It has been really hot outside lately. My boys have been begging every day to go swimming. I would love to take them swimming. I would spend all day in the pool with them if I could, only one problem ~ I have a small baby. I would take Owen too if it weren't so hot outside. There is no shade and I don't think he nor I would enjoy a pool side meltdown. So for now, we just look out our window and dream of swimming.
Yesterday I took them to the library. They have reading/craft time every monday morning at 10:30 a.m. so we tried to make it in time, only to get there late and my boys had no desire to sit and listen. They love that there are small computers just their size with fun learing programs on them to play. So what do they do, they bust through the doors and run straight to the computers. That is where they stay content for the whole 40 minutes we are there. I am the one who checked out the books, and movies. This time instead of letting them choose the "dumb" movies, I picked out educational ones like George Washington and Christopher Columbus. Did they like them? NO! I also checked out some music and books on tape that they have really enjoyed listening to. Maybe we should do this more often.
They just play around the house and I get my house cleaning done while we listen to the books on tape. Great idea!
We went over to my mom's house for the rest of the afternoon to play. She has much more running room at her home and I can let them play outsdie without really having to worry about them. Well I was inside helping Owen go down for his morning nap when all of a sudden I heard some screaming. I ran to do the door wondering what had happened and Keaton had thrown a hand full of dirt/sand into Andrew's eyes and hair. He was a mess. So I took him inside to clean him up and while I was doing so, Owen woke back up, giving me now two screaming boys. I had to help Andrew first so that left Owen in his crib screaming his head off.
We headed back home to get some dinner made and to settle down for the evening. I was boiling some water for the corn on the cob and I had set the cobs on a plate next to the stove and I ran into the computer room to do some visiting teaching calls and I could hear the boys laughing and throwing something. I was pretty sure they were just playing baseball with their little balls and then I got curious because they were laughing so hard. So I stepped out into the front room and that was when I became so mad! They had found the corn on the cob, decided to thrown them around, eat half of them unbaked, and pieces of corn everywhere. I couldn't believe it. That is when I lost it. I put them all in their seperate rooms for at least a half hour while I cried cleaning up the terrible mess them made.
So for dinner, we hate half of a cob where there was still corn left.
It doesn't end there. Lance was gone for another work meeting and I had to get the boys in the bath. I put Owen on the bedroom floor, filled up the tub with some water with the water still running and had the boys get in. I had forgotten the towels down stairs in the dryer. So I ran back upstairs. I heard some pretty hard giggling and I knew that couldn't be good. I ran into the bathroom to find my floors with inches of water on them. They had turned on the shower head, and with cups of water, they were pouring it out the sides of the tub. I couldn't believe it. While all of this was happening Owen had a major blow out thus causing poop to go up and down his back. Good thing it was bath time!
After they were bathed I took them over to my parents house. They were kind enough to watch Keaton and Andrew for us while we took Owen to a wedding reception. It was a nice way to calm down, eat tons of junk food, which I regretted later on, and I was in the company of lots of friends and family.
Then we got back home around 10 p.m. put the kids to bed and went to bed ourselves. It was Owen's worst night in 2 months. He did not sleep well at all. He was up every 3 hours. He usually sleeps 6-7 hours at a time. I don't think we will be keeping him out that late anymore.
I hope we don't have any more days like today for a long time. I need some rest and a therapist!
July 29, 2009
July 26, 2009
My sister Rachel let me take some pictures of her in her wedding dress since she never really had any pictures of her taken before her wedding. So she let me take some of her. We had so much fun. Thanks Rachel for allowing me to do that.
Doesn't she just look stunning?

If anyone is interested in getting your pictures done. Please let me know and we will set something up. I would love to take some family pictures or whatever you choose.
Doesn't she just look stunning?

