not that I don't have the time, its just that I just don't have anything to post about. We are just doing the same ole stuff that we always do. There hasn't been anything new or exciting yet but that should change after next week when we find out what we are having. Our ultrasound is scheduled for the 24th, next Tuesday afternoon. I am really really excited. I am crossing my fingers for a girl. I have my doubts though and I am thinking I will probably have another boy, like the last ultrasound suggested. We will see. We will keep you posted.
Keaton and Andrew are both as crazy as ever. Keaton and Andrew either are the best of friends or the worst of enemies. Most of the time its Keaton getting after Andrew. Seldom do I find that Andrew is crying or fussing over nothing. He will usually find me where ever I am and say "Key Key, hit me." It is the cutest too. Andrew is really starting to talk more and more. His words are still cut off but I can understand pretty much everything he says. It's true when they say "only a mother understands her toddler best." Uusally everyone has to turn to me to see what he is saying. But most of it now you can understand what he is trying to get to. He will be turning two on Dec. 22. My baby is growing up.
Keaton has been a busy body. I think 3 years old is the new terrible two. He is always looking for some thing to do and something to get into. He is a very curious boy. He is always asking, "Mom, what did you say?" or "Why?" to everything. He loves to talk and tell stories. He is always wanting your attention. He is doing really well in school. He LOVES it! He comes home everytime so excited to tell me all the things he has learned. He is sleeping horribly at night. He is my night time waker. He always finds an excuse to stay up or come down the stairs. Lately he has been waking up at midnight, stands at the top of the stairs and just screams until he is ready to come down. I have been so frustrated with that. I am really grumpy when I don't get a good nights rest. I think these boys are preparing me for when the baby comes. But other than that, I love my boys! They are my life! I can't remember what life was like before them.
I am still pretty busy with Young Women's. We have 7 Miamaids right now. That is the most we have had since I came in in February. We love it! Last week for our mutual activiy we went to see High School Musical #3. I am not sure if you have ever seen taht but when it first started I started laughing so hard. I thought it was really silly. I am not a fan of those kinds of movies. It was a modern day "Grease." But the girls had a great time and my other two advisors are really into the movie with their children also. We were the only ones in the theater thank goodness, because the girls were so loud.
Lance has been trying to stay busy. He is not really working too much on doing the Loan processing stuff anymore. He has started his own buisness called Sunrise Builders, Inc. He has been getting around 8-12 calls everyday for possible build jobs. We are optomistic that something good will come of it. He is really excited to get it up and running. I hope that this works. Wish us luck.
So far, no one has offered on our home. We are ok with that right now. Whether we stay or go does not matter right now. We are content just to be here and in this area. We love Star! We love our ward and we have a great group of friends that we have become close to.
The Lord is blessing us with so much now. I sometimes forget to step back and look at all the great things that are happening to us. Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and smiles. We LOVE you all!
Keaton and Andrew are both as crazy as ever. Keaton and Andrew either are the best of friends or the worst of enemies. Most of the time its Keaton getting after Andrew. Seldom do I find that Andrew is crying or fussing over nothing. He will usually find me where ever I am and say "Key Key, hit me." It is the cutest too. Andrew is really starting to talk more and more. His words are still cut off but I can understand pretty much everything he says. It's true when they say "only a mother understands her toddler best." Uusally everyone has to turn to me to see what he is saying. But most of it now you can understand what he is trying to get to. He will be turning two on Dec. 22. My baby is growing up.
Keaton has been a busy body. I think 3 years old is the new terrible two. He is always looking for some thing to do and something to get into. He is a very curious boy. He is always asking, "Mom, what did you say?" or "Why?" to everything. He loves to talk and tell stories. He is always wanting your attention. He is doing really well in school. He LOVES it! He comes home everytime so excited to tell me all the things he has learned. He is sleeping horribly at night. He is my night time waker. He always finds an excuse to stay up or come down the stairs. Lately he has been waking up at midnight, stands at the top of the stairs and just screams until he is ready to come down. I have been so frustrated with that. I am really grumpy when I don't get a good nights rest. I think these boys are preparing me for when the baby comes. But other than that, I love my boys! They are my life! I can't remember what life was like before them.
