September 30, 2008
11 weeks
I had an ultrasound done today at my doctor's visit. He tried to listen for the heartbeat but couldn't find it so he sent me down to have an ultrasound. Sure enough there was our little one, as active as ever. It is still too early to find out what we will be expecting, but I couldn't help but smile during the whole thing. I have always been fascinated by ultrasounds and that there are intelligent people who acutally understand those things. But I feel like I know what I am looking at since we have had quite a bit of experience on the ultrasound end of things.
We are just moving right along. Everything looks great and I am feeling better. But I still have to have something to eat right before I go to bed.
Doctor says I haven't gained any weight yet. Let's just see how much I gain with this one. I have always gained 50+ lbs. with each pregnancy. I have never been one of those lucky girls who just gain in the tummy. Unfortunatley for some of us, we have to lose the weight from all over. I am showing earlier with this one. Keaton was positive that there were two babies in my tummy. He kept telling me,"Mommy, there are two babies in your tummy!" I would ask him how he knew that and he would simply say," Heavenly Father told me in my prayers!" So what do you tell him when you come home knowing there is only one baby in my tummy? He is still excited about it. They are always picking out the babies in sacrament each week. I think this will be good. I am excited about it too. I haven't really given it much thought, but we are happy to have another addition.
On a side note, we have been potty training Keaton. We started yesterday and we are doing pretty well. We have only had a few accidents and he realizes it and always tells me sorry. Tonight we helped my brother move into his home. Keaton told me that he had to go pooey. So we ran into Justin's brand stickin new bathroom, lifted up the toliet seat and there it went. But he said he was done so I took him off and then he startd to panic that more was coming so I hurried and put him on the seat but it was too late. He had pooped all over the floor, the toliet seat and my hands. It was so gross. I am not sure if I will ever get used to poop. So we broke in the new tube too and put both boys in while we unloaded cars of stuff. It kept them well entertained. So here's to a good day.
Oh, also, someone emailed me and asked me if that senior picture of me was really real. Here is my answer - ABSOLUTLEY NOT! When do you think I graduated? 1980? I graduated in 1997 and here is my granduation picture.
September 27, 2008
Thunder Mountain Train Ride
My brother gave us a train ride pass last year and we had found it and decided to take our boys for a fun train ride. The train ride started up in Horseshoe Bend and it took us all the way up to Banks, Idaho. It was a really cute old train. I imagaine in its day it was quite the ride. The boys got such a thrill riding it. It was a lot of fun to watch them enjoy it.
The ride started at 1:30 p.m. so that meant that our kids missed out on their naps. We got to sit outside under the owning and enjoy the beautiful scenery. There were quite a few kayakers and rafters. It was fun and everyone was so friendly. They all stopped to wave hello to all the passengers on the train.
I am not sure if Keaton got a little disappointed. I think he was hoping for more the of the Polar Express experience but he still had a good time. He really had fun running around and exploriing. It is really hard for my kids to sit still for a 3 hours train ride. I personally thought the train ride was alittle too long but we still had a great time. The train was called Thunder Mountain Line. It has been up and running for quite a few years. It was fun to learn alittle bit about Idaho history from an older woman reading from the travel book about all the different little things along the way. It must have been senior citizen day or something because most of the passengers on that train were pretty old. Unless that is what the elderly do, go on train rides to remember the good ole days.
After the ride was over we loaded the boys up and they feel asleep pretty fast. It wore them out quite abit. On the way home Lance dropped me off at the Stake Center to meet up with family and friends for the Relief Society Meeting. It was fun helping out with Humanitarian efforts and then a light dinner was served. I guess you could call it "dinner and a movie!"
Here are some fun pictures from our day trip.
the boys had a great time running back and forth from the carts
more running around
Our family picture on the train
I love this picture I caught of Keaton looking out the train
More pictures to come. I am too tired tonight. Good night!!!!
