It is 9 p.m. and all my kids are in bed. I should be in bed too but I have too much on my mind that I can't sleep. Lance leaves for Arizona on Wednseday morning. His brother John is getting married in the Mesa temple on friday. The kids and I are staying behind. Lance offered to take the kids and I was hesitant but now that I think about it, I have no idea why I objected to it. Oh well, we will make it and be just fine.
Today was a long day. My mornings fly by just fine. It's the afternoons that seem to take the longest. Keaton did take a nap today so he stayed up with me and we folded a floor full of laundry. He has been such a great helper, Andrew also. But I must confess, I miss my free time already. Before Owen was born, both of my children seemed to take great naps and sleep incredibly well during the night. Now that he is here, all of that has been thrown for a loop.
Like last night, Owen was up every 3 hours to feed and around 3:30 a.m. Andrew came into our bedroom and so Lance put him up in our bed. I was not happy that Lance allowed him to sleep in our bed and tried and tried to wake Lance up so he could take him back upstairs. I was already so tired myself, I couldn't keep my eyes open so what did I do? I had to carry him upstairs and sing him to sleep. I woke up not a very happy camper this morning and my kids suffered today because of it. I felt so bad. I felt like all I did was yell at my kids today and I am not that kind of mom. Honestly, I love them to death and try to play with them all I can, but right now, I am just too tired for that. I need my rest too.
I do not intend to make this a sad, poor Melissa entry, because I am not, I am only writing down how I have felt today so I can look back someday and see just how easy it really was, even though today it felt pretty tough.
As for an update on Owen. He is 2 weeks today. Has it really been two weeks since I had you Owen? Has it really only been two weeks since our lives changed for the better? Has it really been two weeks since I felt you move inside? I can't believe it.
I am so thankful for the life I have been given. The Lord has really blessed me.