I love having Rachel for a sister. She never ceases to make me laugh. She is the humorous one in the family. Whenever I am with her, I know I am going to have a good time. She lived with us for awhile when we lived in Arizona. She kept things alive when I could have been sad. She was with me during the most difficult times while I was pregnant with my first child. She made me laugh, she was there to cry with me and she was there to help my mom wait on Lance and I. Thanks Rachel for all the fun times. May there be many many more down the road. Are you really 27 Rachel? Where does the time go? Happy Birthday! I hope it was a great one. Love ya!
December 30, 2009
Happy Birthday Rachel
My younger sister Rachel turned 27 today. I was sad that I didn't get to spend too much time with her today. She worked the majority of the day and then she went out to eat with her husband. We waited for them at my parents house but by the time they got there it was time for a quick bite and then home to put kids to bed. My kids didn't have naps today so they were really wired.
Snow Days
This morning we woke up to 4-5 inches of new snow. The boys were so excited and it was just really beautiful. I went outside to take a few pictures before it got destroyed by young kids, cars driving in the streets and the sun that starts to melt it all. Has anyone noticed how peaceful and quite it is outside while it snows? I love that! I love how quite it is. It makes me feel calm too. Here is what it looked like outside my front door this morning.
It snowed on and off all day long. Where was all of this snow on Christmas day? Oh well, at least we are getting snow. The boys are really excited to do some sledding with their dad., tomorrow.
We decided to go over to my parents house with my brother and spend the day over there. We took our Wii over there a few days ago and we have just kept it there because we will be gone all next week and the boys love to play that and it will help grandma out alot.
I made some BBQ ribs and potatoes for dinner. It was great. Then we decided to go outside with grandpa and shovel their driveway and sidewalk. The boys got all bundled up and dressed for the snow and we were out the door. They had so much fun throwing snow balls at each other and just wrestling together. It was so much fun to watch them. They can have so much fun together if they don't get each other mad. It only lasts for a few minutes, but it is so sweet to watch.
Thanks for the fun snow day boys!
Snow days
December 26, 2009
This year was a quite one for us. We didn't do any traveling. We stayed put and we didn't do much of anything. My sister got really sick the Wednseday before and I felt so bad for her. Then Wednseday night I went out shopping with my brother to get the last minute stuff he needed and then we headed back to my parents house to wrap everything. I walked into their house and I instantly felt really really crappy. I felt nausea and so I decided to eat some crackers to see if it was because I hadn't eaten for awhile. Well that didn't really help. About 10:30 p.m. I headed home and I went right to the bathroom to throw up. Yes, I had the 24 hours of dry heaving and feeling sick to my stomach. It was no fun. I felt miserable and I layed on the couch mostly all of Christmas Eve. Lance took our children to a christmas party at my grandmother's house that she was having for the whole family. I stayed home and watched Holiday Inn. I love that movie. As soon as they got home, I tried to eat something, drank 7 UP like crazy and I started to feel better.
The boys were so excited this year. They wore their new christmas pajamas and were very eager to go to bed so Santa could come. Keaton has really grasped the idea of Santa and it was so much fun to watch him get so excited about it.
Well they went to be about 8 p.m. and Lance I and sat down and watched It's a Wonderful Life. Have you ever seen that movie? It is really interesting, but the message was very sweet. I would hope that life is a little better because I mattered to the world. I sat and wrapped a million gifts so the boys would have something to open up in the morning.
Well I slept a lot better and the boys woke us up at 7 the next morning to open presents. Keaton came and jumped on our bed telling us that Santa had come. He was very patient and we told him to wait until Owen and Andrew woke up. So he layed in bed with us and we talked about all the fun things that were under the tree.
Finally the big moment came. They had so much fun tearing everything open. Andrew just like ripping the paper and then moving on the next gift. He would make a quick glance and what he got and then ask for another one.
After a while we got dressed and headed over to my parents house to see what Santa had brought us and also for a great Christmas breakfast. The boys were so excited to see their scooters and light sabers that Santa didn't deliver to our home. My niece Ava got this huge dinasour that talks, eats and burps. The kids just loved that.
We were all very spoiled this year. One of the great things I got that I am very excited to use is the Amazon Kindle. Has anyone ever used one of these? How do you like them? It can hold up to 2600 books. That is a lot of books. Me personally, I like holding the real thing in front of me but this could be even better. We will put it to the test.
The boys got a new Wii game, Super Mario Bros.. They love it! Lance loves it! We also got a Wii Fit I am excited to try out.
Thanks to everyone who made this Christmas so special for us. We missed you Snyders! Sorry we couldn't be there with you this year. We sure loved your thoughtful gifts and phone call. We love you all!
Sorry there are no pictures. My computer is acting up. I will post them later.
The boys were so excited this year. They wore their new christmas pajamas and were very eager to go to bed so Santa could come. Keaton has really grasped the idea of Santa and it was so much fun to watch him get so excited about it.
Well they went to be about 8 p.m. and Lance I and sat down and watched It's a Wonderful Life. Have you ever seen that movie? It is really interesting, but the message was very sweet. I would hope that life is a little better because I mattered to the world. I sat and wrapped a million gifts so the boys would have something to open up in the morning.
Well I slept a lot better and the boys woke us up at 7 the next morning to open presents. Keaton came and jumped on our bed telling us that Santa had come. He was very patient and we told him to wait until Owen and Andrew woke up. So he layed in bed with us and we talked about all the fun things that were under the tree.
Finally the big moment came. They had so much fun tearing everything open. Andrew just like ripping the paper and then moving on the next gift. He would make a quick glance and what he got and then ask for another one.
After a while we got dressed and headed over to my parents house to see what Santa had brought us and also for a great Christmas breakfast. The boys were so excited to see their scooters and light sabers that Santa didn't deliver to our home. My niece Ava got this huge dinasour that talks, eats and burps. The kids just loved that.
We were all very spoiled this year. One of the great things I got that I am very excited to use is the Amazon Kindle. Has anyone ever used one of these? How do you like them? It can hold up to 2600 books. That is a lot of books. Me personally, I like holding the real thing in front of me but this could be even better. We will put it to the test.
The boys got a new Wii game, Super Mario Bros.. They love it! Lance loves it! We also got a Wii Fit I am excited to try out.
Thanks to everyone who made this Christmas so special for us. We missed you Snyders! Sorry we couldn't be there with you this year. We sure loved your thoughtful gifts and phone call. We love you all!
Sorry there are no pictures. My computer is acting up. I will post them later.
December 21, 2009
Andrew's party
We had frusting everywhere and kids shoving candy in their mouths and just covering their houses like crazy. They had a great time. It was fun to see how inventive these little ones can get. Next, we had the kids dress their dads up like Santa with shaving cream. This has always been a fun tradition we started with our christmas parties. The kids did a good job.
Then it was time for the birthday boy to blow out the candles on his cake. He blew them all out in just one huff and puff.
Then we opened up gifts and let them play around until our special guest made his grand apperance. Bro. Angus from our ward did a great job. The kids were so excited to see him. So they all lined up one by one and took turns sitting on his lap telling him all the things they wanted for Christmas. Funny thing, Santa didn't know about half of them.
Everyone had a great time sitting on Santa's lap
Well almost everyone, Owen was late for bed and little freaked out by the man in the red suit. Oh well his time will come and he will learn to lvoe the big man.
Thanks to everyone who came to Andrew's party. He was very spoiled. He is so lucky to have great frines and incredible family members who love him so much.
Happy Birthday Andrew!
Dear Andrew
Happy Birthday sweetheart! I can't believe you will be turning 3 tomorrow. You were due the day after Christmas and the doctor told me it would be alright to induce me a week early so we wouldn't risk you having to share your birthday with Christmas day. Seems just like yesterday we were welcoming you into the world. Keaton couldn't wait to have another brother, me, I was glad you were out and Dad was happy he was having another son. My labor and delievery with you was very smooth sailing. In the beginning you were breech, which means you were toes down first, instead of head first. So the doctor had to work on you for alittle bit, and you finally moved. I was so relieved. I only pushed for 10 minutes and you came so silently into the world. You weighed 8 lbs. 7 oz. and you had the curliest hair. What a beautiful baby you were. I fell in love the moment I saw you and held you.
You were such a sweet baby. You really never cried unless you were hungry or tired. You were clock work. You were a routine baby and I loved that about you! You just did what we wanted you to do, at least for the first half of your life.
You were so chubby. I loved the double chins, the think thighs. You were so squeezy. I loved it! Everyone called you meatball
. I love being your mom. I can't tell you how much joy you have brought into our lives. There is never a dull moment with you around son. Your love for your brothers and those close to you is so sweet to watch. You have a sensitive heart and it is a tender thing to watch you be gentle with your friends. Your love for learning is incredible. You are constantly singing the alpahbet song and you can count to 20. You are amazing. Did you know that son? Although you can really test my patience, I couldn't imagine living this life without you.You have experienced a lot in just these short 3 years, but I am confident that you will aspire to great and many incredible things. You will acheive so much and I can't wait to sit back and watch you continue to grow up. Let's watch you grow!

