May 31, 2009

Great-Grandma Quinn's 82 birthday

My grandma Quinn turned 82 today. This afternoon we went over to my Uncle Spencer's house for dinner and cake and ice cream. Seldom do we get together on my dad's side but when we do it is nice to catch up and see what everyone is doing. My boys had a great time jumping on the trampoline and playing Rock Band that they remembered was upstairs.
Owen slept most of the time which was great so I could sit and enjoy everyone around me. The boys got to blow out all the candles on the cake. Andrew leaned practically over the cake while the candles were lit and almost started himself on fire,but they had fun blowing out all the candles.

We really had a nice evening. Then afterwards Lance had a youth fireside at the bishops house so we went home with my parents so the kids could play and go for rides on grandpa's motorcycle. It was a nice sunday. The weather clouded over and there was a great breeze. It made the evening very pleasant to be in. Thanks everyone for a great day and Happy Birthday Grandma! We sure love you!

May 30, 2009

Brody turns 2

This evening we went to my cousin's little boy's 2nd birthday party. It was such a beautiful day that we took our water slide over for all the kiddos to play on and stay cool. There were a ton of family and friends there. We had a great time visiting and catching up with a lot of folks. The food was awesome Becky! Great job and thanks for having us over. Happy birthday Brody! We really miss you guys!
{this is what happens to your son when they end up playing with girls who like to play dress up}

{this is what we found after silence. They got all dressed up. I normally don't let my boys get in dresses but I couldn't just sit by and not take a picture. They had so much fun dressing up.}

{Owen hanging out with Grandma Quinn on the patio}

baby geese

There are babies no matter where I look. Not only human babies but animals as well. I have been really fascinated with a rather large family of geese that live behind our home. For the past couple of months there were a few geese who were "laying eggs" on a huge rock pile next to our home. Everyday while doing the dishes or while I was in my kitchen I would look out the window and observe them just hanging out. I soon realized that they were laying on their eggs waiting for them to hatch.

About 3 weeks ago they hatched and they were hanging out in our back yard. My kids just got a kick out of watching them. I was outside the other night trying to get Owen to sleep when I noticed quite abit of movement on the other side of our ditch. There were a dozen or more baby geese with their parents waddeling along and swimming upstream. Since then every night about 9 p.m. I go outside to watch these families head back to their nesting place behind the trees. This is what I see almost every night. I love watching them. They are growing so fast. I can't believe how big they have gotten. I love living in the country. I love having all this amazing space and our view is priceless.

May 29, 2009

Owen update

This morning we took Owen into see the doctor. I was right, he has acid reflux and also some discomfort with his bottom. I guess there are two different sphenctors (?). One at the top of the stomach and one at the end of your intestines and both of them are having some trouble right now. He spits up almost everything he has eaten and very seldom does he have poops. So they are both "out of order" right now. The doctor put him on some medication for the reflux and we will play in out for the next week to monitor his stools. If they are still very rare then we have to take him in to see a Gastroentonologist to see what can be done to help him pass stools better. I guess from what the doctor told me these are very common with babies who suffer from reflux. I guess there are quite a few too. Poor babies.
It just breaks my heart to hear my babies cry and knowing there is really nothign I can do but hold them tight and just love them and give him is nasty tasting medicine. I am keeping my fingers crossed that he will settle down better once these are taken care of and until we can have a better hold on them. These babies come fragil and so tender. We just have to love them the best that we can.
This evening we went to visit our good friends, the Durgins. Brenda had her baby just a week or two after I had Owen. His name is Kason and he is just so sweet. He was so calm and just fell asleep laying so still on Lance's legs. There was a part of me that was jealous that my baby wouldn't just settle down like that. One day and hopefully it will come soon. I had to do that with Keaton and a lot of the time those feelings of frustration and being so overwhelmed that I just break down and cry in the shower so no one else will know that I am a ball baby.
Owen is asleep right now, so hush little one and good night.