I am still pretty busy with Young Women's. We have 7 Miamaids right now. That is the most we have had since I came in in February. We love it! Last week for our mutual activiy we went to see High School Musical #3. I am not sure if you have ever seen taht but when it first started I started laughing so hard. I thought it was really silly. I am not a fan of those kinds of movies. It was a modern day "Grease." But the girls had a great time and my other two advisors are really into the movie with their children also. We were the only ones in the theater thank goodness, because the girls were so loud.
Lance has been trying to stay busy. He is not really working too much on doing the Loan processing stuff anymore. He has started his own buisness called Sunrise Builders, Inc. He has been getting around 8-12 calls everyday for possible build jobs. We are optomistic that something good will come of it. He is really excited to get it up and running. I hope that this works. Wish us luck.
So far, no one has offered on our home. We are ok with that right now. Whether we stay or go does not matter right now. We are content just to be here and in this area. We love Star! We love our ward and we have a great group of friends that we have become close to.
The Lord is blessing us with so much now. I sometimes forget to step back and look at all the great things that are happening to us. Thanks for all your thoughts, prayers and smiles. We LOVE you all!
November 14, 2008
A bad virus
Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. Our computer has a really really bad virus that Lance has been workiing on. When it is fully up and running I will get back to you. Other than that, life is normal and we are all doing well. Our ultrasound in on the 24th so we are anxiously awaiting to see if its a boy or a girl. I am keeping my fingers crossed for a girl, but if it is another boy then so be it.
I will post soon with some fun new pictures we have been taking.
We love you all!
I will post soon with some fun new pictures we have been taking.
We love you all!
November 7, 2008
Nights in Rodanthe

Last night we watched this movie - Nights in Rodanthe. I had been begging Lance for awhile and he finally gave in. Thanks Lance! I love a good movie, but I must say I was not really impressed with this one. I don't like movies with a really crappy ending. Sorry for all of those who have not seen it yet. You might not want to read the rest. It is a story of a family who is seperated and the kids are fighting for the parents to get back together. The husband had left his wife for another and was coming back, begging to come back home, because he was sorry for what he had done. So Adrian, the mother, main actress, goes on a vacation for a week to see her best friend in a beach home that is literally on the ocean. It is a neat old home and there is a tale that wild horses swam to this specific place. Richard Gere, who plays the role of Paul, who is a doctor that is divorced and hasn't seen his son in over a year comes to this home, which is a bed and breakfast, for a couple of days to meet a man who's wife died while undergoing an opteration that he performed on her. He wants answers and wants to know what happened so Paul comes to talk to him, only to find that the whole town knows about it and there are many hard feelings.
Well to make the long story short. These two people with broken hearts become in love and they spend one week that was paradise for them. Then Paul, leaves for Ecuador to see his son, who is a doctor there helping those less fortunate. He leaves and promises to write her every day. So they write to each other and fall even more in love. Then the day he is planned to come home she prepares a dinner and a speical evening only to find that he never comes. So the next morning Paul's son shows up on her doorstep to deliver his father's things to her. He tells her of the accident in Ecuador that took his father's life. He was killed in a flash flood trying to rescue medical supplies for his son.
It was so sad. I hate movies with icky endings. So she goes to live a sad life without him and how she must face things. It was in tears the whole time. I don't like movies with a sad ending. So if any of you want to see it, you might like it, you might not like me.
I found this on my cousin's blog. The article made me gag. I am going to try to cut back on sugar not only for myself but for my children. I didn't realize all the negatives that sugar does to the body.
November 3, 2008
Mondays have always felt lazy to me. I have never really liked them, knowing another week is ahead of us and it is my day to clean the house and do laundry.
Days like today feel so relaxed and mundane sometimes. It rained all day and it was relaly really cold so we didn't really go outside. We just chilled inside most of the day. My sister Rachel and her daughter Ava came over to play and the boys loved that. I really enjoyed the company also. Thanks Rachel for visiting us! Come again soon!
Here is what our day consisted of:
- Cleaning the house
- Doing the laundry
- coloring, reading stories, playing hide-n-g-seek for the 10th time
- taking our books back to the library to avoid a late fee
- going to visit Uncle Justin and seeing the new paint
- cooking dinner
- bathing my boys
- watching my boys jump all over their dad.
I have been sitting here watching my boys wrestle their dad. It is so fun to watch them get so excited about small things. Lance is just laughing his head off and it has been awhile since I have heard him laugh like that. It's a good sound.
