We had such a great Christmas this year. We woke up at 7 am and drove to Grandma and Grandpa Quinn's house for present opening and breakfast. They boys weren't quite sure what was going on because we were all in our pajamas and going to Grandma and Grandpa's house so early in the morning. We arrived and Keaton was so excited to see all the presents. We waited for the Laney's and Great Grandma Beard to arrive. Then when they did, we got busy ripping the the presents. Keaton's big gift this year was a Diego 3-wheeled scooter. He just loves it. He rides it every chance he can get. Andrew wasn't quite sure what was going on. He just loved being involved with what was happening. He got quite a bit of toys that light up and play music. He seems to really like those. We had a lazy day. You know, the kind where you can hang out in your pajamas for half of the day and just do nothing but play and be lazy. We haven't had one of those since we had kids.
Grandma Quinn made a great Christmas breakfast for all of us. Thanks Grandma for filling our bellies! The rest of the day we just hung out with all the family and friends.
I can't believe that another year has come and gone. We leave for Arizona on Friday. Eldon gets married in Oakland on the 28th. So we have another Christmas coming our way in a couple of days. We can't wait to join up with the Snyder clan. We will post lots of fun picturs when we get back.
We hope that you had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.