May 28, 2009

Owen, please stop crying

Owen has become a pretty fussy baby boy. He thinks he had to be held in order to sleep. I am going crazy and my back has had enough. Does anyone have any suggestions for me to help this little one?
So far he ~
~is fussy about being awake for 15 minutes, so I swaddle him up tight and help him back to sleep (no luck)
~he pefers being held to go to sleep (only by his momma)
~I can't tell if it is something I am eating that is making him upset or if it is just lack of sleep that is driving us all insane.
~he will be so completely exhausted by 11 p.m. that he will finally fall asleep and stay that way for about 5 hours until it is time to eat again and then it takes me about another hour to get him back down for bed.
~he spits up quite abit. I am thinking we have some acid reflux issues happening here. We need to check in with our doctor about that.

But other than that, he is adorable and smells so good. I LOVE the smell of babies.

May 25, 2009

Memorial Day weekend

This year was pretty low key for us. We spent a lot of time BBQing and now we are so sick of hamburgers and hot dogs, at least for me. We spent a lot of time with family and friends. Only sad thing is, I didn't have a camera at all this weekend, sorry no photos.
Sunday I finally decided to go to church. Sunday morning Lance asked me if I wanted to go to church. Kind of crazy that I had to stop and think about it. I had been so used to laying in bed with Owen while the boys got ready to go to church and it was the first time that I had to stop and think about going. It was the weirdest moment for me personally. It has been 5 weeks since Owen was born and the weather has been beautiful and since it was Memorial Day weekend I knew no one would be at church. I was right, no one was really there. We had an empty ward and it was the perfect Sunday to go back too. I really enjoyed being back. It felt good. I was very welcomed and I guess missed. It was nice to know that someone misses you while you are away.
This morning we cleaned the house while the boys worked outside. I was able to break away for an hour or two in search of a baby carrier. I couldn't see myself paying too much for one so I went to a second hand store here in Boise called Other Mothers. It was a great store because everything is in such great condition, almost brand new and they had just what I was looking for for only $8. I couldn't believe it so I bought it without out thinking twice. I also got a great little stroller for Owen for only $12. It was a good day shopping.
After naps, Lance took the boys up to the golfing range up the hill from our home while Owen and I chilled with some good family friends of ours that came to see Owen.
Tonight we had a BBQ with some friends from our old ward and some family also. We had great food and great entertainment- Watching our children play. We have a swimming pool in our neighborhood. Great thing about this one is that it is all ours. It is only for those who live in this area and that would only us so we have a pool that requires no maintance on our part. It was still kind of murky and cold but everyone got it and enjoyed it. We can't wait to live in it all day everyday. It has finally started to warm up so it might happen sooner than I thought.
We had a scare today at the pool. My little Andrew decided to just go and jump off into the deep end without anyone looking so Lance had to jump in to get him. I get a little nervous because they just don't know that they can't swim or that it is really deep and they can't touch like in the kiddy part. Swimming lessons here we come.
Thanks to all of those who came tonight. Your children are darling and we just love having such great friends and family so close. We hope you had a great one too.

May 21, 2009

Preschool graduation

Keaton had his preschool graduation party this afternoon. We met at the park for lunch and some games. This year has been great for Keaton. This year he has ~
~made many many friends
~learned to write his name
~learned his alaphabet
~can count to 20 and visually pick them out
~learned a lot of fun new songs
and most important~ he has had a lot of fun "going to school." He just can't wait to ride the school bus, but little does he know, I am not a fan of letting my kids ride the school bus. I rode one when I was little, they are not good.

Thanks guys for a great year! Until next year, have a great summer.