Happy Birthday Andrew! We love you!
7 years
Lance and I were married 7 years ago today. Has it really been that long Lance? I can't believe we have been married 7 years. Look at all the amazing things we have done together too. You have given me a wonderful life. We have an angel waiting for us, and 3 very busy boys who keep us on our toes. What a beautiful life we have. I am so very blessed. Happy Anniversary Lance! Love ya!
December 20, 2009
A good memory
Yesterday I went to the temple to do an endowement session with my mom, sister and grandmother. It had been awhile since I last went. It was such a nice way to start the day. I need to do it more often. I am going to make it a new goal for this coming year to make it to the temple once a week. I love to go to the temple. I love the feelings of peace, love and joy that surrounds me everytime I go.
As I was sitting in the chapel waiting for our session to start, the organ was playing some christmas hymns and there were bells playing in the background. As I was sitting there listening to the music I was focusing on a picture of Christ that was hanging on the wall right in front of me. It was titled "Fishers of Men." I was really touched by this picture. I can't say specifically why but I felt love. I felt the spirit whisper to me, that I was loved. That no matter how hard things are right now for us, I could feel love surround me. It felt good! I felt a sweet peace fill my soul. I was happy.
Then I started to thinking about Christmas and all the things I needed to do last minute before the big day comes and I got caught up in all the material things, when I had to stop and laugh for a moment. Here I was sitting in the temple, the most peaceful place on earth, thinking about shopping and what gifts I had left to buy. As I sat there listening to the bells play, I was carried back to a memory of Christmas, that was years ago, while serving my mission in the Santiago West, Chile mission. I loved my mission! I loved everyone I served with, well almost everyone. I loved the people, the culture, the customs and grew to love what the Savior taught me. Even though it was not easy, it was worth every minute of it. I sometimes tell my husband that I would give anything to relive those days and go back and remember the good times when times are tough.
I had about 3 months left on my mission. I was serving in one of my most favorite areas ~ Ochagavia. I was with my second native companion from Colombia. I was confident with myself, the language and just knew the routine inside and out. I was loving life and dreading the day when it would all end. It was December, and our mission president had us put together a christmas box to give to someone we knew in need. He told us to pray and think about someone to give this box to as a zone. In my area where we lived just right around the corner from our little pnesion, there was a big market called La Panadoria. Behind this warehouse was a man who lived by himself and I remember he had no shoes. He lived with just his wagon of collected cardboard boxes, his stray dog and a few other belongings he had in his wagon(it was more like a hand cart).
My companion and I prayed adn prayed about it and then we took the idea to our Zone leader and it was agreed upon that this man needed it more than anyone else. So on the evening of Christmas day we met up as a zone and delieved it to this man together. I had been praying that he would be there, because he was always gone until late in the evening. Every night on our way home from tracting, teaching or whatever it was we were doing, we would see him arrive at this little spot around the same time.
To our suprise he was there. He was sitting by himself on the edge of his wagon when we came around the corner. He was watching us and was surprised when we came to a stop at his little corner. We told him we were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that we had a speical Christmas package just for him. His eyes teared up and he was very grateful. We asked him if we could share a message about Christ with him and sing some christmas songs for him. He was so happy we would do that.
He didn't say much and we all had other appointments to get to, but I remember leaving with my heart full of love and compassion for all of God's children.
As I read in my missionary journal, my prayer that night was very humble. I thanked the Lord for letting me serve one of His children who was in desperate need. I was thankful that the Lord led us to him. I hope that the small box of simple pleasures brought him happiness. I know it did to all of us who were present that night. This man's name was Sergio. A simple man, who taught me a great lesson of love.
I also remember just singing to an older woman named Clemantina. She was 87 yrs. old when she joined the church. I was privelaged to be a witness to it all. When the first set of sisters found her she was sitting on the road leaning up against her little barb wire fence "waiting for an angel to come," she told us. She was baptized and she was the most faithful church goer I had ever met in Chile. She would wait every Sunday outside her home for us, for her ride on the little school bus to the church, because she couldn't walk that far. Even though she would fall asleep on my shoulder every Sunday she still went. She paid 100% tithe and offerings on whatever she had to give. One Christmas Eve word had finally found us that she was pretty sick and all she wanted was to hear us sing. The patriach of the stake found us in his little car and drove us over to her home. There inside her humble home, by a christmas tree no taller than a herself was Clemantina. When we came in she started to cry and told us that all she wanted for Christmas was to hear some Christmas songs out of the hymn book. Her favorite one was "O Little Town of Bethlehem." So we sang songs to her. She fell asleep but the one thing I remembered was sitting there with companion watching her sleep. She was so sweet and peaceful. We had to make sure she was still breathing before we left, which she was, but just singing those songs, what a great way to feel the Love of the Lord. I remember my last Sunday on my mission, my family was with me. I was ending my mission and there was a baptism I wanted to see of a family we taught. Little Clemantina was so happy to see me. She sat right by me and never let me go. When it was all over with I told her it was time for me to go. She asked me "But you are coming over tonight right to visit?" I told her that it was time for me to go back to my home with my family. Those sweet little eyes filled up with tears and she wouldn't let go. I had to literally pry her off of me. That was a really sad day for me. One of the hardest in my mission. She died shortly after I went home. She was 89 yrs. old. I am almost postive she has found her spot in the Lord's presence.
It is the sweet experiences like these I have shared that make those tender feelings so close this time of year. I am creating new and good memories with my children. I want them to feel and understand the true meaning of Christmas as should all of us.
I just wanted to write all of this down while it was still fresh in my mind. I have been really blessed. I have a heart full of gratitude tonight.