If anyone is interested in getting your pictures done. Please let me know and we will set something up. I would love to take some family pictures or whatever you choose.
July 21, 2009
Masterbedroom makeover
I have always wanted to give my bedroom a complete makeover. I am in the process of brainstorming ideas for our room. There are so many great ideas and I would love to have the bedroom that I can relax in. Right now, my bedroom consists of a bed, two side dressers that don't match, an armour, and some mismatched pictures that are too small for the big wall space it is trying to cover up.
I have always neglected my bedroom and it needs a major face lift. We have a cherry sleigh bed right now but I have always wanted a 4 post bed. I love the look of them and I think that they are very elegant.
Right now my bedding consists of a patched quilt that my mother got us while living in Arizona. Our pillow cases are from 3 other bedding sets we own and they are starting to get holes in them.
I make my bed every morning but by mid afternoon the pillows are on the floor and after my children have jumped on my bed, tearing the bedding completely off my bed and throwing in on the floor, I am frazled and I just give up. I try to keep my bedroom door shut hoping that they will get the hint, but they are little guys, they don't pick up on that stuff. Seems like no matter how many times I tell them to stay off my bed, it doesn't work.
What would it be like to have a room that is fully decorated and something I could retire to at the end of each night and feel relaxed? One day I will experience this, but for now I will just enjoy the messes and the upkept look. Like President Monson said in the October Conference of 2008, he said that "one day you will look around and you will miss those dirty finger prints on the clean window that you just cleaned and the toys that are strewn completely across your living room floor. Cherish it, for it will pass too fast." I love my children and one day I will get that master bedroom that I have always wanted.

All I need is the perfect color of pain, the bed, the bedding, the wall decor and pretty much everything for our room. So for now I will just sit back and relax and let my kids run and jump on my bed for now.
Such is the life of a wired, tired, worn out mom! I LOVE it!
I have always neglected my bedroom and it needs a major face lift. We have a cherry sleigh bed right now but I have always wanted a 4 post bed. I love the look of them and I think that they are very elegant.
Right now my bedding consists of a patched quilt that my mother got us while living in Arizona. Our pillow cases are from 3 other bedding sets we own and they are starting to get holes in them.
I make my bed every morning but by mid afternoon the pillows are on the floor and after my children have jumped on my bed, tearing the bedding completely off my bed and throwing in on the floor, I am frazled and I just give up. I try to keep my bedroom door shut hoping that they will get the hint, but they are little guys, they don't pick up on that stuff. Seems like no matter how many times I tell them to stay off my bed, it doesn't work.
What would it be like to have a room that is fully decorated and something I could retire to at the end of each night and feel relaxed? One day I will experience this, but for now I will just enjoy the messes and the upkept look. Like President Monson said in the October Conference of 2008, he said that "one day you will look around and you will miss those dirty finger prints on the clean window that you just cleaned and the toys that are strewn completely across your living room floor. Cherish it, for it will pass too fast." I love my children and one day I will get that master bedroom that I have always wanted.

All I need is the perfect color of pain, the bed, the bedding, the wall decor and pretty much everything for our room. So for now I will just sit back and relax and let my kids run and jump on my bed for now.
Such is the life of a wired, tired, worn out mom! I LOVE it!
July 19, 2009
I have always had a this dream of becoming a photographer and starting up my own buisness. I have been playing around and taking tons of pictures. I know everyone is annoyed with me taking so many but people it will pay off. I love having great photos. There is nothing that captures the moment better than a good picture. Here are a few examples of the before and afters of some pictures I have taken.








I need more practice and it is for free right now. So if anyone wants to volunteer I would love to take your pictures. Please call me or email me and we will see what we can do. I can't promise the best but that is why I need the practice. Let's have some fun!
Oh, and a special thanks to all of you who let me take your pictures a hundred times again and again. I love you all for that!




I need more practice and it is for free right now. So if anyone wants to volunteer I would love to take your pictures. Please call me or email me and we will see what we can do. I can't promise the best but that is why I need the practice. Let's have some fun!
Oh, and a special thanks to all of you who let me take your pictures a hundred times again and again. I love you all for that!
July 18, 2009
The Pirate Party
We had an offical birthday party with all of Keaton's friends today. Keaton was anticiapting this the whole week and it was finally here. We went with a pirate theme for his party. We had so much fun decorating and getting it ready. Everyone showed up. We had a bbq and then all the kids played in the water. It was a blasted hot day and the water was just the perfect thing to cool us off.
Everyone showed up around 4 and after awhile we were all itching to go swimming in the pool so that is where we ended the evening at. The water was perfect and the kids/adults had a great time.
All the kids got pirate swords, hates and eye patches. They LOVED them! They were all so cute too.

Keaton turned 4 on Wednseday. He asked me then when he was going to turn 5. I told him the next time you celebrate your birthay you will celebrate your birthday you will turn 5. Well apparently today he turned 5. He said to me, "Mom, you said when I celebrate my next birthday I will turn 5, and today I am having another birhtday. So I must be 5. Look at me! I look like a five year old!" I couldn't help but laugh. I tried to explain to him that he will be 5 next year, but he doesn't get it. So if you ask Keaton how old he is, he will tell you he is 5 years old. Aren't they so sweet!
Here are some fun pictures from our party. Thanks everyone for coming and making it such a special day for Keaton!
My sweet niece Ava was caught singing the song Smoke on the Water. Isn't she so cute!