May 19, 2009

random thoughts

I lay awake in bed each night wondering what I can do to be better the next day. Could I be happier? Would I be more energized? Could I love my children anymore than I possibly do? What am I going to do to keep my kids entertained,etc....
This is pretty much how I spend each night. Lately I have been feeling sluggish. I am not sure if it is what I am eating or if I am just getting around and moving much. I was pretty sure I was being active taking care of 3 children, I don't know. I am been trying to get out to walk at least for 40 minutes each day. Usually it is in the evening when Lance is home and I can try to get a girl friend to walk with me. We are going to start this. I hope it works. I am starting to feel all the extra weight from my previous 3 pregnancies. Mind you, I have had 4 babies and I have never gotten back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. That is my main goal these next couple of months. I want to feel skinny again. I want to feel young again and I want to feel attractive again. Don't you ever find yourself just hanging around the house in lazy clothes and therefore that is the attitude that is carried on throughout the day? That is me, I am guilty of just that. I want to feel like I have gotten ready for the day. I want to find a reason to dress up. I used to do that with my first but then I got thrown up on and pooped on by babies and it ruined my clothes so since then I have given up.
Don't think I am drepressed or anything. These are just my honest feelings and for some reason I am feeling better just getting it all out. I am really happy most of the time. I have 3 beautiful children who just make me smile. Owen is starting to respond to my talking. It is so much fun to watch Keaton and Andrew talk to him. They are in love with him as much as I am.
So here is to better days. I am going to make the goal to do better. I will reach my goals even if it kills me.
Here are some random pictures from this past week. We love you all!

May 18, 2009

kris allen

This is who I am cheering for on American Idol. Yes, we do watch American Idol. Do we watch it faithfully since day 1? No, but we love watching all the try outs and then when it gets down to the final 12. So far, Kris is the only one I have liked from the selection. Wasn't a fan of Danny. Adam, he is by far the weirdest of them all. For one thing, boys don't wear makeup and all that screaming in his songs~ can't take it. I am hoping that Kris will win the compeition. He deserves it!

May 17, 2009

we love summer weather

I hope that these summer temperatures will stick around longer. We have enjoyed the warm weather and we even got to pull out our shorts and sandals. Yesterday Lance went to play baseball with some of his buddies from our old ward and we took the boys out to watch him play. It was down the street at the elementary school so the boys were pretty entertained on the playground. I took Owen outside beacuse it was so nice thinking he would like it. He did! He loved being outside. I don't know what is so calming about being outside but all my babies have loved being in the outdoors.
After naps I piled the boys in the car and we spent the afternoon at my parents house playing outside. Lance was helping a friend put in his sprinkler system so it was just the boys and I for the majority of the day. Owen slept for the most part while I got to help out with mowing the lawns.
I must admit. I love mowing the lawn. Probably because I get to use the riding lawn mower and it is free time and I can let my thoughts just wonder. I love having any kind of free moment that I can have. It is nice to let myself think once in awhile.
Not much happened this weekend but here are some pictures I took of the boys while at the school yesterday.

May 13, 2009

Lance turns 30

Today Lance turned the big 30. I can't believe we are getting so old sweetheart! Are we really 30 years old this year? Where does the time fly? This afternoon my family so graciously watched our children while Lance and I went out for Lunch at Smokey Mountain Pizza. It was so good. I hadn't been there since I graduated from high school and it was the first time in a very long time that Lance and I had lunch together, just the two of us. It was nice, thanks Lance for the great afternoon!
I love you so much! Thanks for being such an incredible dad and husband! We love you! Happy Birthday!
Here is what I found outside this afternoon before dinner. All my boys wrestling outside. I love watching them play! They have so much fun with their dad.

May 10, 2009

Sunday naps

This afternoon, the boys came home from church, had lunch, played alittle bit and then one of my most favorite times of the day ~ when I can lay down and read some books with my boys. We layed down on my bed and read some stories. About 10 minutes later this is what I found ~

I love Sunday afternoons when we all just crash and rest. It is such a peaceful way to start a perfect afternoon.

Cowboy roundup at Cameron's house

Our good friends Carrie and Casey have a son {Cameron} who is keaton's age and yesterday was his 4th birthday. She had dropped by earlier in the week to invite the boys to his party and they had been waiting all week long to go. I took Owen to my parents house who so generously watched him while the boys and I went to have some fun.
When we got there, it was swarming with kids. I bet there were about 30 kids there. It was a huge get together. They handed out these really cute cowboy hats and gift bags to all the kids. My boys loved the hats and thought of themselves as real cowboys. They had a pony, whose name was dollar, out in front. They put all the kids in different groups according to the color of their cowboys hats and had different game stations for all of them to rotate. It was pretty well planned out.
The boys were hesitant at first to ride him but when I promised I would walk right beside them, they had no objection to it. Andrew loved riding and so did Keaton.