As I was sitting in the chapel waiting for our session to start, the organ was playing some christmas hymns and there were bells playing in the background. As I was sitting there listening to the music I was focusing on a picture of Christ that was hanging on the wall right in front of me. It was titled "Fishers of Men." I was really touched by this picture. I can't say specifically why but I felt love. I felt the spirit whisper to me, that I was loved. That no matter how hard things are right now for us, I could feel love surround me. It felt good! I felt a sweet peace fill my soul. I was happy.
Then I started to thinking about Christmas and all the things I needed to do last minute before the big day comes and I got caught up in all the material things, when I had to stop and laugh for a moment. Here I was sitting in the temple, the most peaceful place on earth, thinking about shopping and what gifts I had left to buy. As I sat there listening to the bells play, I was carried back to a memory of Christmas, that was years ago, while serving my mission in the Santiago West, Chile mission. I loved my mission! I loved everyone I served with, well almost everyone. I loved the people, the culture, the customs and grew to love what the Savior taught me. Even though it was not easy, it was worth every minute of it. I sometimes tell my husband that I would give anything to relive those days and go back and remember the good times when times are tough.
I had about 3 months left on my mission. I was serving in one of my most favorite areas ~ Ochagavia. I was with my second native companion from Colombia. I was confident with myself, the language and just knew the routine inside and out. I was loving life and dreading the day when it would all end. It was December, and our mission president had us put together a christmas box to give to someone we knew in need. He told us to pray and think about someone to give this box to as a zone. In my area where we lived just right around the corner from our little pnesion, there was a big market called La Panadoria. Behind this warehouse was a man who lived by himself and I remember he had no shoes. He lived with just his wagon of collected cardboard boxes, his stray dog and a few other belongings he had in his wagon(it was more like a hand cart).
My companion and I prayed adn prayed about it and then we took the idea to our Zone leader and it was agreed upon that this man needed it more than anyone else. So on the evening of Christmas day we met up as a zone and delieved it to this man together. I had been praying that he would be there, because he was always gone until late in the evening. Every night on our way home from tracting, teaching or whatever it was we were doing, we would see him arrive at this little spot around the same time.
To our suprise he was there. He was sitting by himself on the edge of his wagon when we came around the corner. He was watching us and was surprised when we came to a stop at his little corner. We told him we were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that we had a speical Christmas package just for him. His eyes teared up and he was very grateful. We asked him if we could share a message about Christ with him and sing some christmas songs for him. He was so happy we would do that.
He didn't say much and we all had other appointments to get to, but I remember leaving with my heart full of love and compassion for all of God's children.
As I read in my missionary journal, my prayer that night was very humble. I thanked the Lord for letting me serve one of His children who was in desperate need. I was thankful that the Lord led us to him. I hope that the small box of simple pleasures brought him happiness. I know it did to all of us who were present that night. This man's name was Sergio. A simple man, who taught me a great lesson of love.
I also remember just singing to an older woman named Clemantina. She was 87 yrs. old when she joined the church. I was privelaged to be a witness to it all. When the first set of sisters found her she was sitting on the road leaning up against her little barb wire fence "waiting for an angel to come," she told us. She was baptized and she was the most faithful church goer I had ever met in Chile. She would wait every Sunday outside her home for us, for her ride on the little school bus to the church, because she couldn't walk that far. Even though she would fall asleep on my shoulder every Sunday she still went. She paid 100% tithe and offerings on whatever she had to give. One Christmas Eve word had finally found us that she was pretty sick and all she wanted was to hear us sing. The patriach of the stake found us in his little car and drove us over to her home. There inside her humble home, by a christmas tree no taller than a herself was Clemantina. When we came in she started to cry and told us that all she wanted for Christmas was to hear some Christmas songs out of the hymn book. Her favorite one was "O Little Town of Bethlehem." So we sang songs to her. She fell asleep but the one thing I remembered was sitting there with companion watching her sleep. She was so sweet and peaceful. We had to make sure she was still breathing before we left, which she was, but just singing those songs, what a great way to feel the Love of the Lord. I remember my last Sunday on my mission, my family was with me. I was ending my mission and there was a baptism I wanted to see of a family we taught. Little Clemantina was so happy to see me. She sat right by me and never let me go. When it was all over with I told her it was time for me to go. She asked me "But you are coming over tonight right to visit?" I told her that it was time for me to go back to my home with my family. Those sweet little eyes filled up with tears and she wouldn't let go. I had to literally pry her off of me. That was a really sad day for me. One of the hardest in my mission. She died shortly after I went home. She was 89 yrs. old. I am almost postive she has found her spot in the Lord's presence.
It is the sweet experiences like these I have shared that make those tender feelings so close this time of year. I am creating new and good memories with my children. I want them to feel and understand the true meaning of Christmas as should all of us.
I just wanted to write all of this down while it was still fresh in my mind. I have been really blessed. I have a heart full of gratitude tonight.
December 18, 2009
December 13, 2009
A visit to the hospital
I have no pictures to show for this. This past friday we had to take Andrew into the hospital to have some dental work done. In September I took both of my boys for the very first dental visit. Keaton came out clean and without blemish. Andrew on the other hand came out with major work that needed to be done. We were referred to a Pediatric dentist who specialized in root canals for younger children. How many children do you know that need a root canal done at the age of 2, let alone two of them?
We had to wait 3 months to have this done. I guess this is a pretty common procedure with little kids. I had no idea until my mother told me that I had quite a few done when I was tiny too. I guess Andrew has inherited my bad genes as far as tooth enamel.