Lately Lance and I have been doing a lot of thinking about the things we want most out of life. Our patriarchal blessings have been a huge reminder to us that all will be ok for us if we just stick to the Lord's side and do what He has asked us to do. I have felt so many emotions this past week, frustration, sadness, loneliness, and just plain exhausted. I am sure some of it, if not most of it, is due to the fact that I am pregnant, but it has still been no fun for me.
Lance's work has slowed down quite abit. We are looking for new opportunities. Our options are open at the moment. He really enjoys the building buisness. He said that there is great satisfaction in seeing a plot of dirt become a beautiful home. He would like to stay with that proffession but right now we are still thinking if that is what we can do and survive on. I just know that something will come our way. It always has and I know it always will.
I haven't been as supportive as I should be. Maybe it is due to the fact that this whole week I have only thought about the things I am going through. I have been busy with my calling. I am really loving the Young Women's program. They are a constant reminder of being Christlike to me. I know there is always room for improvement. Here we come!
Ok, now I am off my soapbox. Things are really good. We are healthy, happy and most of all we love each other.
Days like today feel so relaxed and mundane sometimes. It rained all day and it was relaly really cold so we didn't really go outside. We just chilled inside most of the day. My sister Rachel and her daughter Ava came over to play and the boys loved that. I really enjoyed the company also. Thanks Rachel for visiting us! Come again soon!
Here is what our day consisted of:
- Cleaning the house
- Doing the laundry
- coloring, reading stories, playing hide-n-g-seek for the 10th time
- taking our books back to the library to avoid a late fee
- going to visit Uncle Justin and seeing the new paint
- cooking dinner
- bathing my boys
- watching my boys jump all over their dad.
Lately Lance and I have been doing a lot of thinking about the things we want most out of life. Our patriarchal blessings have been a huge reminder to us that all will be ok for us if we just stick to the Lord's side and do what He has asked us to do. I have felt so many emotions this past week, frustration, sadness, loneliness, and just plain exhausted. I am sure some of it, if not most of it, is due to the fact that I am pregnant, but it has still been no fun for me.
Lance's work has slowed down quite abit. We are looking for new opportunities. Our options are open at the moment. He really enjoys the building buisness. He said that there is great satisfaction in seeing a plot of dirt become a beautiful home. He would like to stay with that proffession but right now we are still thinking if that is what we can do and survive on. I just know that something will come our way. It always has and I know it always will.
I haven't been as supportive as I should be. Maybe it is due to the fact that this whole week I have only thought about the things I am going through. I have been busy with my calling. I am really loving the Young Women's program. They are a constant reminder of being Christlike to me. I know there is always room for improvement. Here we come!
Ok, now I am off my soapbox. Things are really good. We are healthy, happy and most of all we love each other.
November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween
This year was really fun. Both of the boys were old enough to understand what was going on. The weatehr was overcast, but warm. It was the perfect weather. Thank you Mother Nature for holding out on us. We started trick or treating at Great Grandma Beard's house. She was the first to put candy in their bucket. They just loved that and wanted to eat it all. Then we headed down to the church ready for the trunk or treat. There was a great turn out. We met up with Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Justin and the Laney's. The boys loved going trunk to trunk getting all the free candy they could get in their buckets. Andrew would not wear his costume so we didn't force the issue and let him go as is.
Afterwards we went to my brother Justin's house for a BBQ with all of his single friends. They had a big bonfire going and some really really good food. Thanks Justin for letting us come and hang out with you.
Then my mom was nice enough to watch the boys while Lance and I headed over to his Aunt and Uncle Shaw's house for a family get together. Only problem was, no one really came. It was just us and them. We had a great chat but about 10 p.m. we headed back to our home to relieve my mom. I couldn't believe both of my boys were still awake on the couch watching Mr. Kruegger's Christmas. They not only watched all of that but the Polar Express also. Thanks mom! You are a real sport.
This year Halloween was great. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I love my boys. I love that they get so excited about the small things. I need to do that more often.
Happy Halloween everyone!
Keaton showing off some of his candy
Grandma and Grandpa Quinn with all their grandkids
(our little family waiting for the trunk or treat)
the grandkids waiting
The McCains showed up to the party
The sunset was amazing. I took this picture to see the colors
Me and my boys
Uncle Justin with all of the kids
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