Keaton's first field trip
Keaton has been going to preschool and LOVES it! It is his highlight of the week. He is always asking "Is today Thursday mom?" Well this week was their first set of fieldtrips. Last week they learned about animals and they got to pick an animal to dress up as for their fieldtrip the following week. Keaton picked the dog. So being the really organized and on top of things mom like I always am, I was up until midnight the night before fretting to make him a dog mask. I got some ideas from the internet and put my brain to work. It ended up pretty cute too. I can't complain.
Well Thursday after school we headed down to the Assisted Living home Country Time to sing for the elderly who live in this home. All the kids lined up and sang some songs and told alittle bit about their animals. They also drew a picture for a "grandma/pa" in the resting home for them to keep. Keaton was quite taken with an elderly woman sitting on the couch all by herself. I was so impressed watching him go up to her and give her his picture and sit and talk with her. It was a very sweet thing to watch him do. They had such a great time. It was so fun to be apart of his school activities. I can't wait for the other fieldtrips that are planned.
Well Thursday after school we headed down to the Assisted Living home Country Time to sing for the elderly who live in this home. All the kids lined up and sang some songs and told alittle bit about their animals. They also drew a picture for a "grandma/pa" in the resting home for them to keep. Keaton was quite taken with an elderly woman sitting on the couch all by herself. I was so impressed watching him go up to her and give her his picture and sit and talk with her. It was a very sweet thing to watch him do. They had such a great time. It was so fun to be apart of his school activities. I can't wait for the other fieldtrips that are planned.
September 24, 2008
I have been tagged by a good friend. Here we go.....
The rules: List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, and 3 facts about yourself
Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
3 Joys: 1. My husband 2. My boys, I love watching them play together nicely. 3. My calling. I love the Young Women's program
3 Fears: 1. someone kidnapping my children 2. Being attacked 3. Drowning.
3 Goals: 1. decorate my boys bedroom. I has been sitting empty for quite some time. 2. Paint my kitchen. 3. Find a way to become a millionaire
3 Current Obsessions/Collections: 1.I am trying to get involved with some digital scrapebooking. 2. Anything with chocolate 3. The Office, I can't wait until it starts. I am not sure if I have an obsession with collecting anything. I have been collecting a lot of scrapebooking things I have no idea what to do with.
3 Facts about myself: 1. I hate anything wrinkled. It is a huge petpeeve of mine. I usually try to look nice and pressed. 2. I am a very impatient person. I am working really hard to be more patient, especially with my children and my husband. 3. I get clastraphobi a lot. I always have to have a window open and the fan on. Even when iti is freezing cold outside. My husband thinks I am really nuts about that.
I tag- Nicole, Rachel, Monica, and Jen. Anyone else who reads this, feel free to.
The rules: List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, and 3 facts about yourself
Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
3 Joys: 1. My husband 2. My boys, I love watching them play together nicely. 3. My calling. I love the Young Women's program
3 Fears: 1. someone kidnapping my children 2. Being attacked 3. Drowning.
3 Goals: 1. decorate my boys bedroom. I has been sitting empty for quite some time. 2. Paint my kitchen. 3. Find a way to become a millionaire
3 Current Obsessions/Collections: 1.I am trying to get involved with some digital scrapebooking. 2. Anything with chocolate 3. The Office, I can't wait until it starts. I am not sure if I have an obsession with collecting anything. I have been collecting a lot of scrapebooking things I have no idea what to do with.
3 Facts about myself: 1. I hate anything wrinkled. It is a huge petpeeve of mine. I usually try to look nice and pressed. 2. I am a very impatient person. I am working really hard to be more patient, especially with my children and my husband. 3. I get clastraphobi a lot. I always have to have a window open and the fan on. Even when iti is freezing cold outside. My husband thinks I am really nuts about that.
I tag- Nicole, Rachel, Monica, and Jen. Anyone else who reads this, feel free to.
September 19, 2008
Halloween Preview
Today we went to Target to get a few things. I couldn't believe that all of the Halloween things were out and for sell. Keaton found a spiderman costume that he really wanted. So we got it. He has been so excited about it that he wore his mask all day long. I just had to take a picture to give you a preview of his costume this year for Halloween.