He was admitted on Friday morning at 9 am. It was hard because he was not allowed to eat or drink anything from midnight on. That was hard since Andrew had food on his mind 24/7. But we did it. Lance took him in while I stayed behind to take Keaton to a friends and Owen to my parents house. My father was a saint and volunteered to watch Owen while I went to the hospital so Lance could go to a meeting.
The surgery took alittle longer than expected. They ran into 3 extensive cavities on top of the two root canals, that are now silver caps, which by they way, Adnrew thinks he had grown up daddy teeth, and sealents on all of his teeth. I had to wait for about 20 minutes for him to come to and then they called me back to the recovery area to help him out. When I got back there he was screaming. There was a doctor and two nurses trying to hold him down. He was so scared of them. So I ran up to him and held him but he still wouldn't calm down. He was still pretty out of it due to the anesthetics that they put him on. He was really persistent about trying to tear his I.V. out of his hand. So they had me craddle him and hold on to him really tight while they wrapped his arm up really good with gauze so he couldn't get a hold of his IV. The nurse looked at me and said "He is the strongest 4 year old I think I have ever worked with." I told her "Oh he is not 4, he is 2 almost 3." She couldn't believe it. He is big for his age.
Anyways, so they wrapped his arm up. Meanwhile they had all these tags all over his chest so they could keep watch of heart rate, etc. during the operation. He was trying to pull those off. I told him I would do it if he sat still so he did and I let go of his arm and all of sudden he reached over and grabbed the IV and yanked on it so hard that it torn off and there was blood squirting everywhere. All over my face, his and our clothes. It was crazy. I was yelling for a nurse to help me out because at this point they all cleared out to see if that would help him calm down. It didn't and it started all over again. So they rushed in and cleaned us up and got teh rest of the IV out and they left us alone.
I spent about a half hour trying to calm him down. He was so scared and I was so sad to see him react like that. I guess they say it is common for little kids to act like that when they are tryign to come to after being put under. It was a tramatic experience not only for him but it was hard for me to see him like that.
Now here we are two days after and he is doing just fine. He is proud of his teeth and he was showing all of his friends at church his "grown up teeth."
Sorry there were no pictures. I didn't think it was appropriate seeing him miserable like that.
We survived. It is over and done with and we are moving on. Hopefully we will never have to do that again.
Andrew, momma loves you. Thanks for being so brave!
We had to wait 3 months to have this done. I guess this is a pretty common procedure with little kids. I had no idea until my mother told me that I had quite a few done when I was tiny too. I guess Andrew has inherited my bad genes as far as tooth enamel.
He was admitted on Friday morning at 9 am. It was hard because he was not allowed to eat or drink anything from midnight on. That was hard since Andrew had food on his mind 24/7. But we did it. Lance took him in while I stayed behind to take Keaton to a friends and Owen to my parents house. My father was a saint and volunteered to watch Owen while I went to the hospital so Lance could go to a meeting.
The surgery took alittle longer than expected. They ran into 3 extensive cavities on top of the two root canals, that are now silver caps, which by they way, Adnrew thinks he had grown up daddy teeth, and sealents on all of his teeth. I had to wait for about 20 minutes for him to come to and then they called me back to the recovery area to help him out. When I got back there he was screaming. There was a doctor and two nurses trying to hold him down. He was so scared of them. So I ran up to him and held him but he still wouldn't calm down. He was still pretty out of it due to the anesthetics that they put him on. He was really persistent about trying to tear his I.V. out of his hand. So they had me craddle him and hold on to him really tight while they wrapped his arm up really good with gauze so he couldn't get a hold of his IV. The nurse looked at me and said "He is the strongest 4 year old I think I have ever worked with." I told her "Oh he is not 4, he is 2 almost 3." She couldn't believe it. He is big for his age.
Anyways, so they wrapped his arm up. Meanwhile they had all these tags all over his chest so they could keep watch of heart rate, etc. during the operation. He was trying to pull those off. I told him I would do it if he sat still so he did and I let go of his arm and all of sudden he reached over and grabbed the IV and yanked on it so hard that it torn off and there was blood squirting everywhere. All over my face, his and our clothes. It was crazy. I was yelling for a nurse to help me out because at this point they all cleared out to see if that would help him calm down. It didn't and it started all over again. So they rushed in and cleaned us up and got teh rest of the IV out and they left us alone.
I spent about a half hour trying to calm him down. He was so scared and I was so sad to see him react like that. I guess they say it is common for little kids to act like that when they are tryign to come to after being put under. It was a tramatic experience not only for him but it was hard for me to see him like that.
Now here we are two days after and he is doing just fine. He is proud of his teeth and he was showing all of his friends at church his "grown up teeth."
Sorry there were no pictures. I didn't think it was appropriate seeing him miserable like that.
We survived. It is over and done with and we are moving on. Hopefully we will never have to do that again.
Andrew, momma loves you. Thanks for being so brave!
What a weekend
There is so much to catch up on. I will make this one short and sweet with some pictures to show for it. We had a fun weekend with my in-laws that came into town. Lances' younger brother Eldon, his wife Shelli and their sweet little girl Chiara came for a visit. Eldon and Shelli are graduating from BYU and they are getting ready to go to Medical school. So they were coming up for a last visit before they leave. My boys were so excited. They love babies! They love Chiara! It was a very short weekend but we had lots of fun. We ate lots of food, played Blockus, watched Blue Collar Comedy clips and laughed really hard. We tried and tried to find a certain clip that Larry the Cable guy did about his sister and her moles but we couldn't find it. We will find it and send it to you Shelli. I am on the quest to find it.
We got lots of snow. It snowed all friday and Saturday leaving us with a few inches of snow. It is beautiful. I love snow! Most people I talk to hate it. I can honestly say I don't mind scraping the windshields, shoveling the driveway/walks. I enjoy it and it is so pretty. It is what makes it feel like Christmas.

