We are surviving. I have been getting phone calls making sure we are ok and that the kids are doing well.
Here is what each of us have been up to.
Keaton: Has been busy with preschool. He LOVES preschool. He LOVES his friends and the things he is learning. When I pick him up he is all smiles. He has a back pack full of things to show me and his favorite words to use are " I just love this/that." Each sentence usually begins with this. He has a good friend Kaleb who lives just a few houses down from us. I swear these boys are together 24/7. They are the best of friends. They usually spend mornings at our home and the afternoons at his home. I am trying to get them to be over here more but either way, I am grateful that he has found such a good friend.
He is refusing to take naps. I have had a hard time with this. I have really really enjoyed having an hour or two to myself each afternoon and now that doesn't happen anymore. Yes, it is sad. So he has quite time and we usually read books or he will watch a movie while I do what I want to do, read or work on other projects.
He is growing fast and I just got the sweetest comment on him from his preschool teacher. She said that she was so impressed with how mature and how helpful he was to have around.
Andrew: My sweet Andrew. My one track mind Andrew. He is into everything. He is in Keaton's shadow most of the time. He is where Keaton is. He loves him and follows his every move. It as been fun to watch. When Andrew puts his mind to something, there is no turning back. He will beg, cry and annoy you until he gets what he wants. This has been a hard stage. Three has become the new terrible two stage. But there is a lot of good too. He is talking up a storm. He has a little lisp I am hoping will go away with time but for now I just laugh. He is too cute. My mom tells me that he is a spitting image of me when I was his age. My carbon copy he is.
He goes into the hospital on Dec. 11th for surgery. He has two root canals that have to be taken care of. They call them polpotomys. I guess I had 7 of them before I had my permanant teeth. They have to be taken care of. I wish they could just pull them instead of spending our life savings on his teeth. I keep telling Lance that if he has truly inherited my genetics we need a good dental plan. They will completely put him under while they do the procedure. I feel bad for him but he will not remember a thing, and his reward, two silver capped teeth. Poor boy. Wish us luck. It will be here before you know it.
Owen: Owen has been sick, well feels like forever. If it isn't one thing I than it is another. He was sick while we were in Utah the last weekend in October with a very high fever and it scared me to death. It was not pretty. He then got the croup. You know that ugly sound of your baby coughing and all you hear is barking? Ya, I can't stand that stuff. He couldn't breath, sleep or eat. He was clogged up. I went crazy with my essential oils. They really worked and after 5-6 days he was cleared up. I love essential oils. They do wonders. Thanks to my mother-in-law and all my sisters-in-law also for showing me and informing me on how to use those. They are amazing. Then after he was better we finally decided to ge him sleeping on his own, in his own bedroom all night long. That meant that we were going to have to let hi cry it out. Yes, it is really hard for me to hear my babies cry but it only took him about 2 nights to get the idea. It was great, then Sunday came and he was sick again. He was limp, lethargic and was feeling pretty warm. He was not himself that day so we took him into an Urgent Care center and they told us that he had an ear infection. So we put him on meds for that and he is doing much better. Now we just need to get him back to sleep again. Wish us luck. It is never ending.
Owen just cut his frist tooth. It is so fun to watch him feel it with his tougne, lips or fingers. He loves solid foods. Absolutely refuses to eat green beans. Can't blame him, I hate them too. He isn't rolling over or attempting to crawl yet. He just loves to be held by me and only me. He is starting to warm up to others and that is nice also.
I can't believe he is almost 7 months. It feels like I just had him. Then don't stay little too long do they? But he is my cuddler and he is a momma's boy big time. I LOVE that about him, kind of sorta.
Lance has been really busy with work and his calling in the Young Men's. He loves it and is getting more comfortable with the guys.
As for me, I have started working out 3 days a week and I am LOVING it! It has been my release and I feel so good. It is about time I get this body back into shape. It has been pushing me to new limits and I can feel a huge difference in just a short amount of time. I amd working out with friends so that keeps me motivated.
So there you have it. We are doing well and we are happy. We are healthy as for right now. Hopefully we can all catch up on sleep.