Also my make-up bag was out and Keaton and Andrew were pretty quite. I went in and Andrew had gotten some old lipstick and Keaton had rubbed it all over his face. This is the after math of trying to wash it all off. Isn't he so cute?
September 14, 2008
High School Tag
I have been tagged my one of my most favorite sisters-in-law Jaclyn all about my high schoo years. Are you ready? Here we go....
Your High School's full name: Meridian High School and Eagle High School.
High School colors: Meridian High - Navy blue and yellow. Eagle High - Forrest green and silver.
School Mascot: Meridian - Warriors / Eagle - Mustangs
Did you date anyone from your school? I never had a boyfriend in high school. Just a ton of guy friends that I went to high school dances with. I had the greatest group of friends.
What kind of car did you drive? I wasn't really ever allowed to drive to school. But if I was lucky I got to drive my dad's 1995 toyota truck. I still remember it. I thought it was the coolest and it was black with red and white strips. My best friend had the same truck but her's was black with gray stripes. Remember that one Suzanne? Practicing driving in your drive way. All the jerking around?
It's friday night, where are you? I was usually at the football games. Being on the Student body coucil we were in charge of the whole thing. If there wasn't a football game, then I was with Suzanne or Tami and all the boys.
Were you a party animal? I am not sure if I would have considered myself a party animal but I sure liked to have fun, and fun is what I did have. It was good, clean fun.
Were you considered a flirt? Heck no!
Were you in band, orchestra or any other group? Never did the music thing. That was considered the "uncool" thing. I was Secretary of our Student Body.
Were you in any clubs? No clubbing here
Can you still sing the fight song? I don't remember them! I am that old.
Who were your favorite teachers? I don't remember having favorite teachers. I know I had some really whacked out teachers. For instance, my senior year, I had a debate class with Mrs. Blankenship. She was so strange. She had pet rocks. I kid you not. Someone, one day stole them and she put up a reward sign with $ prize if anyone had info. about them. Are teachers like this allowed to teach? Then also my senior year I had a senior foods class. Mrs. Anderson was her name. She was really never mentally there. Most days she would pull her skirt up to her knees and show us her vericous veins and teach us not to cross our legs in order to prevent them. What a strange year that was.
Where did you sit during lunch? Where ever my friends were. Usually we were in the cafeteria or the seminary building, but that was hardly ever. I just remember I would try to sit where Karl Pedersen was.
Who did you go to homecoming with? This is a tough one, here we go. My junior year I turned 16 yrs. old. I didn't want to go but my dear cousin Becky told his guy Aaron that she would pay him to take me. So he asked me. I went. We never danced and I think I was much taller then him, which is a huge no no in my book. My junior year I went with a boy named ? I can't remember. My senior year, I went with Keith McCauley. He was such a fun guy. We were both nominees for homecoming king and queen.
Who did you go to Prom with? Junior year, I don't remember, but my senior year I went with Keith McCauley again.
If you could go back and re-due high school, would you? No never
What do you remember about Graduation? I remember I spent the night at my friend Suzanne's house. We woke up early that morning and went and picked up Karl Pedersen and headed down to BSU for practice. Afterwards we went to the mall to find a dress to wear that night and we also decided to double pierce our ears. We did it together and we also found dresses. That night I don't remember too much about the whole graduation because those are so incredibly boring, but afterwards we had tons of pictures and then we headed over to the BSU Sub for our party. I remember there was all you can eat food, bowling, pool, dancing and there was also a hypnotist. That show was so darn funny. My good friend Justin was hypnotised and it lasted for the whole show. Everytime someone said something he would scream. He felt pretty embarrased afterwards. Then about 2-3 a.m. we went back to Suzanne's house and crashed.
Do you plan on going to your 10 yr. reunion? I went. It was interesting. I graduated 11 years ago. I am that old.
I tag, Rachel, Shelli, and anyone else who is reading this.