The boys had a great time being pulled behind the truck on sleds. The neighbors came over and played with them too. My neice Chiara bundled up and went for a few rides. She was just so sweet. What a pleasant little girl. Thanks for sharing her with us Eldon and Shelli. They all came in for lunch and hot chocolate and then it was nap time. Shelli and I went shopping and took Keaton along with us since he has outgrown the nap stage. We went to Walmart. We wanted a slushy from the Blimpee store in there. I was fixing the lid on Keaton's when it exploded and got all over him and then myself. I stepped back only to run into the pop machine and pushing my elbow into the pepsi button and getting it all over my coat and soaking my shirt. What a way to begin a fun day shopping. We still had fun though.
We had to find Lance a shepard outfit for our Christmas party that night. So we found the uglyist fabric there was and bought it. Turned out to be a a great fit. Our ward christmas party was the best one I have ever attended. We have a ward that goes all out on decorating and putting on such a great event. The whole church was decorated like Jeruselam. From the lighting, the decorations to all the little shops that families could shop at, I felt like I was in Jeruselam.

We were each handed a bad of coins for our families. There were little stores in the market to buy fruit, breads, deserts and toys for the little kids. Then everyone congregated in the middle and up on the stage was a stable, where the Christ child was. Lances' cousin Chad and his wife Ginger just had their 3 little boy Dallas and they played the roles of Mary and Joseph and sweet little Dallas was the Christ child. It was a very tender program. My boys loved it. I loved it!
Now it is Sunday night. The boys are in bed and I am ready for bed. Ready to begin another busy week. We are counting down the 12 days of Christmas.
Thanks Eldon and Shelli for coming. We miss you guys already.
We got lots of snow. It snowed all friday and Saturday leaving us with a few inches of snow. It is beautiful. I love snow! Most people I talk to hate it. I can honestly say I don't mind scraping the windshields, shoveling the driveway/walks. I enjoy it and it is so pretty. It is what makes it feel like Christmas.
The boys had a great time being pulled behind the truck on sleds. The neighbors came over and played with them too. My neice Chiara bundled up and went for a few rides. She was just so sweet. What a pleasant little girl. Thanks for sharing her with us Eldon and Shelli. They all came in for lunch and hot chocolate and then it was nap time. Shelli and I went shopping and took Keaton along with us since he has outgrown the nap stage. We went to Walmart. We wanted a slushy from the Blimpee store in there. I was fixing the lid on Keaton's when it exploded and got all over him and then myself. I stepped back only to run into the pop machine and pushing my elbow into the pepsi button and getting it all over my coat and soaking my shirt. What a way to begin a fun day shopping. We still had fun though.
We had to find Lance a shepard outfit for our Christmas party that night. So we found the uglyist fabric there was and bought it. Turned out to be a a great fit. Our ward christmas party was the best one I have ever attended. We have a ward that goes all out on decorating and putting on such a great event. The whole church was decorated like Jeruselam. From the lighting, the decorations to all the little shops that families could shop at, I felt like I was in Jeruselam.
We were each handed a bad of coins for our families. There were little stores in the market to buy fruit, breads, deserts and toys for the little kids. Then everyone congregated in the middle and up on the stage was a stable, where the Christ child was. Lances' cousin Chad and his wife Ginger just had their 3 little boy Dallas and they played the roles of Mary and Joseph and sweet little Dallas was the Christ child. It was a very tender program. My boys loved it. I loved it!
Now it is Sunday night. The boys are in bed and I am ready for bed. Ready to begin another busy week. We are counting down the 12 days of Christmas.
Thanks Eldon and Shelli for coming. We miss you guys already.
December 10, 2009
The "B" family
I LOVE this family! I had one of the greatest times shooting than I have ever had. This sweet family is in our ward. We are related through my husbands' side of the family. I have the great privelage of visiting teaching this amazing mother/wife/friend, and this amazing guy, has worked miracles with my son in the nursery. In August of this year they welcomed their miracle baby Kean to the world. After a long pregnancy of bedrest in the hospital he made his grand apperance. He was diagnosed with Down's Snydrome and he is just the sweetest, most tender baby. I fell in love with him the moment I got to hold him.