Then they had roping the cows-

panning for gold {which were pennies, rattlesnakes, cows and horses}in the sand box.
Then there was a little dog that was in his little cage and Andrew just loved watching him jump up and down trying to lick his face. He thought that was pretty funny.

We had such a fun time. Now Keaton wants have a big birthday party like that. How can we live up to that. Thanks for inviting us Cameron and Happy Birthday!

While dad was away

While Lance was in Arizona, we had my sister and her daughter Ava come stay with us. We had a great time. Althougth the kids didn't get along 100% of the time we still loved having them with us.
We stayed up late, played alot at Grandma and Grandpa's house and just had some fun. We did have some tough times. Night time always seems the hardest. Not only for the kids but for this mom as well. But we survived and we are still alive.
It was so nice to see Lance last night when he came home. It felt like a huge relief and I slept really well. Owen slept form 10-3 and then he had a harder time going back down and I didn't get him down until almost 4:30 but that is ok. I still love him like there is no tomorrow.
Here are some fun pictures we took while our dad was away.
{Keaton learned how to drive the lawn mower all my himself. He thought that was just the coolest thing ever.}
{I can't get enough of him. I look at his face and just melt.}

{The best $4 I ever spent. It literally kept them busy all day long.}

May 9, 2009

babies cry

Owen has started to become pretty fussy in the evenings. I am wondering if it is something I am eating. I had forgotten how much work it is to get a baby to settle down and then when you think he is sound asleep, you lay him down and he starts crying all over again. It can be draining, especially because Lance has been gone since Wed. morning. He flew to Arizona for his brother's wedding. Thankfully he is coming home tonight and I won't feel like a single mom anymore. Honestly, I don't know how single moms do it.
Owen has been doing well during the night thank goodness. I usually end up putting him down for the night around 9:30 p.m and then I will hear from him around 2 am and then again at 6. Not bad ha!
I am not sure if he has some acid reflux issues. We will keep an eye on that. Also I guess I need to start doing the process of ilimination. However you spell it. I am tired and ready for bed.
Anyone have any suggestions on putting a crying baby to sleep sucessfully? I feel like a mom for the first time again. I forget about these things.
Good night and Happy Mother's Day!

May 4, 2009

just breathe

It is 9 p.m. and all my kids are in bed. I should be in bed too but I have too much on my mind that I can't sleep. Lance leaves for Arizona on Wednseday morning. His brother John is getting married in the Mesa temple on friday. The kids and I are staying behind. Lance offered to take the kids and I was hesitant but now that I think about it, I have no idea why I objected to it. Oh well, we will make it and be just fine.
Today was a long day. My mornings fly by just fine. It's the afternoons that seem to take the longest. Keaton did take a nap today so he stayed up with me and we folded a floor full of laundry. He has been such a great helper, Andrew also. But I must confess, I miss my free time already. Before Owen was born, both of my children seemed to take great naps and sleep incredibly well during the night. Now that he is here, all of that has been thrown for a loop.
Like last night, Owen was up every 3 hours to feed and around 3:30 a.m. Andrew came into our bedroom and so Lance put him up in our bed. I was not happy that Lance allowed him to sleep in our bed and tried and tried to wake Lance up so he could take him back upstairs. I was already so tired myself, I couldn't keep my eyes open so what did I do? I had to carry him upstairs and sing him to sleep. I woke up not a very happy camper this morning and my kids suffered today because of it. I felt so bad. I felt like all I did was yell at my kids today and I am not that kind of mom. Honestly, I love them to death and try to play with them all I can, but right now, I am just too tired for that. I need my rest too.
I do not intend to make this a sad, poor Melissa entry, because I am not, I am only writing down how I have felt today so I can look back someday and see just how easy it really was, even though today it felt pretty tough.
As for an update on Owen. He is 2 weeks today. Has it really been two weeks since I had you Owen? Has it really only been two weeks since our lives changed for the better? Has it really been two weeks since I felt you move inside? I can't believe it.
I am so thankful for the life I have been given. The Lord has really blessed me.