Keaton got some floaty and goggles for his birthday and today we put them to use. He mentioned that he looked like one of the superhero's on The Incredibles.

Everyone showed up around 4 and after awhile we were all itching to go swimming in the pool so that is where we ended the evening at. The water was perfect and the kids/adults had a great time.
All the kids got pirate swords, hates and eye patches. They LOVED them! They were all so cute too.

Keaton turned 4 on Wednseday. He asked me then when he was going to turn 5. I told him the next time you celebrate your birthay you will celebrate your birthday you will turn 5. Well apparently today he turned 5. He said to me, "Mom, you said when I celebrate my next birthday I will turn 5, and today I am having another birhtday. So I must be 5. Look at me! I look like a five year old!" I couldn't help but laugh. I tried to explain to him that he will be 5 next year, but he doesn't get it. So if you ask Keaton how old he is, he will tell you he is 5 years old. Aren't they so sweet!
Here are some fun pictures from our party. Thanks everyone for coming and making it such a special day for Keaton!
My sweet niece Ava was caught singing the song Smoke on the Water. Isn't she so cute!

Keaton got some floaty and goggles for his birthday and today we put them to use. He mentioned that he looked like one of the superhero's on The Incredibles.

July 16, 2009
Keaton is 4, part two
I am alittle late posting this but here is our little cake and ice cream party we had for Uncle Justin and Keaton Wednseday night. Aunt Rachel took the kids to Chucky Cheese and then they came back for some swimming and cake and ice cream.
Keaton is having his birthday party with all of his friends this Saturday. He is so exicted. We have having a Pirate Party theme. Any one have any good suggestions about a Pirate party? We are still in the works of putting this one together. I will post more after his party.

We are trying to stay cool. It has been over 100 degrees and it is HOT! Owen is sleeping better during the day because I have had to let him cry it out a little longer. The boys are getting a little cranky. No naps are great fun (ya right)! Lance has been gone every night this week and that has been alittle rough for us but somehow we are managing. I am trying to raise these boys right and most of the time I am losing my temper. Keaton commented that I needed to "chill out mom!" I couldn't believe my ears when he said that. Andrew is getting pretty pushy. He loves to push people. I am trying to stop that and help him out but he has become our little bully. How do you stop your child from doing that? I always told myself I would never let my child be one of those kids that pushed people. What's a mom suppose to do.
My visiting teachers came over this morning. It was nice to have some adult conversation. I am so thankful for faithful visiting teachers. Do you know how important that calling is? I really gained my testimony of that on my mission.
So there you have it! Our little update for now. We are surviving and staying cool. Thanks for your phone calls and little notes in the mail. I have really loved them!
Keaton is having his birthday party with all of his friends this Saturday. He is so exicted. We have having a Pirate Party theme. Any one have any good suggestions about a Pirate party? We are still in the works of putting this one together. I will post more after his party.
We are trying to stay cool. It has been over 100 degrees and it is HOT! Owen is sleeping better during the day because I have had to let him cry it out a little longer. The boys are getting a little cranky. No naps are great fun (ya right)! Lance has been gone every night this week and that has been alittle rough for us but somehow we are managing. I am trying to raise these boys right and most of the time I am losing my temper. Keaton commented that I needed to "chill out mom!" I couldn't believe my ears when he said that. Andrew is getting pretty pushy. He loves to push people. I am trying to stop that and help him out but he has become our little bully. How do you stop your child from doing that? I always told myself I would never let my child be one of those kids that pushed people. What's a mom suppose to do.
My visiting teachers came over this morning. It was nice to have some adult conversation. I am so thankful for faithful visiting teachers. Do you know how important that calling is? I really gained my testimony of that on my mission.
So there you have it! Our little update for now. We are surviving and staying cool. Thanks for your phone calls and little notes in the mail. I have really loved them!
July 15, 2009
Keaton is 4, part one
My dear sweet Keaton,
Seems just like yesterday when they layed you on my chest for the very first time. I had been patiently awaiting your safe arrival and you were finally here. Words can't describe how I felt the moment I heard you cry and the moment I touched you to see if you were still alive. After Madalynn's passing, my heart was very sad for another baby and I knew right away that I had to give it another shot. I worried non-stop through my whole pregnancy with you, wondering if you were going to be alright and if you were really going to stay with us.
I knew when they placed you in my arms for the first time that you were mine and all mine. I went into labor about 11:30 on July 14th. It was your Uncle Justin's birthday and we were pretty sure you would probably share the same special day. Well it didn't happen. My labor with you was very nice and very easy. I had no complications and after only pushing for 5 minutes you were born. You were so beautiful. You were fat! That is for sure. The doctor and the nurses were guessing you were an 8 pound baby for sure. When they put you on the scale it said you were 9 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long. We couldn't believe it! You were a very big and healthy boy.

