I had an ultrasound done today at my doctor's visit. He tried to listen for the heartbeat but couldn't find it so he sent me down to have an ultrasound. Sure enough there was our little one, as active as ever. It is still too early to find out what we will be expecting, but I couldn't help but smile during the whole thing. I have always been fascinated by ultrasounds and that there are intelligent people who acutally understand those things. But I feel like I know what I am looking at since we have had quite a bit of experience on the ultrasound end of things.
We are just moving right along. Everything looks great and I am feeling better. But I still have to have something to eat right before I go to bed.
Doctor says I haven't gained any weight yet. Let's just see how much I gain with this one. I have always gained 50+ lbs. with each pregnancy. I have never been one of those lucky girls who just gain in the tummy. Unfortunatley for some of us, we have to lose the weight from all over. I am showing earlier with this one. Keaton was positive that there were two babies in my tummy. He kept telling me,"Mommy, there are two babies in your tummy!" I would ask him how he knew that and he would simply say," Heavenly Father told me in my prayers!" So what do you tell him when you come home knowing there is only one baby in my tummy? He is still excited about it. They are always picking out the babies in sacrament each week. I think this will be good. I am excited about it too. I haven't really given it much thought, but we are happy to have another addition.
On a side note, we have been potty training Keaton. We started yesterday and we are doing pretty well. We have only had a few accidents and he realizes it and always tells me sorry. Tonight we helped my brother move into his home. Keaton told me that he had to go pooey. So we ran into Justin's brand stickin new bathroom, lifted up the toliet seat and there it went. But he said he was done so I took him off and then he startd to panic that more was coming so I hurried and put him on the seat but it was too late. He had pooped all over the floor, the toliet seat and my hands. It was so gross. I am not sure if I will ever get used to poop. So we broke in the new tube too and put both boys in while we unloaded cars of stuff. It kept them well entertained. So here's to a good day.
Oh, also, someone emailed me and asked me if that senior picture of me was really real. Here is my answer - ABSOLUTLEY NOT! When do you think I graduated? 1980? I graduated in 1997 and here is my granduation picture.