Their sweet girls are just so beautiful. I had so much fun with them. They always greet me at the door and this time I was surprised with my very own christmas ornament that they made for me.

Here is a sneak peak of what we did. Thank you "B" family for such a fun evening.

I love this picture. This miracle baby boy is living proof that there is a God. I thought this phrase summed it all up. There is so much love in this family, that they will overcome anything.

Their sweet girls are just so beautiful. I had so much fun with them. They always greet me at the door and this time I was surprised with my very own christmas ornament that they made for me.

Here is a sneak peak of what we did. Thank you "B" family for such a fun evening.

I love this picture. This miracle baby boy is living proof that there is a God. I thought this phrase summed it all up. There is so much love in this family, that they will overcome anything.

December 7, 2009
My boys have discovered that both dads' and grandpas' Iphones have games on them. This is what you will see when they get a hold of them. They can seriously sit like this for an hour if you let them. Isn't this crazy? They must get that from their dad.
December 6, 2009
Today was a good day

Sundays are usually one of the most hectic days in the Snyder household. Sacrament starts at 8:30 a.m and we have a 20 minute drive to our chapel so technically we have to be ready by 8 in order to make it on time. All my boys were wearing the same tie, thanks to John and Carrie who sent us those lovely ties for their wedding. Everyone commented on them at church. My boys wanted to look like their dad today and they did.
The lesson in Relief Society was on Elder Packers talk Prayer and Promptings. I had been asked about 3 weeks ago if I would share a few thoughts about my relationship with teh Savior, how I have felt prompted through prayer and the blessings that have come through following the spirit. It was a very tender lesson. I have been in a reflective mood for the past week trying to sort out feelings and experiences. I have had some tender moments and I know that God lives and that He loves me.
The boys took great naps. I love those days when all three of my boys sleep at the same time. Owen missed out on his morning nap so he took a great afternoon one. I layed down on my bed with my other two and we read books until we all fell asleep. They can be so sweet. Especially when they are sleeping.