Your High School's full name: Meridian High School and Eagle High School.
High School colors: Meridian High - Navy blue and yellow. Eagle High - Forrest green and silver.
School Mascot: Meridian - Warriors / Eagle - Mustangs
Did you date anyone from your school? I never had a boyfriend in high school. Just a ton of guy friends that I went to high school dances with. I had the greatest group of friends.
What kind of car did you drive? I wasn't really ever allowed to drive to school. But if I was lucky I got to drive my dad's 1995 toyota truck. I still remember it. I thought it was the coolest and it was black with red and white strips. My best friend had the same truck but her's was black with gray stripes. Remember that one Suzanne? Practicing driving in your drive way. All the jerking around?
It's friday night, where are you? I was usually at the football games. Being on the Student body coucil we were in charge of the whole thing. If there wasn't a football game, then I was with Suzanne or Tami and all the boys.
Were you a party animal? I am not sure if I would have considered myself a party animal but I sure liked to have fun, and fun is what I did have. It was good, clean fun.
Were you considered a flirt? Heck no!
Were you in band, orchestra or any other group? Never did the music thing. That was considered the "uncool" thing. I was Secretary of our Student Body.
Were you in any clubs? No clubbing here
Can you still sing the fight song? I don't remember them! I am that old.
Who were your favorite teachers? I don't remember having favorite teachers. I know I had some really whacked out teachers. For instance, my senior year, I had a debate class with Mrs. Blankenship. She was so strange. She had pet rocks. I kid you not. Someone, one day stole them and she put up a reward sign with $ prize if anyone had info. about them. Are teachers like this allowed to teach? Then also my senior year I had a senior foods class. Mrs. Anderson was her name. She was really never mentally there. Most days she would pull her skirt up to her knees and show us her vericous veins and teach us not to cross our legs in order to prevent them. What a strange year that was.
Where did you sit during lunch? Where ever my friends were. Usually we were in the cafeteria or the seminary building, but that was hardly ever. I just remember I would try to sit where Karl Pedersen was.
Who did you go to homecoming with? This is a tough one, here we go. My junior year I turned 16 yrs. old. I didn't want to go but my dear cousin Becky told his guy Aaron that she would pay him to take me. So he asked me. I went. We never danced and I think I was much taller then him, which is a huge no no in my book. My junior year I went with a boy named ? I can't remember. My senior year, I went with Keith McCauley. He was such a fun guy. We were both nominees for homecoming king and queen.
Who did you go to Prom with? Junior year, I don't remember, but my senior year I went with Keith McCauley again.
If you could go back and re-due high school, would you? No never
What do you remember about Graduation? I remember I spent the night at my friend Suzanne's house. We woke up early that morning and went and picked up Karl Pedersen and headed down to BSU for practice. Afterwards we went to the mall to find a dress to wear that night and we also decided to double pierce our ears. We did it together and we also found dresses. That night I don't remember too much about the whole graduation because those are so incredibly boring, but afterwards we had tons of pictures and then we headed over to the BSU Sub for our party. I remember there was all you can eat food, bowling, pool, dancing and there was also a hypnotist. That show was so darn funny. My good friend Justin was hypnotised and it lasted for the whole show. Everytime someone said something he would scream. He felt pretty embarrased afterwards. Then about 2-3 a.m. we went back to Suzanne's house and crashed.
Do you plan on going to your 10 yr. reunion? I went. It was interesting. I graduated 11 years ago. I am that old.
I tag, Rachel, Shelli, and anyone else who is reading this.
September 13, 2008
Sara Evans
Last night we got tickets to attend the Sara Evans concert. We went and I am so glad we did. My parents babysat all the kids and we went with some my siblings and a friend who I graduated high school with, Iris Anson. It was so much fun. I had never been to an outdoor concert before. It was packed, with people, drunks and the most rednecks I have ever seen. There were two opening acts for her which made it really long. They were One Flew South and then a new artist James Otto. It took about 2 hours for us to wait for Sara Evans, but it was worth it. She was so great in concert. She has natural talent and she was very entertaining. I would go again in a heartbeat. I love all of her songs. In fact, I own all of her cd's.