You were so wide awake and alert. You were ready to face the world.
Everyone came that day and the next to hold you and to see you. We were all so excited you were here. Your dad was the happiest I had ever seen him. He had a son and he was a very proud dad.
You were not an easy baby. You loved to scream and in fact you would scream for so long every day that I was sure your vocal cords would just burst, but they didn't. They kept on screaming and yelling for awhile and then all of a sudden you just stopped. I remember rushing to the phone to call the doctor to tell him something was wrong and his response was, "Have you ever considered this is what a normal baby is like?" Your crying stopped and you were such a happy baby from then on out. We had a rough road but we made it and we are better because of it. The Lord knew me and he knew you and we have both been blessed because of our experiences together.
Are you really 4 years old? My baby is growing up. Sometimes I just want to freeze time and save it in a bottle so when times are hard we can open it back up and re-live those sweet, tender moments.
So here's to you sweet boy, we have had 4 wonderful years. It only gets better from here on out. I hope and pray you know how much I love you. I know you have seen me lose my temper, walk away from huge meeses, seen me cry, but most of all I want you to know that life is sweet. Life has blessed me with all that I have ever wanted. It started when you came into my life.
I hope that as you continue to grow and experience things on your own that you can come to me anytime you need me. I am and always will be here for you.
Here is your first 4 years in a glance.
Keaton's first year :

Keaton's 2nd year:

Keaton's 3rd year:

Happy Birthday sweet boy!I hope you know how much I love you!
Seems just like yesterday when they layed you on my chest for the very first time. I had been patiently awaiting your safe arrival and you were finally here. Words can't describe how I felt the moment I heard you cry and the moment I touched you to see if you were still alive. After Madalynn's passing, my heart was very sad for another baby and I knew right away that I had to give it another shot. I worried non-stop through my whole pregnancy with you, wondering if you were going to be alright and if you were really going to stay with us.
I knew when they placed you in my arms for the first time that you were mine and all mine. I went into labor about 11:30 on July 14th. It was your Uncle Justin's birthday and we were pretty sure you would probably share the same special day. Well it didn't happen. My labor with you was very nice and very easy. I had no complications and after only pushing for 5 minutes you were born. You were so beautiful. You were fat! That is for sure. The doctor and the nurses were guessing you were an 8 pound baby for sure. When they put you on the scale it said you were 9 lbs. 9 oz. and 21 1/2 inches long. We couldn't believe it! You were a very big and healthy boy.

You were so wide awake and alert. You were ready to face the world.
Everyone came that day and the next to hold you and to see you. We were all so excited you were here. Your dad was the happiest I had ever seen him. He had a son and he was a very proud dad.
You were not an easy baby. You loved to scream and in fact you would scream for so long every day that I was sure your vocal cords would just burst, but they didn't. They kept on screaming and yelling for awhile and then all of a sudden you just stopped. I remember rushing to the phone to call the doctor to tell him something was wrong and his response was, "Have you ever considered this is what a normal baby is like?" Your crying stopped and you were such a happy baby from then on out. We had a rough road but we made it and we are better because of it. The Lord knew me and he knew you and we have both been blessed because of our experiences together.
Are you really 4 years old? My baby is growing up. Sometimes I just want to freeze time and save it in a bottle so when times are hard we can open it back up and re-live those sweet, tender moments.
So here's to you sweet boy, we have had 4 wonderful years. It only gets better from here on out. I hope and pray you know how much I love you. I know you have seen me lose my temper, walk away from huge meeses, seen me cry, but most of all I want you to know that life is sweet. Life has blessed me with all that I have ever wanted. It started when you came into my life.
I hope that as you continue to grow and experience things on your own that you can come to me anytime you need me. I am and always will be here for you.
Here is your first 4 years in a glance.
Keaton's first year :

Keaton's 2nd year:

Keaton's 3rd year:

Happy Birthday sweet boy!I hope you know how much I love you!
July 14, 2009
Uncle Justin is 28