We were invited to dinner at a friends home from our previous ward. The Chesley's invited us over for some Prime Rib, baked potatoes and other great food. Not only was the food great, we loved the entertainment, the kids got along just fabulous and it all turned out very nicely. Only sad thing is, we missed the Presidency's Christmas devotional. My mom recorded it so we can watch it later.
We had our first snow fall today. It started out really small and then the flakes great very large and before you knew it, there was half an inch on the ground. The boys are so excited. Hopefully we will get some more tomorrow. The forecast predicts more. The boys are eager to go sledding, so am I.
It was a good day overall. I can't complain. I am usually ready for the day to end but today was nice. Thank you Keaton, Andrew and Owen for behaving so well, and thank you Lance for helping me out. You were fun to be around tonight. I love you all!

Christmas Holiday
December 3, 2009
Its begining to look a lot like Christmas
We are starting to get into the holiday spirit. Last night we took the boys to pick out a Christmas tree. They were so excited this year. So we loaded everyone up in our truck and went into Star for the little local tree lot. We found a great tree for a great price. It was fast, and it was easy. We took it home, decorated it and then we sat and turned all the lights off just to watch it glow. I love the smell of real trees. I am not a fan of the fake trees. There is no fun in them. I don't mind cleaning up the needles, putting water in it and then after it is all said and done, throw it away.
We had a great time decorating it. Andrew, my child, who has treats on his mind 24/7 was looking at the old candy canes I think we have had for about 2-3 years and all he could do was think about eating them. After a few minutes of putting up the lights and sorting out the ornaments, I couldn't find Andrew. I had my suspisions, and where did I find him? In the laundry room eating that stinkin old candy cane. He loved it and I was happy he did. He will find an opportunity to have sneek candy any time. My favorite is whenever we go to my parents house or whenever they come to our house, the first thing Andrew will say is " You have any treats?"
I can't believe we are just 3 weeks away.
Santa called our home on Wednseday. My dad had done it ever since Keaton was tiny. This year, they could tell it was him. I felt so bad. I didn't think they would recognize his voice.
I told the boys to come quick because it looked like the North Pole was calling. Keaton got so excited, he ran into the room and answered the phone and when "Santa" answered and said "HO HO HO, Merry Christmas," Keaton stook back and said "Thats Grandpa!" I hope this doesn't destroy his image of Santa. He is still excited that he called. He keeps talking about it.
Merry Christmas everyone!
December 2, 2009
10 under 4
Yesterday was our first day of having preschool at our home. I always dread these times when my house is completely overrun by 4 year olds. There are 8 kids in Keaton's preschool this year. They are all darling kids but having them all together at one time in one home with one adult to supervise, well let's just say it was chaotic. Plus I had Owen and Andrew also so that made it even harder.
I have always heard the comments the other ladies give about how well Keaton does. Are we talking about the same kid? I would always ask. Well we were.
But I was warned by all the moms that your children will do far worse when preschool is held in their own home. They were right. I put Owen down for his morning nap before everyone showed up at 9 am. It was working out nicely until we started our circle time and one of the little boys said he wasn't feeling very well and that he needed to use the restroom. So I showed him and quickly returned to the kids in circle time. While we were singing the alaphbet I could hear this little boy crying from the bathroom, so I ran over and knocked on the door to see if he was feeling ok. He told me that he had diarreha and that he needed to throw up. Just great, we have a sick boy. So after he was done and after I was done cleaning up he came out to join the rest of the kids and laid down on my couch. I spent the next 20 minutes trying to call his mom who was no where to be found. The kids went running through the house and upstairs, when they suddenly woke up Owen after 30 minutes of sleep. So I have 7 kids who won't listen, running around, one sick boy, and one very cranky baby. I love mornings like this!
The mom finally shows up to take her son home. Now I can relax that we are over that issue and focus on teaching the kids. Keaton and Andrew at this point are upstairs fighting and fussing over the other kids using their toys.
So no one was allowed to play upstairs. They trampled in all the rooms, messed up all the beds, and pulled out some clothes from the dressers up stairs.
Finally three hours later they are all gone, my kids are asleep and I crashed on the couch for one hour of much needed rest.
I only have a week and a half more of this and then I am done. I am not the teaching type at all. I am not sure how teachers do this at school. I am already tired.
I have always heard the comments the other ladies give about how well Keaton does. Are we talking about the same kid? I would always ask. Well we were.
But I was warned by all the moms that your children will do far worse when preschool is held in their own home. They were right. I put Owen down for his morning nap before everyone showed up at 9 am. It was working out nicely until we started our circle time and one of the little boys said he wasn't feeling very well and that he needed to use the restroom. So I showed him and quickly returned to the kids in circle time. While we were singing the alaphbet I could hear this little boy crying from the bathroom, so I ran over and knocked on the door to see if he was feeling ok. He told me that he had diarreha and that he needed to throw up. Just great, we have a sick boy. So after he was done and after I was done cleaning up he came out to join the rest of the kids and laid down on my couch. I spent the next 20 minutes trying to call his mom who was no where to be found. The kids went running through the house and upstairs, when they suddenly woke up Owen after 30 minutes of sleep. So I have 7 kids who won't listen, running around, one sick boy, and one very cranky baby. I love mornings like this!
The mom finally shows up to take her son home. Now I can relax that we are over that issue and focus on teaching the kids. Keaton and Andrew at this point are upstairs fighting and fussing over the other kids using their toys.
So no one was allowed to play upstairs. They trampled in all the rooms, messed up all the beds, and pulled out some clothes from the dressers up stairs.
Finally three hours later they are all gone, my kids are asleep and I crashed on the couch for one hour of much needed rest.
I only have a week and a half more of this and then I am done. I am not the teaching type at all. I am not sure how teachers do this at school. I am already tired.
Progressive Dinner flop
Usually you can tell what the enrichment activity for Relief Society is going to be every December, a Progressive Dinner. Well last night was ours. They rented a school bus to haul us all around. We were suppose to start out at one house for the appetizer and then to another and so forth until we ended back at the church for desert and a program. Well, we had a great turnout of about 60 woman. We loaded up onto the school bus. It has been a really long time since I was on one and I felt so big. I remember those buses being huge, this time I felt so crammed. But it was fun.
We headed out to the first house just down the road. When we arrived it was all dark, both outside and in. The presidency started to panic. So someone called this sister, I won't mention names, and she wasn't home and was no where to be found. So forget the salad, on to the next home for another appetizer, when we arrived it was all nice and decorated very beautiful and we thought that this certain sister would be ready for us for sure. So we walked in and this certain sister was laying on her couch watching T.V.. She came out and wanted to know what we were all doing at her home. She had completely forgotten and thought the activity was the following week. So, by this time the presidency is flipping out. We can do without salads and appetizers. On to the dinner. So we all loaded back onto the bus again and we finally arrived, very early, to the home that had dinner. When we arrived there were some cars leaving pretty fast as if they were in a hurry. So the activity chairman looks worried and hops off the bus to see what is going on. At this point, everyone is laughing and wondering what is going on. So this sister had a family emergency and she explained that her husband had taken the dinner down to the church so we could eat there. She felt so bad.
We felt so bad for the activities committee that had put so much preperation into this and have it not turn out. So we all headed back to the church after a 30 mintue fiasco and a fun bus ride. Once we got inside it was beautifully decorated. We all sat down, had dinner and desert and finished the night off with a great music. Overall it was nice to be out with the sisters. We have a great ward. It has been almost one year since our ward was formed and we are loving it!
We headed out to the first house just down the road. When we arrived it was all dark, both outside and in. The presidency started to panic. So someone called this sister, I won't mention names, and she wasn't home and was no where to be found. So forget the salad, on to the next home for another appetizer, when we arrived it was all nice and decorated very beautiful and we thought that this certain sister would be ready for us for sure. So we walked in and this certain sister was laying on her couch watching T.V.. She came out and wanted to know what we were all doing at her home. She had completely forgotten and thought the activity was the following week. So, by this time the presidency is flipping out. We can do without salads and appetizers. On to the dinner. So we all loaded back onto the bus again and we finally arrived, very early, to the home that had dinner. When we arrived there were some cars leaving pretty fast as if they were in a hurry. So the activity chairman looks worried and hops off the bus to see what is going on. At this point, everyone is laughing and wondering what is going on. So this sister had a family emergency and she explained that her husband had taken the dinner down to the church so we could eat there. She felt so bad.
We felt so bad for the activities committee that had put so much preperation into this and have it not turn out. So we all headed back to the church after a 30 mintue fiasco and a fun bus ride. Once we got inside it was beautifully decorated. We all sat down, had dinner and desert and finished the night off with a great music. Overall it was nice to be out with the sisters. We have a great ward. It has been almost one year since our ward was formed and we are loving it!
November 28, 2009
Black Friday