We had an incounter with a young drunkerd. She was probably only 15-16 yrs. old and she was poorly dressed. Proorly as in a tiny little prom dress convered in purple sequence and a pink bra showing. It was the tackiest outfit I have seen in a long time. Thanks everyone, who went with us. It was so much fun!
September 11, 2008
Me and my 4-wheeler
This is Keaton's latest obsession. My parents have a power wheel 4-wheeler at their home and he just thinks he is the coolest guy when he is on it. He has become pretty daring on it too. It is so fun to watch him cruise all over on it.
September 10, 2008
The other night Lance was changing Andrew's diaper and noticed a ton of blisters all over his little bottom. I hadn't noticed them at all during the day and didn't think much of it. Then the next morning it seemed to have gotten worse.
I took him into the doctor's yesterday and they tested him for Strep and a staff infection but they both came back negative. The doctor suggested that he have a food allergy test taken. I told her about my family's history of Celiac's and she said it could be a possibility. So I guess here we go. I just hope that we don't test postive for those.
Has anyone had the same thing happen to their children? Just wondering if I am the only one here.
I took him into the doctor's yesterday and they tested him for Strep and a staff infection but they both came back negative. The doctor suggested that he have a food allergy test taken. I told her about my family's history of Celiac's and she said it could be a possibility. So I guess here we go. I just hope that we don't test postive for those.
Has anyone had the same thing happen to their children? Just wondering if I am the only one here.
September 4, 2008
My little Preschooler
Today was Keaton's first day of Preschool. He was pretty excited. Ever since I got him his backpack yesterday he has been ready to go. This morning went pretty smootly. He got dressed without arguing and we were on time too. He was so cute. Andrew wanted a backpack too but he felt good enough just being around him. He felt like he was going to.
After we dropped him off, Andrew and I spent the morning playing together. We haven't done that for a long time. We went to go and get Keaton around 11:30 a.m.. He did really well and LOVED it! He was so excited to tell me all about what they did and what they made. He brang home a piece of paper that he drew a picture of our family and our home. They learned about families today. He has some great friends in there too. I think this will be a great thing for Keaton. He is starving for something challenging and this will give him just that.
I can't believe my son is old enough for preschool. Isn't he just the cutest?
Who are you?
"Twilight": who are you? (now w/ pics) created with | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as Esme Cullen You're Esme. The sweet, loving, mother figure of the Cullen clan. You're extremely happy that Edward has found Bella and are very careful not to scare her off.
September 3, 2008
September 2, 2008
Labor Day Weekend
This year we didn't do much for Labor Day. We got to sleep in alittle bit, that was nice! I had already done laundry, cleaned the house, and given all my boys haircuts by 10 a.m.. We just hung out around the house and got a lot done. While the boys took their afternoon nap, Lance and I watched the last of the series of Indiana Jones. I was pretty disappointed in the story plot. Aliens and UFO's? I wasn't too impressed but it was entertaining.
Then after the boys woke up we took them down to Eagle Hills Golf Course to hit a couple of balls at the driving range. My boys absolutely loved it! This golf course in different in the sense that the driving range over looks a lake. You hit your balls into the water and they float. The boys liked that part.
Then it was over to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner and and just to hang out with the family. It was a pretty low key labor day. That is ok, because sometimes these holidays get talked up too much.
Here are some pictures of the golf course. Enjoy!
Then after the boys woke up we took them down to Eagle Hills Golf Course to hit a couple of balls at the driving range. My boys absolutely loved it! This golf course in different in the sense that the driving range over looks a lake. You hit your balls into the water and they float. The boys liked that part.
Then it was over to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner and and just to hang out with the family. It was a pretty low key labor day. That is ok, because sometimes these holidays get talked up too much.
Here are some pictures of the golf course. Enjoy!
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