My brother Justin turned 28 today. There are only 3 children in our family and I am the oldest, then my brother Justin and then my youngest sister Rachel was last in line. I LOVE my brother Justin! He is the best brother, a great friend and the world's BEST Uncle anyone could ask for. My boys absolutely love this guy! I was the first missionary to serve in our family. After about a month in the field I got a call one night from my brother Justin and I was able to be involved and hear him open his mission call. I was so homesick that night. I sure wished I could have been there in person, but I was there on the phone. I was so happy to have been a part of that special moment. He was called to serve in San Antonio, Texas, by the way. From then on, we were the best missionary pen pals that ever were. Justin, can I just tell you how much I loved reading your letters! They were so inspiring and made me want to be as sucessful as you were.
Now he lives just down the road from us and we see him almost every other day seems like. He is such a special part of our lives.

For his birthday today we all took him out to eat at Red Robin for lunch. It was nice to have most of our family together. We were short one person, my brother-in-law Jason. It was the first time my kids had been to Red Robin. They instantly became obsessed with the arcade games and grandpa let them play a few while we were waiting to be seated.
July 7, 2009
i'm 30
Yes, it is true. I am now 30 years old. I can't believe it either. Doesn't it seem like the older we get the faster time flies? Well I think so. So I am offically old. Many of you have told me that 30 is the new 20. I sure hope you are right. I am ready to feel and look young again.
Thanks to everyone who called, sent cards wrote me fantastic emails. I loved them all! My good friends Brenda and Carey took me out to eat at the Olive Garden. Thanks girls! It was fun to be with you! Thanks Lance, for watching all the kids while we went and had some "girl time." It was nice to have a break.
My boys, thanks for loving me regardless of my many flaws. I love you for that. You have taught me a great lesson of forgiveness.
So here is to another good year.
July 5, 2009
4th of July

This year was really quite. During the day, Lance was gone to a car show with some friends and I was at home busy cooking and watching kids. So pretty much a normal day. Then our family came over around 5 for some ribs and potatoes, some swimming and fireworks. We had a great feast. Thanks everyone who brought something! It really helped me out.
We let the kids stay up late to see the fireworks. They didn't get to bed until 11p.m.. It was way too late, we won't be doing that again. They had been excited about this ever since we saw they firework tents set up. They each went down and bought some of their own and just loved that.
My brother-in-law Jason was in Yellowstone 2 weeks ago and bought some illegal fireworks while there, so he brought them to light up. Since everyone around us was doing them we decided it would be ok seeing that the police would have a hard time identifying who was doing them because everyone was.
Our neighbors that moved in over the field from us, we call them, the pool nazis, anyways, we waited until them came and went to start them. Since she calls the cops on literally everyone who steps foot in the pool we thought she would call the cops on us for having illegal fireworks. Well we decided to do one or two while they were there. The first try was awesome. It was huge and incredibly loud. We LOVED it! Then the second one came and the tube that it sits in blew up so the firework didn't go up but out sending sparks into the dry brush that was near our home. Jason walked away and behind him we could see some flames starting. Yes, a litte fire started so everyone rushed over to put it out. Sorry I didn't that one on camera. We were all sitting worried that we were going to be busted that the neighborhood was going to light up. But thankfully it was put out.
So we questioned whether to do the rest of not and we continued to do them and they were awesome!!! Thanks Jason for brining those. They sure made our night.
After we were done we just sat in the street watching everyone else's fireworks. They were great! It was a good show!
We hope your 4th was good too. Here are some pictures from our evening.

July 3, 2009
2 Months

Owen was alittle late on his 2 month check up but here are his stats as of yesterday.
Weight: 12 lbs. 14 oz.(65%)
Length: 24 1/4 in. (80%)
Head: 40 cm (45%)
He is healthy and doing well. We love him so much. He is sleeping anywhere from 5-8 hours each night. Here is what I have learned about him so far.....
~he hates to be left alone
~he loves it when someone is talking to him. He likes to feel a part of everything
~he hates naps, even though he needs them
~a binky can calm him down
~he loves to be swaddled at night
~he smiles all the time
~he is starting to coo at us. The boys love it!
~he likes his diaper changed
~LOVES bathtime
~still on acid reflux medication
~lavender oil can help soothe him in the evenings
July 1, 2009
Mom, look at me grow

I just had to post this. I was taking some pictures this morning of Owen. He is growing so fast. I can't believe my baby is more than 2 months. Time flys so fast doesn't it? I love squeezing these cute little chubby checks! Owen, mamma loves you!
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