I LOVE Black Friday. I have always LOVED Black Friday. I am not sure why. Seems like almost everyone I know hates it. They don't like the traffic, the crowds or all the strange people that start lining up for a good deal at midnight. I stand alone in these lanes, because no one I know will go with me. Excpet for my dad, who went with me this year. Lance was generous to watch the boys while I went out and accomplished all my christmas shopping, thank you very much.
No, I did not wake up at 3 am to get out and start shopping. I got to sleep in until 6:30 am. and I got out the door by 9 am. The streets were clear. I couldn't believe it and then we knew why, because everyone was parked and shopping. It was crazy at some stores. We went to Target, Toys 'R Us and then we tried to go to Kohl's but that was a joke. That store is still too knew around here and there is only one so that is why it was ridiculous. We took one step in the store, saw how long the lines were and ran right back out. I didn't care how good of a deal it was, that line was not worth it.
One of these days, I will have some daughters who will love to shop with me, or find a good friend/family member to go with me. Until then, it will just be me, myself and I. A huge thanks to you dad for going with me. Love ya!

This was the first year in three years that we have stayed home for Thanksgiving. Every year we usually make the trek down to Utah to spend with the Snyders, but this year, everyone was doing their own thing. I must say it was a very quite one. I am the type of person that LOVES company, noise and activity. I don't picture the perfect Thanksgiving watching football game after football game. I am sure if you ask any guy, they would tell you otherwise.
We went over to my parents home to spend it with them. We were a small crowd but it was nice. Thanks for letting us come over mom and dad. It was nice to be with you.
We sure missed the Snyder's this year. But momma Snyder would be proud that I have carried on the tradition of making our veggie turkey. Here she is ~
I didn't take any pictures really of anything or anyone. I did however take a few snap shots of the kids. They were so cute.
So Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We hope you had a great one.
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